require("Rmpfr") ### Simple basic examples of creation of "mpfr" objects pi. <- Const("pi", prec = 260) pi. # nicely prints 80 digits [260 * log10(2) ~= 78.3 ~ 80] ## These both failed (in mpfr2str(.)) with a seg.fault: c(mpfr(1, prec=3), pi.) m0 <- mpfr(numeric(), prec=64) ## print()ing / str() of 0-length mpfr stopifnot( grepl("0 'mpfr' numbers", capture.output( m0)), grepl("0 'mpfr' numbers", capture.output(str(m0)))) c(m0,m0) # failed in Rmpfr <= 0.6-0 stopifnot(identical(c(m0,m0), m0), identical(c(m0,pi.), pi.), identical(c(pi.,m0), pi.)) ## This is TRUE for 0 and -0 : Zero <- mpfr(c(0,1/-Inf), 20) stopifnot(mpfrIs0(Zero), is.whole(Zero)) stopifnot( deprecated but must work stopifnot( deprecated but must work Zero # the "-0" should print correctly stopifnot(.getSign(Zero) == c(1,-1), sign(Zero) == 0, identical(format(Zero, digits=1), c("0.", "-0."))) ## testing 'recycling' b <- c(20,120,80, 60) (x <- mpfr(2^-(5:7), precBits = b)) d.spec <- c(0,NA,NaN,Inf,-Inf) (spec <- mpfr(d.spec, 3)) stopifnot(length(x) == 4, x[1] == x[4], getPrec(x) == b, identical(,, identical(is.finite(spec), is.finite(d.spec)), identical(is.infinite(spec), is.infinite(d.spec)), ## mpfr(, .) : identical(x, mpfr(x, getPrec(x))), identical(spec, mpfr(spec, getPrec(spec))), asNumeric(1/mpfr(x, 16)) == 2^c(5:7,5), identical(format(spec), c("0.", "NaN", "NaN", "Inf", "-Inf")), mpfr(0.2, prec = 5:15, rnd.mode = "D") < 0.2) B.set <- setNames(2:62, paste0("B=",2:62)) str(lapply(B.set, function(B) format(spec, base= B)))# "0.0" and "0.00" -- FIXME t2 <- mpfr(2^10,3) ## digits = 1 used to crash: MPFR assertion failed: m >= 2 || ((((b) & ((b) - 1)) == 0) == 0 && m >= 1) ## ---------- (+ seg.fault) for 'base = 2' (and others, not for default base = 10), ## digits = NULL should choose "enough" ... but does not str(r <- lapply(B.set, function(B) .mpfr2str(t2, digits=1, base = B))) str(r. <- lapply(B.set, function(B) .mpfr2str(t2, base = B))) ## FIXME: still too short x <- c(-12, 1:3 * pi) sss <- mpfr(x, 100) validObject(sss) sss sss2 <- sss * sss stopifnot(identical(sss2, sss * x), identical(sss2, x * sss), sss ^ 2 == sss2) ## and go back {not sure if identical() is guaranteed here, but it seems...}: stopifnot(identical(x, as(sss, "numeric"))) (cs <- as(sss, "character")) y <- c(0, 100,-10, 1.25, -2.5, x * c(1,100,1e5,1e20), x / 100^(1:4)) (Y <- mpfr(y, 100)) cbind(y,, 20))[,c("exp","str")]) s <- mpfr(43208, 14)# low precision eps8 <- 8 * .Machine$double.eps ## checking mpfr -> character -> mpfr: i1..5f <- c("4.e+4", "4.3e+4", "4.32e+4", "43210.", "43208.") stopifnot(exprs = { all.equal(y, as.numeric(format(Y, digits=20)), tol= eps8) all.equal(Y, as(format(Y), "mpfr"), tol= eps8) identical(sapply(1:5, formatMpfr, x=s), i1..5f) identical(sapply(1:5, formatMpfr, x=s,, sub("e[+]", "e", i1..5f)) }) ## More character -> mpfr checking : ## from echo 'scale=200; 4*a(1)' | bc -l : cpi <- "3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196" pi. <- Const("pi", prec=667) stopifnot(cpi == format(mpfr(cpi, prec=667), digits=201), all.equal(pi., as(cpi, "mpfr")), all.equal(pi., as(cpi, "mpfr"), tol = 1e-200)) set.seed(17) ## Check double -> mpfr -> character -> double : ## Unfortunately, format(, .) -> .mpfr2str() triggers a memory bug ## that I think is an MPFR library "mis-feature" ## 2011-02-09 -- bug *no longer* triggered ! rSign <- function(n) sample(c(-1,1), size = n, replace=TRUE) N <- function(x) as.numeric(x) ntry <- if(Sys.getenv("USER") == "maechler") 150 else 5 for(n in 1:ntry) { cat(if(n %% 10)"." else n) x. <- rSign(100) * rlnorm(100) prec <- rpois(1, 110); digs <- floor(0.95*(prec / log2(10))) X. <- mpfr(x., precBits = prec) stopifnot(all.equal(x., N(format(X., digits=digs)), tol = eps8) , all.equal(x., N(log(exp(X.))), tol = 32*eps8) ) }; cat("\n") stopifnot(identical(,# deprecated but must work mpfrIs0 (X.))) X. <- X.[!mpfrIs0(X.)] stopifnot(all( X./X. == 1)) # TRUE u <- mpfr(as.raw(0:100)) z <- mpfr(1:12, 200) z[z > 100] <- 100 # nothing done (but used to fail) z[] <- 0 stopifnot(0:100 == u, is(z,"mpfr"), mpfrIs0(z), all.equal(u, mpfr(0:100, prec = 8), tol = 0), 0:1 == mpfr(1:2 %% 2 == 0)) z[3] <- Const("pi",200) ## z has length 12 -- now extend it: z[15:17] <- 1/mpfr(10:12, 100) stopifnot(all.equal(z[1:4], c(0,0,pi,0), tol = 1e-15), validObject(z), all.equal(z[13:17], c(NaN,NaN, 1/(10:12)), tol = 1e-15)) ## These seg.faulted (each via different R -> C interface) in the past: assertError <- tools::assertError assertError( pp <- Const("pi", prec = 1e11) ) assertError( mpfr("123.456", precBits= 1e11) ) assertError( mpfr(as.bigz(3), precBits= 1e11) ) stopifnot(identical(mpfr(NULL), mpfr(logical())))