# Ensure the options that can be set are NULL for these tests withr::local_options("SCDB.log_table_id" = NULL, "SCDB.log_path" = NULL) test_that("Logger: logging to console works", { # Create logger and test configuration expect_warning( logger <- Logger$new(), # nolint: implicit_assignment_linter regexp = "NO file or database logging will be done." ) expect_null(logger$log_path) expect_null(logger$log_tbl) # Test logging to console has the right formatting and message type ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_message( logger$log_info("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test console") ) expect_warning( logger$log_warn("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - WARNING - test console") ) expect_error( logger$log_error("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - ERROR - test console") ) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("Logger: all (non-warning, non-error) logging to console can be disabled", { # Create logger expect_warning( logger <- Logger$new(output_to_console = FALSE), # nolint: implicit_assignment_linter regexp = "NO file or database logging will be done." ) # Test INFO-logging to console is disabled ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_no_message(logger$log_info("test", tic = logger$start_time)) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("Logger: logging to file works", { # Set options for the test log_path <- tempdir(check = TRUE) db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" # Create logger and test configuration # Empty logger should use default value from options withr::with_options( list("SCDB.log_path" = "local/path"), { logger <- Logger$new(db_table = db_table, warn = FALSE) expect_identical(logger$log_path, "local/path") rm(logger) invisible(gc()) } ) # Create logger and test configuration # Test file logging - with character timestamp timestamp <- "2022-01-01 09:00:00" logger <- Logger$new( db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_path = log_path, output_to_console = FALSE, warn = FALSE ) expect_identical(logger$log_path, log_path) expect_identical( logger$log_filename, glue::glue("{format(logger$start_time, '%Y%m%d.%H%M')}.", "{format(as.POSIXct(timestamp), '%Y_%m_%d')}.", "{db_table}.log") ) # Test logging to file has the right formatting and message type expect_no_message(logger$log_info("test filewriting", tic = logger$start_time)) tryCatch(logger$log_warn("test filewriting", tic = logger$start_time), warning = function(w) NULL) tryCatch(logger$log_error("test filewriting", tic = logger$start_time), error = function(e) NULL) ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_true(logger$log_filename %in% dir(log_path)) expect_identical( readLines(logger$log_realpath), c( glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test filewriting"), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - WARNING - test filewriting"), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - ERROR - test filewriting") ) ) file.remove(logger$log_realpath) rm(logger) invisible(gc()) # Create logger and test configuration # Test file logging - with POSIX timestamp timestamp <- as.POSIXct("2022-02-01 09:00:00") logger <- Logger$new( db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_path = log_path, output_to_console = FALSE, warn = FALSE ) expect_identical(logger$log_path, log_path) expect_identical( logger$log_filename, glue::glue("{format(logger$start_time, '%Y%m%d.%H%M')}.", "{format(as.POSIXct(timestamp), '%Y_%m_%d')}.", "{db_table}.log") ) # Test logging to file still works expect_no_message(logger$log_info("test filewriting", tic = logger$start_time)) ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_true(logger$log_filename %in% dir(log_path)) expect_identical( readLines(logger$log_realpath), glue::glue( "{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test filewriting" ) ) # Clean up file.remove(logger$log_realpath) rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("Logger: log_tbl is not set when conn = NULL", { # Set options for the test db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- "2022-03-01 09:00:00" # Create logger and test configuration # Empty logger should use default value logger <- Logger$new(db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, warn = FALSE) expect_null(logger$log_tbl) # log_table_id is NOT defined here, despite the option existing # the logger does not have the connection, so cannot pull the table from conn # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("Logger: logging to database works", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Set options for the test db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- "2022-04-01 09:00:00" # Create logger and test configuration logger <- Logger$new(db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_table_id = db_table, log_conn = conn, warn = FALSE) log_table_id <- dplyr::tbl(conn, id(db_table, conn)) expect_identical(logger$log_tbl, log_table_id) # Test Logger has pre-filled some information in the logs db_table_id <- id(db_table, conn) expect_identical(as.character(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "date")), timestamp) if ("catalog" %in% purrr::pluck(db_table_id, "name", names)) { expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "catalog"), purrr::pluck(db_table_id, "name", "catalog")) } expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "schema"), purrr::pluck(db_table_id, "name", "schema")) expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "table"), purrr::pluck(db_table_id, "name", "table")) expect_identical( # Transferring start_time to database can have some loss of information that we need to match format(as.POSIXct(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "start_time")), "%F %R:%S"), format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%S") ) # Test logging to database writes to the correct fields logger$log_to_db(n_insertions = 42) expect_identical(nrow(log_table_id), 1L) expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "n_insertions"), 42L) logger$log_to_db(n_deactivations = 60) expect_identical(nrow(log_table_id), 1L) expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "n_deactivations"), 60L) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("Logger: all logging simultaneously works", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Set options for the test log_path <- tempdir(check = TRUE) db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- "2022-05-01 09:00:00" # Create logger and test configuration logger <- Logger$new(db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_path = log_path, log_table_id = db_table, log_conn = conn, warn = FALSE) log_table_id <- dplyr::tbl(conn, id(db_table, conn)) expect_identical(logger$log_path, log_path) expect_identical(logger$log_tbl, log_table_id) expect_identical( logger$log_filename, glue::glue("{format(logger$start_time, '%Y%m%d.%H%M')}.", "{format(as.POSIXct(timestamp), '%Y_%m_%d')}.", "{id(db_table, conn)}.log") ) # Test logging to console has the right formatting and message type ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_message( logger$log_info("test console and filewriting", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test console and filewriting") ) expect_warning( logger$log_warn("test console and filewriting", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - WARNING - test console and filewriting") ) expect_error( logger$log_error("test console and filewriting", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - ERROR - test console and filewriting") ) # Test logging to file has the right formatting and message type expect_true(logger$log_filename %in% dir(log_path)) expect_identical( readLines(logger$log_realpath), c( glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test console and filewriting"), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - WARNING - test console and filewriting"), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - ERROR - test console and filewriting") ) ) # Test logging to database writes to the correct fields logger$log_to_db(n_insertions = 13) expect_identical(nrow(log_table_id), 2L) expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "n_insertions"), c(42L, 13L)) logger$log_to_db(n_deactivations = 37) expect_identical(nrow(log_table_id), 2L) expect_identical(dplyr::pull(log_table_id, "n_deactivations"), c(60L, 37L)) # Clean up file.remove(logger$log_realpath) rm(logger) invisible(gc()) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("Logger: file logging stops if file exists", { # Set options for the test log_path <- tempdir(check = TRUE) db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- Sys.time() # Create logger1 and logger2 which uses the same file # Since start_time is the same for both logger1 <- Logger$new( db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, start_time = timestamp, log_path = log_path, output_to_console = FALSE ) logger2 <- Logger$new( db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, start_time = timestamp, log_path = log_path, output_to_console = FALSE ) # logger1 should be able to successfully write logger1$log_info("test message") # whereas logger2 should fail since the log file now exists expect_error( logger2$log_info("test message"), glue::glue("Log file '{logger1$log_filename}' already exists!") ) # .. and it should do it persistently expect_error( logger2$log_info("test message"), glue::glue("Log file '{logger1$log_filename}' already exists!") ) # Clean up file.remove(logger1$log_realpath) rm(logger1, logger2) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("Logger: console output may be disabled", { # First test cases with output_to_console == FALSE # Here, only print when explicitly stated expect_warning( logger <- Logger$new(output_to_console = FALSE), # nolint: implicit_assignment_linter regexp = "NO file or database logging will be done." ) expect_no_message(logger$log_info("Whoops! This should not have been printed!")) expect_no_message(logger$log_info("Whoops! This should not have been printed either!", output_to_console = FALSE)) expect_message( logger$log_info("This line should be printed", output_to_console = TRUE), "This line should be printed" ) rm(logger) # ...and now, only suppress printing when explicitly stated expect_warning( logger <- Logger$new(output_to_console = TRUE), # nolint: implicit_assignment_linter regexp = "NO file or database logging will be done." ) expect_message( logger$log_info("This line should be printed"), "This line should be printed" ) expect_message( logger$log_info("This line should also be printed", output_to_console = TRUE), "This line should also be printed" ) expect_no_message(logger$log_info("Whoops! This should not have been printed at all!", output_to_console = FALSE)) }) test_that("Logger: log_file is NULL in database if not writing to file", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Set options for the test db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- "2022-06-01 09:00:00" # Create logger and test configuration logger <- Logger$new(db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_conn = conn, log_table_id = "test.SCDB_logger") # While logger is active, log_file should be set as the random generated db_log_file <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::filter(logger$log_tbl, log_file == !!logger$log_filename)) expect_length(db_log_file, 1) expect_match(db_log_file, "^.+$") # When finalising, log_file should be set to NULL logger$.__enclos_env__$private$finalize() db_log_file <- dplyr::pull(dplyr::filter(logger$log_tbl, log_file == !!logger$log_filename)) expect_length(db_log_file, 0) # Test that an error is thrown if the database record has been finalized expect_error( logger$log_to_db(message = "This should produce an error"), "Logger has already been finalized\\. Cannot write to database log table\\." ) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("Logger: $finalize() handles log table is at some point deleted", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Set options for the test db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- "2022-06-01 09:00:00" log_table_id <- "expendable_log_table" logger <- Logger$new(db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_conn = conn, log_table_id = log_table_id) DBI::dbRemoveTable(conn, id(log_table_id, conn)) expect_no_error(logger$log_to_db(n_insertions = 42)) expect_no_error(logger$.__enclos_env__$private$finalize()) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("Logger: custom timestamp_format works", { # Create logger and test configuration expect_warning( logger <- Logger$new(), # nolint: implicit_assignment_linter regexp = "NO file or database logging will be done." ) # Test logging to console has the right formatting and message type ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_message( logger$log_info("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test console") ) ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R") expect_message( logger$log_info("test console", tic = logger$start_time, timestamp_format = "%F %R"), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test console") ) ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F") withr::local_options("SCDB.log_timestamp_format" = "%F") expect_message( logger$log_info("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - INFO - test console") ) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("LoggerNull: no console logging occurs", { # Create logger and test configuration logger <- expect_no_message(LoggerNull$new()) ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_no_message(logger$log_info("test console", tic = logger$start_time)) # Test logging to console has the right formatting and message type ts_str <- format(logger$start_time, "%F %R:%OS3") expect_no_message( logger$log_info("test console", tic = logger$start_time) ) expect_warning( logger$log_warn("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - WARNING - test console") ) expect_error( logger$log_error("test console", tic = logger$start_time), glue::glue("{ts_str} - {Sys.info()[['user']]} - ERROR - test console") ) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("LoggerNull: no file logging occurs", { withr::local_options("SCDB.log_path" = tempdir()) # Create logger and test configuration logger <- expect_no_message(LoggerNull$new()) expect_no_message(logger$log_info("test filewriting", tic = logger$start_time)) expect_false(logger$log_filename %in% dir(getOption("SCDB.log_path"))) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) }) test_that("LoggerNull: no database logging occurs", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Set options for the test db_table <- "test.SCDB_logger" timestamp <- "2022-06-01 09:00:00" # Count entries in log n_log_entries <- nrow(dplyr::tbl(conn, id("test.SCDB_logger", conn))) # Create LoggerNull and test configuration logger <- LoggerNull$new( db_table = db_table, timestamp = timestamp, log_conn = conn, log_table_id = "test.SCDB_logger" ) expect_no_message(logger$log_to_db(n_insertions = 42)) expect_no_message(logger$finalize_db_entry()) expect_identical(nrow(dplyr::tbl(conn, id("test.SCDB_logger", conn))), n_log_entries) # Clean up rm(logger) invisible(gc()) close_connection(conn) } })