test_that("get_table() returns list of tables if no table is requested", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { expect_message( get_table(conn), regexp = "Select one of the following tables:" ) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_table() works when tables/view exist", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { mtcars_t <- tibble::tibble(mtcars %>% dplyr::mutate(name = rownames(mtcars))) # Lets try different ways to read __mtcars (added during setup) expect_mapequal(get_table(conn, "__mtcars") %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) expect_identical(get_table(conn, id("__mtcars")) %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) t <- "__mtcars" expect_identical(get_table(conn, t) %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) t <- id("__mtcars") expect_identical(get_table(conn, t) %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) # And test.mtcars (added during setup) expect_identical(get_table(conn, "test.mtcars") %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) expect_identical(get_table(conn, id("test.mtcars", conn)) %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) t <- "test.mtcars" expect_identical(get_table(conn, t) %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) t <- id("test.mtcars", conn) expect_identical(get_table(conn, t) %>% dplyr::collect(), mtcars_t) # Check for the existence of views on backends that support it (added here) if (checkmate::test_multi_class(conn, c("PqConnection", "Microsoft SQL Server"))) { if (inherits(conn, "PqConnection")) { DBI::dbExecute(conn, "CREATE VIEW __mtcars_view AS SELECT * FROM __mtcars LIMIT 10") } else if (inherits(conn, "Microsoft SQL Server")) { DBI::dbExecute(conn, "CREATE VIEW __mtcars_view AS SELECT TOP 10 * FROM __mtcars") } view_1 <- paste(c(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars_view"), collapse = ".") expect_identical(nrow(get_table(conn, view_1)), 10L) expect_identical( dplyr::collect(get_table(conn, view_1)), dplyr::collect(utils::head(get_table(conn, "__mtcars"), 10)) ) DBI::dbExecute(conn, glue::glue("DROP VIEW {view_1}")) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_table() works when table does not exist in default schema", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Generate table in default schema that does not exist k <- 0 while (k < 100) { invalid_table_name <- paste(sample(letters, size = 16, replace = TRUE), collapse = "") k <- k + 1 if (DBI::dbExistsTable(conn, id(invalid_table_name, conn))) next break } if (k < 100) { expect_error( get_table(conn, invalid_table_name), regexp = glue::glue("Table {as.character(id(invalid_table_name, conn))} could not be found!") ) expect_error( get_table(conn, id(invalid_table_name, conn)), regexp = glue::glue("Table {as.character(id(invalid_table_name, conn))} could not be found!") ) expect_error( get_table(conn, id(invalid_table_name)), regexp = glue::glue("Table {as.character(id(invalid_table_name, conn))} could not be found!") ) } else { warning("Non-existing table in default schema could not be generated!", call. = FALSE) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("get_table() works when table does not exist in non-existing schema", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Generate schema that does not exist k <- 0 while (k < 100) { invalid_schema_name <- paste(sample(letters, size = 16, replace = TRUE), collapse = "") k <- k + 1 if (schema_exists(conn, invalid_schema_name)) next break } if (k < 100) { # Test some malformed inputs invalid_table_name <- paste(invalid_schema_name, "mtcars", sep = ".") expect_error( get_table(conn, invalid_table_name), regexp = glue::glue("Table {as.character(id(invalid_table_name, conn))} could not be found!") ) expect_error( get_table(conn, id(invalid_table_name, conn)), regexp = glue::glue("Table {as.character(id(invalid_table_name, conn))} could not be found!") ) } else { warning("Non-existing schema could not be generated!", call. = FALSE) } connection_clean_up(conn) } })