test_that("get_tables() works without pattern", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Check for the existence of "test.mtcars" and "__mtcars" (added during test setup) # For SQLite connections, we don't always have the "test" schema, so we check for its existence # and use default schema if it does not exist. table_1 <- paste(c(switch(!schema_exists(conn, "test"), get_schema(conn)), "test.mtcars"), collapse = ".") table_2 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars"), collapse = ".") # Check for the existence of views on backends that support it (added here) if (inherits(conn, "PqConnection")) { DBI::dbExecute(conn, "CREATE VIEW __mtcars_view AS SELECT * FROM __mtcars LIMIT 10") view_1 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars_view"), collapse = ".") } else if (inherits(conn, "Microsoft SQL Server")) { DBI::dbExecute(conn, "CREATE VIEW __mtcars_view AS SELECT TOP 10 * FROM __mtcars") view_1 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars_view"), collapse = ".") } else { view_1 <- NULL } # Pull the tables and compare with expectation tables <- get_tables(conn) expect_s3_class(tables, "data.frame") db_table_names <- tables %>% tidyr::unite("db_table_name", "schema", "table", sep = ".", na.rm = TRUE) %>% dplyr::pull(db_table_name) # We should not get tables twice expect_setequal(db_table_names, unique(db_table_names)) # Our test tables should be present checkmate::expect_subset(c(table_1, table_2, view_1), db_table_names) # Drop the view if (checkmate::test_multi_class(conn, c("PqConnection", "Microsoft SQL Server"))) { DBI::dbExecute(conn, glue::glue("DROP VIEW {view_1}")) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_tables() works with pattern", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Call with pattern db_table_names <- get_tables(conn, pattern = "__mt") %>% tidyr::unite("db_table_name", "schema", "table", sep = ".", na.rm = TRUE) %>% dplyr::pull(db_table_name) # We should not get tables twice expect_setequal(db_table_names, unique(db_table_names)) # Check for the existence of "test.mtcars" and "__mtcars" (added during test setup) # For SQLite connections, we don't always have the "test" schema, so we check for its existence # and use default schema if it does not exist. table_1 <- paste(c(switch(!schema_exists(conn, "test"), get_schema(conn)), "test.mtcars"), collapse = ".") table_2 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars"), collapse = ".") # Our test table that matches the pattern should be present expect_false(table_1 %in% db_table_names) expect_true(table_2 %in% db_table_names) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_tables() works with temporary tables", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Create temporary table tmp <- dplyr::copy_to(conn, mtcars, "__mtcars_2", temporary = TRUE) tmp_id <- id(tmp) tmp_name <- paste(tmp_id@name["schema"], tmp_id@name["table"], sep = ".") db_table_names <- get_tables(conn, show_temporary = TRUE) %>% tidyr::unite("db_table_name", "schema", "table", sep = ".", na.rm = TRUE) %>% dplyr::pull(db_table_name) # We should not get tables twice expect_setequal(db_table_names, unique(db_table_names)) # Check for the existence of "test.mtcars" and "__mtcars" (added during test setup) # For SQLite connections, we don't always have the "test" schema, so we check for its existence # and use default schema if it does not exist. table_1 <- paste(c(switch(!schema_exists(conn, "test"), get_schema(conn)), "test.mtcars"), collapse = ".") table_2 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars"), collapse = ".") # Our test tables should be present checkmate::expect_subset(c(table_1, table_2, tmp_name), db_table_names) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_tables() works without temporary tables", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Create temporary table tmp <- dplyr::copy_to(conn, mtcars, "__mtcars_2", temporary = TRUE) tmp_id <- id(tmp) tmp_name <- paste(tmp_id@name["schema"], tmp_id@name["table"], sep = ".") db_table_names <- get_tables(conn, show_temporary = FALSE) %>% tidyr::unite("db_table_name", "schema", "table", sep = ".", na.rm = TRUE) %>% dplyr::pull(db_table_name) # Check for the existence of "test.mtcars" and "__mtcars" (added during test setup) # For SQLite connections, we don't always have the "test" schema, so we check for its existence # and use default schema if it does not exist. table_1 <- paste(c(switch(!schema_exists(conn, "test"), get_schema(conn)), "test.mtcars"), collapse = ".") table_2 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars"), collapse = ".") # Our permanent test tables should be present checkmate::expect_subset(c(table_1, table_2), db_table_names) # But not our temporary tables checkmate::expect_disjunct(tmp_name, db_table_names) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_tables() matches the pattern of SCDB::id", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Test for both a permanent table and a temporary table permanent_table <- id("test.mtcars", conn = conn) tmp <- dplyr::copy_to(conn, mtcars, "__mtcars_2", temporary = TRUE) defer_db_cleanup(tmp) temporary_table <- id(tmp) # Check tables can be found by get_tables with pattern expect_identical(nrow(get_tables(conn, pattern = paste0("^", as.character(permanent_table)))), 1L) expect_identical(id(get_tables(conn, pattern = paste0("^", as.character(permanent_table)))), permanent_table) expect_identical(nrow(get_tables(conn, pattern = paste0("^", as.character(temporary_table)))), 1L) expect_identical(id(get_tables(conn, pattern = paste0("^", as.character(temporary_table)))), temporary_table) connection_clean_up(conn) } })