context("testing expandGrid") test_that("expandGrid generates correct output", { baseRCheck <- function(myList) { testOut <- expandGrid(myList) ## Match the original order of the passed vectors get_order <- function(df, orig_args) { temp <- mapply(function(v, z) match(v, z), df, orig_args) ), temp) } t <- expand.grid(myList, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) t <- t[get_order(t, myList), ] if (length(unique(sapply(t, class))) == 1) { t <- as.matrix(t) dimnames(t) <- dimnames(testOut) } else { attributes(t) <- attributes(testOut) } all.equal(t, testOut) } set.seed(123456789) expect_equal(expandGrid(), expand.grid()) myList <- list(1:5, 2:6, 3:7) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) ## shuffle the order. We will follow this pattern below expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- list(1:5, 2:6, letters[1:4], letters[2:4]) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- list("name1" = 1:5, 2:6) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- list(1:5, factor(2:6)) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- list(1:5 + 0.1, 2:6 + 0.1) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- list(1:5 + 0.1, factor(2:6 + 0.1)) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- list(letters[1:5], letters[2:6], letters[3:7]) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) myList <- rep(list(c(TRUE, FALSE)), 10) expect_true(baseRCheck(myList)) expect_true(baseRCheck(lapply(myList, sample))) }) test_that("expandGrid and expandGridSample generates correct output with indexing", { reset_row_number <- function(df) { row.names(df) <- 1:nrow(df) df } set.seed(987654321) ## INTEGERS myList <- list(1:5, 2:6, 3:7) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## shuffle the order. We will follow this pattern below myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## testing upper and lower expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) ## RAW myList <- list(as.raw(1:5), as.raw(2:6), as.raw(3:7)) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## COMPLEX myList <- list(as.complex(1:5 + 1i), as.complex(2:6 + 1i), as.complex(3:7 + 1i)) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## DATA.FRAME myList <- list(1:5, as.complex(2:6 + 1i), letters[1:4], letters[2:4]) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ]) ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) ## INTEGERS w/ custom names myList <- list("name1" = 1:5, 2:6) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## FACTORS with different levels. Should return a data.frame. myList <- list("v1" = factor(1:5), "v2" = factor(2:6)) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) expect_true( idx <- sample(total, 3) samp <- expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx) expect_true( expect_equal(samp, reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ])) ## Levels should be the same as the original expect_equal(lapply(samp, levels), lapply(myList, levels)) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ]) ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) ## FACTORS with same levels. Should return a matrix. myList <- list("v1" = factor(1:5, levels = 1:10), "v2" = factor(2:6, levels = 1:10)) expect_true(is.matrix(expandGrid(myList))) expect_true(, return_df = TRUE))) expect_equal(levels(expandGrid(myList)), levels(myList$v1)) expect_true( Reduce( identical, lapply(expandGrid(myList, return_df = TRUE), levels) ) ) expect_equal( Reduce( union, lapply(expandGrid(myList, return_df = TRUE), levels) ), levels(myList$v1) ) ## DATA.FRAME w/ integers and factors myList <- list(1:5, factor(2:6), as.raw(sample(10, 4)), c(TRUE, FALSE)) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ]) ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) ## DOUBLE myList <- list(1:5 + 0.1, 2:6 + 0.1) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## DATA.FRAME w/ doubles and factors myList <- list(1:5 + 0.1, factor(2:6 + 0.1)) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ]) ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), reset_row_number(expandGrid(myList)[idx, ]) ) ## CHARACTER myList <- list(letters[1:5], letters[2:6], letters[3:7]) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) ## BOOLEAN myList <- rep(list(c(TRUE, FALSE)), 10) total <- expandGridCount(myList) expect_equal(total, nrow(expand.grid(myList))) idx <- sample(total, 5) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = min(idx), upper = max(idx)), expandGrid(myList)[min(idx):max(idx), ] ) myList <- lapply(myList, sample) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = idx), expandGrid(myList)[idx, ] ) }) test_that("expandGrid and expandGridSample generates correct output with multiple threads and IsGmp", { set.seed(591827364) ## INTEGERS myList <- Map(\(x, y) x:y, 10:30, 30:50) total <- expandGridCount(myList) last100 <- total - 99 expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = last100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) )) ) capture.output( rand100 <- gmp::urand.bigz( 100, size = gmp::log2.bigz(total), seed = 11111 ) ) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = rand100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = rand100, nThreads = 2) ) ## DOUBLES myList <- Map(\(x, y) x:y + rnorm(1), 10:30, 30:50) total <- expandGridCount(myList) last100 <- total - 99 expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = last100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) )) ) capture.output( rand100 <- gmp::urand.bigz( 100, size = gmp::log2.bigz(total), seed = 22222 ) ) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = rand100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = rand100, nThreads = 2) ) ## Non-GMP myList <- Map(\(x, y) x:y + rnorm(1), 10:15, 16:21) total <- expandGridCount(myList) last100 <- total - 99 expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = last100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = last100 + 0:99) ) ## Test nThreads expect_equal( expandGrid(myList), expandGrid(myList, nThreads = 2) ) rand100 <- sample(total, 100) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = rand100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = rand100, nThreads = 2) ) ## BOOLEANS myList <- rep(list(c(TRUE, FALSE)), 60) total <- expandGridCount(myList) last100 <- total - 99 expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = last100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) )) ) expect_equal( expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) )), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) ), nThreads = 2) ) ## CHARACTERS myList <- rep(list(letters, LETTERS,, 4) total <- expandGridCount(myList) last100 <- total - 99 expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = last100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) )) ) ## DATA.FRAME myList <- rep( list(LETTERS, unique(state.region), c(TRUE, FALSE), as.raw(1:10), as.complex(10:1 + 1i), 1:100), 4 ) total <- expandGridCount(myList) last100 <- total - 99 expect_equal( expandGrid(myList, lower = last100), expandGridSample(myList, sampleVec = c, lapply(0:99, \(x) last100 + x) )) ) })