require(Rmpfr) sessionInfo() nums <- c(0, .625, .1, .3, .3125, .5, .6, (.3+.6), .9, 1, 3.3125) nums9 <- mpfr(nums, precBits = 9) n5.b2 <- mpfr("101", base=2) stopifnot(identical(n5.b2, mpfr(5, precBits=3)), identical(n5.b2, mpfr("0b101", base=2))) if(FALSE)## 0b101 could also be a Hex number with no initial '0x' -- hence NOT true: identical(n5.b2, mpfr("0b101")) ## We *could* say that anything starting with '0b' is binary, anything with '0x' is hexadecimal ### mpfr_Bcharacter() {no longer method} [was 'mpfrBchar', was 'scanBin'] : ##' Check the inverse of formatBin(), i.e., mpfr() working correctly chkInv.fBin <- function(x, ...) { stopifnot(is(x, "mpfr")) nb <- formatBin(x, ...) xx <- mpfr(nb) ## Inverse should work {apart from 0: that is not uniquely represented in MPFR!} stopifnot(identical(mpfrIs0(x ) -> i0, mpfrIs0(xx)), identical(x[!i0], xx[!i0])) invisible(nb) } (nums9bc <- chkInv.fBin(nums9)) (nums9bF <- chkInv.fBin(nums9, scientific=FALSE)) # "F": Fixed format (as in Fortran) ## higher precision, 0,Inf, sign change: (i12 <- 1 / mpfr(c(-2:12, Inf), 64)) (i12.50 <- roundMpfr(i12, precBits=50)) # "same", with 50 (< 53) bits try({ ## FIXME -- formatBin() bug -- fails for 'Inf' ! (nI.12 <- chkInv.fBin(i12 )) (nI.12.50 <- chkInv.fBin(i12.50)) }) ii <- mpfr(c(-Inf, 17, Inf), 7) formatHex(ii) ## fine formatDec(ii) ## not 100% ok, as it has "." [FIXME ?] n9. <- Rmpfr:::mpfr.Ncharacter(nums9bc) n9_ <- mpfr(nums9bc) ## Inverse worked {apart from 0: it is not at all uniquely represented in MPFR!} stopifnot(identical(mpfrIs0(n9.), mpfrIs0(n9_)), all.equal(n9_, n9., tolerance=0), identical(nums9[-1], n9.[-1])) mpfr(nums9bc, precBits=5) (n9.5 <- mpfr(nums9bF, scientific=FALSE, precBits=5)) stopifnot(all.equal(n9.5, mpfr(nums9bF, precBits=5), tol=0)) stopifnot(all.equal(n9., n9.5, tol = 0.02), getPrec(n9.5) == 5) mpfr(nums9bF, scientific=FALSE) mpfr(nums9bF) ### mpfr() -> mpfrHchar (was 'scanHex') : nums9hc <- formatHex(nums9) stopifnot(all.equal(n9., mpfr(nums9hc), tol = 0), all.equal(n9.5, mpfr(nums9hc, precBits=5), tol = 0)) ### Rest from ../R/formatHex.R -- heavily modified (m32 <- matrix(0:31, 8, 4, dimnames = list(0:7, c(0,8,16,24)))) FourBits <- mpfr(m32, precBits=4) FiveBits <- mpfr(m32, precBits=5) stopifnot(all.equal(m32, asNumeric(FiveBits), tol=0), all.equal(m32, asNumeric(FourBits), tol= 0.05)) ## HH:::formatHexInternal(FourBits) formatHex(FourBits) formatHex(FourBits, precBits=5) formatHex(FourBits, precBits=6) formatBin(FourBits) formatBin(FourBits, precBits=5) formatBin(FourBits, scientific=FALSE) formatBin(FourBits, scientific=FALSE, precBits=5) formatDec(FourBits) formatDec(FourBits, precBits=5) formatDec(FourBits, precBits=7) ## HH:::formatHexInternal(FiveBits) formatHex(FiveBits) formatHex(FiveBits, precBits=5) formatHex(FiveBits, precBits=6) formatBin(FiveBits) formatBin(FiveBits, precBits=5) formatBin(FiveBits, precBits=6) formatBin(FiveBits, scientific=FALSE) formatBin(FiveBits, scientific=FALSE, precBits=6) formatDec(FiveBits) formatDec(FiveBits, precBits=5) formatDec(FiveBits, precBits=7) TenPowers <- mpfr(matrix(10^(-3:5)), precBits=53) row.names(TenPowers) <- -3:5 TenPowers options(width = 180) # for several "wide" displays below ## This indirectly "checks' mkDF <- function(mv, displaydigits = 4, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) { stopifnot(is.numeric(mv) || inherits(mv, "mpfr")) data.frame(Hex = formatHex(mv), Bin = formatBin(mv), BinF= formatBin(mv, scientific=FALSE), Dec = formatDec(mv), Dec4= formatDec(mv, displaydigits=displaydigits), Dec.= formatDec(mv, scientific=TRUE), Dec.4=formatDec(mv, scientific=TRUE, displaydigits=displaydigits), stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) } nmsMkDF <- c("Hex", "Bin", "BinF", "Dec", "Dec4", "Dec.", "Dec.4") d10p. <- mkDF(TenPowers) (d10p <- mkDF(as.vector(TenPowers))) TenFrac <- matrix((1:10)/10, dimnames=list(1:10, expression(1/x))) TenFrac stopifnot(exprs = { is.matrix(print(formatHex(TenFrac))) # stays a matrix is.matrix(print(formatBin(TenFrac))) is.matrix(print(formatBin(TenFrac, scientific=FALSE))) is.matrix(print(formatDec(TenFrac))) }) TenFrac9 <- mpfr(TenFrac, precBits=9) TenFrac9 data.frame(Hex = formatHex(TenFrac9), ## checking as well Bin = formatBin(TenFrac9), BinF= formatBin(TenFrac9, scientific=FALSE), Dec = formatDec(TenFrac9)) -> d9 d9 ## Does not print the column names but the colnames of each 1-col. matrix ("1/x"). ## This is how R in general works { in } ## now use vectors: tenfrac9 <- as.vector(TenFrac9) stopifnot(identical(tenfrac9, c(TenFrac9))) data.frame(Hex = formatHex(tenfrac9), Bin = formatBin(tenfrac9), BinF= formatBin(tenfrac9, scientific=FALSE), Dec = formatDec(tenfrac9)) -> dl9 dl9 # (now prints as d9 had printed in the past) stopifnot(exprs = { getPrec(TenFrac ) == 53 getPrec(TenFrac9) == 9 colnames(d9) == c("Hex", "Bin", "BinF", "Dec") inherits(d9, "data.frame") all.equal(dim(d9), c(10,4)) }) (Ten <- matrix(1:10 + 0.0, dimnames=list(1:10, "x"))) ## + 0.0 forces double precision dT <- mkDF(Ten) dt <- mkDF(as.vector(Ten)) dt # large (Ten4 <- mpfr(Ten, precBits=4)) ten4 <- as.vector(Ten4) D4 <- mkDF(Ten4) # would be printing "x" --- because we added one-column matrices !! (d4 <- mkDF(ten4)) # printing fine ! stopifnot(identical(names(d4), names(D4)), identical(names(d4), nmsMkDF)) Two8 <- matrix(2^seq(-8, 8)) Two8.3 <- mpfr(Two8, precBits=3) ## formatBin stopifnot( identical(sapply(as(Two8.3, "mpfr")[-c(1:3, 15:17)], function(t83) formatBin(t83, scientific=FALSE)), c("+0b.____100", "+0b.___100", "+0b.__100", "+0b._100", "+0b.100", "+0b1.00","+0b10.0","+0b100.","+0b100_.","+0b100__.","+0b100___."))) ## formatDec --- these must be perfectly aligned on the "." ! formatDec(Two8.3, digits = 3) formatDec(Two8.3, digits = 8) stopifnot( identical(capture.output(formatDec(Two8.3, digits = 3))[2:4], c(" [1,] 0.00391", " [2,] 0.00781", " [3,] 0.0156 ")) , identical(capture.output(formatDec(Two8.3, digits = 8))[c(2:3,8,13,16)], c(" [1,] 0.0039062500", " [2,] 0.0078125000", " [7,] 0.25000000 ", "[12,] 8.0000000 ", "[15,] 64.000000 ")) )