test_that("test 5", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() setupInitial <- setupTest() # on.exit(endTest(setupInitial)) # isDev <- getOption("Require.isDev") # isDevAndInteractive <- getOption("Require.isDevAndInteractive") # if (isDevAndInteractive) { tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir2(paste0("RequireTmp", sample(1e5, 1)))) dir.create(tmpdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) # repo <- chooseCRANmirror(ind = 1) opts <- options(repos = PEUniverseRepo()); on.exit(options(opts), add = TRUE) pkgDepTest1 <- Require::pkgDep("Require", includeSelf = FALSE, includeBase = FALSE) pkgDepTest2 <- Require::pkgDep2(c("Require"), # simplify = FALSE, # which = c("Depends", "Imports"), includeSelf = FALSE) orig <- Require::setLibPaths(tmpdir, standAlone = TRUE, updateRprofile = FALSE) testthat::expect_true({ length(pkgDepTest1) == 1 }) testthat::expect_true({ any(sort(pkgDepTest1[[1]]) %in% c("data.table (>= 1.10.4)")) }) testthat::expect_true({ length(pkgDepTest2[[1]]) == 2 }) testthat::expect_true({ all(sort(names(pkgDepTest2$Require)) == sort(pkgDepTest1$Require)) }) tmpdirForPkgs <- gsub(".+ ([[:digit:]]\\.[[:digit:]])\\.[[:digit:]].+", "\\1", R.version.string) pkgsInstalled <- dir(tmpdirForPkgs, full.names = TRUE) RequireDeps <- c( "data.table", "utils", "callr", "cli", "covr", "crayon", "desc", "digest", "DT", "ellipsis", "BH", "units", "git2r", "glue", "httr", "jsonlite", "memoise", "pkgbuild", "pkgload", "rcmdcheck", "rlang", "roxygen2", "rstudioapi", "rversions", "sessioninfo", "stats", "testthat", "tools", "usethis", "utils", "withr", "Require" ) pkgsToRm <- setdiff( sample(basename(pkgsInstalled), min(length(pkgsInstalled), 5)), RequireDeps ) out <- unlink(pkgsToRm, recursive = TRUE) pkgs <- list( c("LearnBayes (>=2.0.4)", "tinytest (>= 1.0.3)", "glmm (>=1.4.3)", # "LearnBayes (<=4.0.4)", "tinytest (<= 1.0.3)", "glmm (<=1.4.3)", "SpaDES.tools (>=2.0.5)", "terra (>=1.7-71)", "reproducible (>=2.0.2)", "PredictiveEcology/reproducible@development (>=2.0.0)", # Until reproducible 2.0.2 is on CRAN "achubaty/amc@development", "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (>=0.0.1)", "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (>=0.0.2)", "ianmseddy/LandR.CS (<=0.0.1)" ), c( "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core@development (>=1.1.2)", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>= 4.0.9)", "achubaty/amc@development (>=0.1.5)", "data.table (>=100.0)", "tinytest (>=1.3.1)", "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (>= 1.0.2)", "versions (>=0.3)", "fastdigest (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "achubaty/amc@development (>=", "data.table (>=", "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development(>=", "fastdigest (>=1000.0.0.8)", "fastdigest", "quickPlot", "testthat", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>= 1111.0.9)", "PredictiveEcology/map@master (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@master (>=" ), c( "PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core@development (>=1.1.2)", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "achubaty/amc@development (>=0.1.5)", "data.table (>=100.0)", paste0("tinytest (>=1.3.1)"), "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development (>= 1.0.2)" ), c( "fastdigest (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "achubaty/amc@development (>=", "data.table (>=", paste0("tinytest (>=1.3.1)"), "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development(>=" ), # Multiple conflicting version numbers, and with NO version number c("fastdigest (>=", "fastdigest (>=", "fastdigest"), # "quickPlot", "testthat"), c("fastdigest (>=1000.0.0.8)", "fastdigest (>=", "fastdigest"), # "quickPlot", "testthat"), c( "fastdigest (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>=", "PredictiveEcology/map@development (>= 110.0.9)", "achubaty/amc@development (>=", "data.table (>=", paste0("tinytest (>=1.3.1)"), "PredictiveEcology/LandR@development(>=" ), # "LearnBayes (>=1000.3.1)", # this is alone, so causes a fail/stop, which is OK. just not here. c("LearnBayes (>=1.0.1)", "fpCompare"), "LearnBayes (>=2.15.1)"#, #c("r-forge/mumin/pkg", MuMIn = "r-forge/mumin/pkg", "A3") ) # options("reproducible.Require.install" = TRUE) i <- 0 pkg <- pkgs[[i + 1]] # redundant, but kept for interactive use for (pkg in pkgs) { # basically, it needs to be installed in the active library, which it isn't # warnsReq <- capture_warnings(Require::Install("Require")) (outFromRequire <- Require(pkg, standAlone = FALSE, require = FALSE)) |> capture_warnings() -> warns warns <- grep(.txtCouldNotBeInstalled, warns, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE) test <- testWarnsInUsePleaseChange(warns) if (!isTRUE(test)) browser() expect_true(test) # Rerun it to get output table, but capture messages for quiet; should be no installs (out <- Require(pkg, standAlone = FALSE, require = FALSE, returnDetails = TRUE)) |> capture_warnings() -> warns test <- testWarnsInUsePleaseChange(warns) # test <- testCouldNotBeInstalled(test) expect_true(test) testthat::expect_true( all.equal(out, outFromRequire, check.attributes = FALSE) ) have <- attr(out, "Require") have <- have[!Package %in% c("Require", "testthat")] # these don't have Version number because they may be load_all'd pkgsToTest <- unique(Require::extractPkgName(pkg)) names(pkgsToTest) <- pkgsToTest runTests(have, pkg) endTime <- Sys.time() } })