stopifnot(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require("Rmpfr"))) ## (checking that the 32 / 64 bit GMP message does *not* show here) ### Try to look at the internal bit-representation of the limbs .limbs <- function(x) { stopifnot(is(x, "mpfr")) lapply(x@.Data, slot, "d") # not sapply() each can have different prec. & #{limbs} } .expo <- function(x) { stopifnot(is(x, "mpfr")) sapply(x@.Data, slot, "exp") } Bits <- function(x) { L <- .limbs(x)# list(length n) each of "k(prec)" 32-bit ints ## NB: mpfr(2, .) and all mpfr(2^k, .) also have a 'd' ending in NA integer! ## [reason: after all, R's NA_integer_ is INT_MAX+1 = 2^31 ] ## and the mpfr(c(NA,NaN, Inf, -Inf), .) have *no* NA in 'd' (but all in 'exp'! ## see .mpfr2list() example below hasNA <- any(iNA <- sapply(lapply(L,, any)) # iNA: TRUE if there's an NA ## need to catch them later CC <- function(ch) paste(ch, collapse="") hex <- sapply(L, function(.) CC(sprintf("%x", rev(.)))) if(hasNA) hex[iNA] <- NA_character_ hex <- strsplit(hex, NULL) db <- t(expand.grid(0:1,0:1,0:1,0:1, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=FALSE)[,4:1]) storage.mode(db) <- "character" # "0" or "1" dimnames(db) <- list(NULL, c(paste(0:9), letters[1:6])) ## db is 4 x 16 matrix with col.names "0" "1" .. "9" "a" "b" ... "f" ex <- .expo(x) if(is.matrix(ex)) { ## 64-bit case: exponent is long == two ints ## ----------- the 2nd int is in {0, -1, NA} (NA : for 0) ex2 <- ex[2,] ex <- ex[1,] } pat <- paste("(", sapply(pmax(0, ex), function(n) CC(".", n))), ")0+$", sep="") ## pat <- ifelse(iNA, NA_character_, pat) getbits <- function(ch) CC(as.vector(db[,ch])) ## drop trailing zeros (from r[[i]], via pat[i]), keeping correct number: drop0.r <- function(i) sub(pat[i], "\\1", r[[i]]) if(hasNA) { r <- as.list(iNA) r[!iNA] <- lapply(hex[!iNA], getbits) r[!iNA] <- lapply(which(!iNA), drop0.r) ## FIXME this is wrong -- really have powers of 2, and want their (easy) bits : r[iNA ] <- NA_character_ unlist(r) } else { r <- lapply(hex, getbits) sapply(seq_along(r), drop0.r) } } x <- mpfr(r <- c(NA,NaN, Inf, -Inf), 64) stopifnot(identical(asNumeric(x), # mpfr has no NA, just NaN's: c(NaN,NaN, Inf, -Inf)), identical(as.character(fDec <- formatDec(x)), as.character(asNumeric(x))) # of different nchar() for now ) formatDec(x) # should print fine (no quotes) if(FALSE) # platform dependent: ## The "non-finite" mpfr value internals (in 64-bit: 'exp' has NA): str(.mpfr2list(x)) ## bug in Bits(): all (exact) powers of 2 will show as NA: x <- mpfr(c(3:5,11:16, 59, 125:128, 1024:1025), 64) x data.frame(x= as.numeric(x), I(Bits(x))) x <- mpfr(c(-20:-1, 1:30),64)# w/o 0 - as its mantissa is "random" (in 64-bit) data.frame(x= as.numeric(x), I(Bits(x))) b0 <- Bits(mpfr(0, 64)) # not printing it here -- they are "random" for this special case! (half <- mpfr(0.5, 64)*(1 + mpfr(2, 64)^-16 * (-3:3))) Bits(half) ## pi, in varying number of bits : p. <- round(pi* 2^c(10,16,5*(4:8))) dput(p.)#-> the definition of p : p <- mpfr(c(3217, 205887, 3294199, 105414357, 3373259426, 107944301636, 3454217652358), 64) stopifnot(all.equal(p., p, tolerance = 1e-15)) ## all the mantissas are those of pi, rounded differently: Bits(c(p, Const("pi", 64))) ###--- and possibly the _internal_ sprintfMpfr() --- see also ./tstHexBin.R ## TODO: use examples above for checking formatBin() <---> ============ spr <- Rmpfr:::sprintfMpfr ##= ~~~~~~~~~~~ (fB.04 <- formatBin(i16.04 <- mpfr(0:16, 4))) (fB.60 <- formatBin(i16.60 <- mpfr(0:16, 60))) stopifnot( identical(sub("00p","p", spr(i16.60, bits = 10)), spr(i16.60, bits = 4)), identical(spr(i16.60, bits = 4), spr(i16.04, bits = 4)) , all.equal(i16.04, mpfr(fB.04), tolerance = 0) , all.equal(i16.60, mpfr(fB.60), tolerance = 0) ) ## not even this one two <- mpfr(2, precBits = 60) stopifnot(identical(two, mpfr(formatBin(two)))) cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # "stats" if(!interactive()) warnings()