library(Renext) ##======================================================================= ## In this test, a sample of independent exceedances Over a Threshold ## is drawn at random from an exponential distribution with mean ## theta. The corresponding model is fitted. ## ## We the add the information that the (high) level 'X.U' ## was never observed over aperiod of duration 'w.U'. We control the ## theoretical relation between estimates ## ## = theta.hat.old ## - y.U * ( / lambda.hat.old - 1) ## ## where 'old' is for OT only and 'new' is for OT AND Unobserved. ## ## ## Note that the predicted return level curve will be far away ## from the observed points, since the unobserved level has a high ## leverage on the estimated parameters. Actually the unobserved ## duaration is more than the double of that of the main sample. ## ##========================================================================= set.seed(123) n <- 20 theta <- 100 x <- 35 + theta*rexp(n) x.U <- 100 w.U <- 100 + 100*runif(1) fitExp <- list() opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(5, 5, 3, 1)) fitExp[[1]] <- Renouv(x = x, effDuration = 50, distname.y = "exponential", threshold = 35, conf.pct = c(70, 95), prob.max = 0.99995, pred.period = c(10, 100, 1000), trace = 1, main = "\"exponential\" without x.U") fitExp[[2]] <- Renouv(x = x, effDuration = 50, = numeric(0), ## Unobserved OTS.effDuration = w.U, OTS.threshold = x.U, distname.y = "exponential", threshold = 35, conf.pct = c(70, 95), prob.max = 0.99995, pred.period = c(10, 100, 1000), control.H = list(fnscale = -1, trace = 3), trace = 1, main = "\"exponential\" plus unobserved lev. x.U ") par(opar) estimates <- array(NA, dim = c(2, length(fitExp[[1]]$estimate)), dimnames = list(c("sans", "US"), names(fitExp[[1]]$estimate))) for (i in 1:2) estimates[i, ] <- fitExp[[i]]$estimate Test <- 1/estimates["US", "rate"] - 1/estimates["sans", "rate"] - (x.U - 35) * (estimates["US", "lambda"]/estimates["sans", "lambda"] -1) ## L'erruer doit être peite, disons ne pas dépasser 1% RelError <- abs(Test)*estimates["sans", "rate"] stopifnot(RelError < 1.0)