library(testthat) test_that("Tests if ridgeRF works with minSplitGain", { context('Tests RidgeRF and the parameter minSplitGain') x <- iris[, c(1,2,3)] y <- iris[, 4] set.seed(231428176) forest <- forestry( x, y, ntree = 200, replace = TRUE, sample.fraction = .8, mtry = 3, nodesizeStrictSpl = 5, nthread = 2, splitrule = "variance", splitratio = 1, nodesizeStrictAvg = 5, linear = TRUE, minSplitGain = 0.9, overfitPenalty = 1000 ) # Test predict y_pred <- predict(forest, x) # Mean Square Error sum((y_pred - y) ^ 2) expect_equal(sum((y_pred - y) ^ 2), 45.91750882593600, tolerance = 1e-12) })