test_that("test 10", { setupInitial <- setupTest(needRequireInNewLib = TRUE) # on.exit(endTest(setupInitial)) isDev <- getOption("Require.isDev") isDevAndInteractive <- getOption("Require.isDevAndInteractive") if (isDevAndInteractive && !isMacOSX()) { ## TODO: source installs failing on macOS # 4.3.0 doesn't have binaries, and historical versions of spatial packages won't compile pkgs <- c('reproducible', 'SpaDES.core (>= 2.0.3)', ## other: 'aws.s3', 'bcgov/climr@devl (HEAD)', 'bcgov/ccissr@main (HEAD)', 'crayon', 'data.table', 'foreach', 'gdalUtilities', 'ggplot2', 'terra', 'themis', 'tidymodels') if (isUbuntuOrDebian()) { origRepos2 <- setLinuxBinaryRepo() on.exit(options(origRepos2)) } # warnsReq <- capture_warnings(Require::Install("Require")) Install(pkgs) |> capture_warnings() -> warns if (getOption("Require.installPackagesSys") < 2) warns <- grep("installation of package.+cissr.+had non-zero exit status", invert = TRUE, warns) test <- testWarnsInUsePleaseChange(warns) expect_true(test) skip_if_offline() ins <- installed.packages(noCache = TRUE) |> as.data.table() notInstalled <- setdiff(extractPkgName(pkgs), ins$Package) notInstalled <- setdiff(notInstalled, loadedNamespaces()) # Currently failing to install ccissr because of an incorrect exports # in climr July 7 ## TODO notInstalled <- setdiff(notInstalled, "ccissr") expect_identical(notInstalled, character(0)) } })