test_that("test 09", { skip_if(getOption("Require.usePak"), message = "Takes too long on pak") setupInitial <- setupTest(needRequireInNewLib = TRUE) # on.exit(endTest(setupInitial)) isDev <- getOption("Require.isDev") isDevAndInteractive <- getOption("Require.isDevAndInteractive") if (isDevAndInteractive && !isMacOSX()) { ## TODO: source installs failing on macOS # 4.3.0 doesn't have binaries, and historical versions of spatial packages won't compile pkgPath <- paste0(file.path(tempdir2(Require:::.rndstr(1))), "/") a <- checkPath(pkgPath, create = TRUE) snapshotFiles <- "../../inst/snapshot.txt" # if (getRversion() <= "4.2.3") { # # snapshotFiles <- rev( # c("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PredictiveEcology/WBI_forecasts/development/packageVersions_clean.txt" , # "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PredictiveEcology/LandWeb/rework-config/packages_2022-03-22.txt" # )) # fn <- file.path(pkgPath, "pkgSnapshot.txt") # download.file(snapshotFiles[2], destfile = fn) # # } else { # withr::local_tempdir(tmpdir = pkgPath) # # This file is missing `map` and `tiler` packages, which are dependencies of # # `PredictiveEcology/LandWebUtils@dcb26fe3308d0f572de5036d7f115d8eff5f9887` # # (`tiler` is actually a dep of `PredictiveEcology/map@development`, so it is recursive need # # based on March 12, 2024 version of PredictiveEcology/map@development) # # This file is missing `SpaDES.project` package, which is a dependency of # # `PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.config@94e90b0537b103f83504c96f51be157449e32c9c` # fnMissing <- c("tiler", "map", "SpaDES.project") # (snapshotFiles <- googledrive::drive_download(googledrive::as_id("1WaJq6DZJxy_2vs2lfzkLG5u3T1MKREa8"), # overwrite = TRUE)) |> capture_messages() -> mess # snapshotFiles <- snapshotFiles$local_path # # } ## Long pkgSnapshot -- issue 41 for (snf in snapshotFiles) { # origLibPaths <- setLibPaths(pkgPath, standAlone = TRUE) pkgs <- data.table::fread(snf) if (FALSE) { # minor corrections pkgs[Package %in% "climateData", Version := "1.0.4"] # pkgs[grep("SpaDES.config", Package, invert = TRUE)] pkgs[Package %in% "rnaturalearthhires", Version := ""] # tmp <- pkgs[1:3, ] tmps2 <- neededBasedOnPackageFullNames[Package %in% c("modelr", "doBy", "Deriv")][, c("Package", "packageFullName")] pkgs <- rbindlist(list(pkgs, ip[Package %in% c("Deriv", "doBy", "modelr"), mget(intersect(colnames(pkgs), colnames(ip)))]), fill = TRUE) # # data.table::fwrite(pkgs, file = snf) # googledrive::drive_update(file = googledrive::as_id("1WaJq6DZJxy_2vs2lfzkLG5u3T1MKREa8"), # media = snf) pkgs <- pkgs[Package %in% "reproducible", Version := "2.0.9"] pkgs <- pkgs[Package %in% "SpaDES.core", Version := "2.0.2"] # These have NA for repository "NLMR" "visualTest" } # remove some specifics for tests that are not expected to work skips <- c("rJava", "Require", "SpaDES.install") # Can't compile on R 4.4 windowsSkips <- c("XML", "sysfonts", "rgdal", "rgeos", 'RCurl', 'httpuv', 'rgdal', 'rgl', 'sf', 'terra', 'DT', 'SpaDES.core', 'SpaDES.tools', 'biomod2', # 'climateData', 'lwgeom', 'raster', 'servr', 'stars', 'geodata', 'shiny', 'tidyterra', 'leaflet', 'prioritizr', 'rpostgis', 'satellite', 'amc', 'merTools', 'rasterVis', 'tmap' # , 'LandR', 'LandR.CS', 'LandWebUtils' ) # pkgDep may add these back, but maybe newer versions # that can be built pkgs <- pkgs[!(Package %in% skips)] if (isWindows()) { # keep the GitHub ones because they have SHA, which should work fine # pkgs <- pkgs[!(Package %in% windowsSkips) & (GithubSHA1 == "" | is.na(GithubSHA1))] # pkgs <- pkgs[!(Package %in% windowsSkips)] } # stringfish can't be installed in Eliot's system from binaries if (isWindows()) if (Sys.info()["user"] == "emcintir") withr::local_options(Require.otherPkgs = union(getOption("Require.otherPkgs"), "stringfish")) # pkgs <- pkgs[!Package %in% c("RandomFields", "RandomFieldsUtils")] # the version 1.0-7 is corrupt on RSPM pkgs <- pkgs[!Package %in% c("usefulFuns")] # incorrectly imports Require from reproducible... while other packages need newer reproducible # ERROR: compilation failed for package 'sf'# on Windows R 4.3.2 # pkgs[Package %in% "sf", Version := "1.0-9"] # the version 1.0-7 is corrupt on RSPM #pkgs[Package %in% "SpaDES.core", `:=`(Version = "1.1.1", GithubRepo = "SpaDES.core", # GithubUsername = "PredictiveEcology", GithubRef = "development", # GithubSHA1 = "535cd39d84aeb35de29f88b0245c9538d86a1223")] # pks <- c("ymlthis", "SpaDES.tools", "amc") # pkgs <- pkgs[Package %in% pks] # "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.config@94e90b0537b103f83504c96f51be157449e32c9c (==" # # pkgs <- pkgs[Package %in% extractPkgName(pkgDep("PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.config@94e90b0537b103f83504c96f51be157449e32c9c (==")[[1]])] # debug(installAll) snfTmp <- tempfile2(fileext = ".txt") data.table::fwrite(pkgs, file = snfTmp) # have to get rid of skips in the snfTmp packageFullName <- ifelse(!nzchar(pkgs$GithubRepo) | is.na(pkgs$GithubRepo), paste0(pkgs$Package, " (==", pkgs$Version, ")"), paste0(pkgs$GithubUsername, "/", pkgs$GithubRepo, "@", pkgs$GithubSHA1) ) names(packageFullName) <- packageFullName # warnsReq <- capture_warnings(Require::Install("Require")) # aaaa <<- 1 # on.exit(rm(aaaa, envir = .GlobalEnv)) opts <- options(repos = PEUniverseRepo()); on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE) warns <- capture_warnings( # mess <- capture_messages( out <- Require(packageVersionFile = snfTmp, require = FALSE, # purge = TRUE, returnDetails = TRUE) # ) ) # NLMR specification is for a version that doesn't exist NLMRandVisualTestWarn <- grepl(.txtPleaseChangeReqdVers, warns) expect_true(sum(unique(NLMRandVisualTestWarn)) <= 1L) warns <- warns[-which(NLMRandVisualTestWarn)] # Why tmap and tmaptools and stars not installed in first pass? warns <- grep("tmap|tmaptools|stars|cannot open", warns, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) # test <- testWarnsInUsePleaseChange(warns) expect_true(test) "Please change required version e.g., NLMR (<=1.1)" warns <- capture_warnings( out11 <- pkgDep(unname(packageFullName)[-1], recursive = TRUE, simplify = FALSE) ) expect_true(sum(grepl("Please change required.*NLMR", warns)) <=1 ) neededBasedOnPackageFullNames <- rbindlistRecursive(out11$deps) dups <- duplicated(neededBasedOnPackageFullNames$Package) neededBasedOnPackageFullNames <- neededBasedOnPackageFullNames[!dups] neededBasedOnPackageFullNames[grep("biosim", ignore.case = TRUE, Package), Package := "BioSIM"] |> invisible() packagesBasedOnPackageFullNames <- c(neededBasedOnPackageFullNames$Package, "Require") # tooManyInstalled not right tooManyInstalled <- setdiff(packagesBasedOnPackageFullNames, pkgs$Package) loaded <- c("Require", "testthat") tooManyInstalled <- setdiff(tooManyInstalled, c(fnMissing, loaded)) # if (isWindows()) { # tooManyInstalled <- setdiff(tooManyInstalled, windowsSkips) # } expect_identical(tooManyInstalled, character(0)) ip <- data.table::as.data.table(installed.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths()[1], noCache = TRUE)) ip <- ip[!Package %in% .basePkgs] allInIPareInPkgs <- all(ip$Package %in% packagesBasedOnPackageFullNames) expect_true(allInIPareInPkgs) # Check based on Version number joined <- ip[pkgs, on = "Package"] whDiff <- (joined$Version != joined$i.Version) versionProblems <- joined[which(whDiff)] testthatDeps <- extractPkgName(pkgDep("testthat", dependencies = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)$testthat) devtoolsDeps <- extractPkgName(pkgDep("devtools", dependencies = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)$devtools) versionProblems <- versionProblems[ which(!(versionProblems$Package %in% testthatDeps | versionProblems$Package %in% devtoolsDeps))] # scales didn't install the "equals" version because a different package needs >= 1.3.0 versionProblems <- versionProblems[!Package %in% "scales"] expect_true(NROW(versionProblems) == 0) # See if any packages are missing installedNotInIP <- setdiff(packagesBasedOnPackageFullNames, ip$Package) missingPackages <- pkgs[Package %in% installedNotInIP] vers <- strsplit(pkgs$Version, "\\.|\\-") has4 <- lengths(vers) > 3 looksLikeGHPkgWithoutGitInfo <- pkgs[has4 & !nzchar(GithubRepo)]$Package missingPackages <- missingPackages[!Package %in% looksLikeGHPkgWithoutGitInfo] loded <- loadedNamespaces() missingPackages <- missingPackages[!Package %in% loded] knownFails <- c(extractPkgName(.RequireDependencies), c("SpaDES.config", "NLMR", "visualTest")) # can't install because Require is installed, but too old if (isLinux()) knownFails <- c(knownFails, c("sodium", "keyring")) # Known missing -- # NLMR because the version number doesn't exist on CRAn archives # and visualTest which is missing GitHub info for some reason -- expect_true(identical(setdiff(missingPackages$Package, knownFails), character(0))) warns <- capture_warnings( lala <- capture.output(type = "message", { out2 <- Require( packageVersionFile = snfTmp, require = FALSE, returnDetails = TRUE# , purge = TRUE ) }) ) test <- testWarnsInUsePleaseChange(warns) expect_true(test) att <- attr(out2, "Require") att <- att[!duplicated(att$Package)] versionViolation <- att$Package[grep("violation", att$installResult)] noneAvailable <- att$Package[grep(.txtNoneAvailable, att$installResult)] didnt <- att[!is.na(att$installResult)] allDone <- setdiff(didnt$Package, c(versionViolation, testthatDeps, looksLikeGHPkgWithoutGitInfo, noneAvailable, c("Require", "data.table"))) allDone <- setdiff(allDone, knownFails) expect_identical(allDone, character(0)) } # setLibPaths(origLibPaths) } })