if (.isDevelVersion() && nchar(Sys.getenv("R_REQUIRE_RUN_ALL_TESTS")) == 0) { Sys.setenv("R_REQUIRE_RUN_ALL_TESTS" = "true") } verboseForDev <- -2 Require.usePak <- FALSE Require.installPackageSys <- 2 * (isMacOSX() %in% FALSE) Require.offlineMode <- FALSE if (isTRUE(Require.usePak)) if (requireNamespace("pak")) existingCacheDir <- pak::cache_summary()$cachepath isDev <- Sys.getenv("R_REQUIRE_RUN_ALL_TESTS") == "true" && Sys.getenv("R_REQUIRE_CHECK_AS_CRAN") != "true" # Actually interactive isDevAndInteractive <- interactive() && isDev && Sys.getenv("R_REQUIRE_TEST_AS_INTERACTIVE") != "false" # try(rm(getFromCache1, getDeps1, getDepsFromCache1), silent = TRUE); i <- 0 withr::local_options(.local_envir = teardown_env(), Require.verbose = ifelse(isDev, verboseForDev, -2)) withr::local_options(.local_envir = teardown_env(), Require.usePak = Require.usePak) if (!isDevAndInteractive) { # i.e., CRAN Sys.setenv(R_REQUIRE_PKG_CACHE = "FALSE") } suggests <- DESCRIPTIONFileDeps(system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "Require"), which = "Suggests") |> extractPkgName() suggests <- setdiff(suggests, c("testthat", "SpaDES", "SpaDES.core", "quickPlot")) # dpesn't like being local_package'd withr::local_options("Require.packagesLeaveAttached" = suggests, .local_envir = teardown_env()) # for (pk in suggests) { # try(suppressWarnings(withr::local_package(pk, .local_envir = teardown_env(), quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)), silent = TRUE) # } # can't use withr::local_package reliably because if a package gets unloaded in the tests, # then there is a warning on teardown that can't be silenced for (pk in suggests) { try(suppressWarnings( requireNamespace(pk, # .local_envir = teardown_env(), quietly = TRUE)), silent = TRUE) } # withr::defer({ # aa <- rev(names(pkgDepTopoSort(suggests[suggests %in% loadedNamespaces()]))) # bb <- lapply(aa, function(p) try(unloadNamespace(p), silent = TRUE)) # }, envir = teardown_env()) withr::local_options(.local_envir = teardown_env(), repos = getCRANrepos(ind = 1), Ncpus = 2, Require.isDev = isDev, Require.isDevAndInteractive = isDevAndInteractive, install.packages.check.source = "never", install.packages.compile.from.source = "never", Require.unloadNamespaces = TRUE, Require.offlineMode = Require.offlineMode, Require.Home = "~/GitHub/Require") withr::local_envvar(.local_envir = teardown_env(), "R_TESTS" = "", "R_REMOTES_UPGRADE" = "never", "CRANCACHE_DISABLE" = TRUE ) if (Sys.info()["user"] == "achubaty") { withr::local_options(.local_envir = teardown_env(), "Require.Home" = "~/GitHub/PredictiveEcology/Require") } # This is for cases e.g., linux where there are >2 .libPaths(). # The tests use `withr::local_libpaths`, which keeps all site paths. This means that # some of the tests fail because R will load a copy of a package e.g., rlang that is # in one of the site libraries. Essentially, this is fine for a user, but the tests # weren't written to accommodate this. lp <- .libPaths() lp2 <- c(head(lp, 1), tail(lp, 1)) orig <- setLibPaths(lp2, standAlone = TRUE) withr::defer(.libPaths(lp), envir = teardown_env()) if (Sys.info()["user"] %in% "emcintir") { secretPath <- if (isWindows()) "c:/Eliot/.secret" else "/home/emcintir/.secret" repos <- getOption("repos") if (isUbuntuOrDebian()) { repos <- c(PPM = positBinaryRepos(), repos) } repos <- repos[!duplicated(repos)] # keep names withr::local_options( .local_envir = teardown_env(), Require.cloneFrom = Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), "Require.installPackagesSys" = Require.installPackageSys, Ncpus = 8, repos = repos, Require.origLibPathForTests = .libPaths()[1], gargle_oauth_email = "eliotmcintire@gmail.com", gargle_oauth_cache = secretPath)#, .local_envir = teardown_env()) # googledrive::drive_auth() print(options()[c("Ncpus", "repos", "Require.installPackagesSys", "Require.verbose", "Require.cloneFrom", "Require.usePak")]) print(paste("Cache size:", length(dir(cachePkgDir())), "files")) } else { # clean up cache on GA and other withr::defer(unlink(cacheDir(), recursive = TRUE), envir = teardown_env()) } runTests <- function(have, pkgs) { # the is.character is for pak -- has a column but it is a path, not logical if (is.null(have$installed) || is.character(have$installed)) have[, installed := installResult %in% "OK"] # recall LandR.CS won't be installed, also, Version number is not in place for newly installed packages theTest <- all(!is.na(have[installed == TRUE & !Package %in% extractPkgName(.RequireDependencies)]$Version)) if (identical(Sys.info()[["user"]], "emcintir") && interactive()) if (!isTRUE(theTest)) browser() testthat::expect_true(isTRUE(theTest)) if ("installResult" %in% colnames(have)) { theTest <- NROW(have[is.na(installResult) | installResult %in% "OK" | installResult %in% "Can't install Require dependency"]) == sum(have$installed) if (identical(Sys.info()[["user"]], "emcintir") && interactive()) if (!isTRUE(theTest)) browser() testthat::expect_true(isTRUE(theTest)) } } testWarnsInUsePleaseChange <- function(warns, please = TRUE, inUse = TRUE, couldNot = TRUE, restart = TRUE) { test <- TRUE if (length(warns)) { tst <- character() if (isTRUE(restart)) tst <- .txtPleaseRestart if (isTRUE(please)) tst <- c(tst, .txtPleaseChangeReqdVers) if (isTRUE(inUse)) tst <- c(tst, .txtMsgIsInUse) if (isTRUE(couldNot)) tst <- c(tst, .txtCouldNotBeInstalled) tst <- paste(tst, collapse = "|") test <- all(grepl(tst, warns)) # "Please change" comes with verbose >= 1 } test } testCouldNotBeInstalled <- function(warns) { test <- TRUE if (length(warns)) { test <- all(grepl(paste0(.txtCouldNotBeInstalled), warns)) } test } rcmdDebug <- function(counterName = "a", envir = parent.frame(), envirAssign = .GlobalEnv, path = "/home/emcintir/tmp/") { if (!exists(counterName, envir = envirAssign)) assign(counterName, 0, envir = envirAssign) # m <<- 0 m <- get(counterName, envir = envirAssign) m <- m + 1 assign(counterName, m, envir = envirAssign) save(list = ls(envir), envir = envir, file = paste0(path, counterName, "_", interactive(), "_", m,".rda")) } rcmdLoad <- function(interactive = TRUE, counterName = "a", num = "max", path = "/home/emcintir/tmp") { if (identical(num, "max")) { poss <- dir(path, pattern = paste0("^", counterName, "_", interactive)) num <- as.numeric(max(sapply(strsplit(poss, "_|\\."), function(x) x[[3]]))) } int <- new.env(); load(dir(path, pattern = paste0(counterName, "_", interactive, "_", num), full.names = TRUE), envir = int) as.list(int) } PEUniverseRepo <- function() unique(c("https://predictiveecology.r-universe.dev", getOption("repos")))