library(testthat) test_that("Tests that saving multilayerForestry and loading it works", { context("Save and Load Multilayer RF") set.seed(238943202) x <- iris[,-1] y <- iris[, 1] #-- Translating C++ to R ------------------------------------------------ # Check that saving TRUE / FALSE saves and does not save the training data. forest <- multilayerForestry(x, y, ntree = 3, saveable = FALSE) # Neither should be filled in yet testthat::expect_equal(forest@R_forests, list()) testthat::expect_equal(forest@R_residuals, list()) forest <- multilayerForestry( x, y, sample.fraction = 1, splitratio = .03, ntree = 3, saveable = TRUE ) testthat::expect_equal(forest@processed_dta$y[2], 4.9) context("Now we try to save and load") rf <- multilayerForestry(x = iris[,-1], y = iris[,1], ntree = 2, nrounds = 2, maxDepth = 3) # Get the predictions before saving preds_before <- predict(rf, = iris[,-1]) saveForestry(rf, filename = "re.Rda") rm(rf) rf <- loadForestry(file = "re.Rda") # Get the predictions after loading preds_after <- predict(rf, = iris[,-1]) file.remove("re.Rda") # THey should now be an exact match expect_equal(all.equal(preds_after, preds_before, tolerance = 1e-6), TRUE) })