test_that("comboGroupsIter produces correct results", { comboGroupsClassTest <- function( v_pass, n_grps = NULL, grp_sizes = NULL, ret = "matrix", testRand = TRUE ) { myResults <- vector(mode = "logical") myRows <- comboGroupsCount(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes) a <- comboGroupsIter(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes, ret) b <- comboGroups(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes, ret) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal( a@summary()$totalResults, myRows) )) if (length(v_pass) == 1 && v_pass == 0) { myResults <- c(myResults, v_pass == a@sourceVector()) } else if (length(v_pass) == 1) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(abs(v_pass), length(a@sourceVector())) )) } else if (is.integer(v_pass) || is.numeric(v_pass)) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(sort(v_pass), sort(a@sourceVector())) )) } else { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(v_pass, a@sourceVector()) )) } if (testRand && ret == "matrix") { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(a@front(), b[1, ]) )) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b[1, ]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@back(), b[myRows, ]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b[myRows, ]))) } else if (testRand) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(a@front(), b[1, , ]) )) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b[1, , ]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@back(), b[myRows, , ]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b[myRows, , ]))) } a@startOver() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@currIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c( myResults, grepl("Iterator Initialized. To see the first", msg[1]) ) a1 <- b if (myRows) { if (ret == "matrix") { for (i in 1:myRows) { a1[i, ] <- a@nextIter() } } else { for (i in 1:myRows) { a1[i, , ] <- a@nextIter() } } myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a1, b))) a@startOver() num_iters <- if (myRows > 10) 3L else 1L numTest <- as.integer(myRows / num_iters); s <- 1L e <- numTest if (ret == "matrix") { for (i in 1:num_iters) { myResults <- c( myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(a@nextNIter(numTest), b[s:e, , drop = FALSE]) ) ) s <- e + 1L e <- e + numTest } } else { for (i in 1:num_iters) { myResults <- c( myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(a@nextNIter(numTest), b[s:e, , ]) ) ) s <- e + 1L e <- e + numTest } } a@startOver() myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextRemaining(), b))) msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) if (testRand) { a@back() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextNIter(1)) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@currIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) a@startOver() a@back() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextRemaining()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) a@startOver() a@back() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) samp <- sample(myRows, numTest) one_samp <- sample(myRows, 1) if (ret == "matrix") { myResults <- c( myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp]], b[samp, ])) ) myResults <- c( myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[one_samp]], b[one_samp, ])) ) } else { myResults <- c( myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp]], b[samp, , ])) ) myResults <- c( myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[one_samp]], b[one_samp, , ])) ) } } } else { a@startOver() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextNIter(1)) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@currIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) a@startOver() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) a@startOver() msg <- capture.output(noMore <- a@nextRemaining()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(noMore)) myResults <- c(myResults, "No more results." == msg[1]) } rm(a, a1, b) gc() all(myResults) } expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(12, 3)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(runif(10) + rnorm(10) * 1i, 2)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(as.raw(1:10), grp_sizes = 1:4)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(sample(state.name, 10), grp_sizes = 4:1)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(12, 3, ret = "3Darray")) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(LETTERS[1:8], 2, ret = "3Darray")) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(as.factor(LETTERS[1:8]), 4, ret = "3Darray")) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(8, 1)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(8, 8)) ## Not tested right now. Sent email to r-devel # expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(8, 1, ret = "3Darray")) # expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(8, 8, ret = "3Darray")) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(12, grp_sizes = c(3, 3, 6))) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(12, grp_sizes = c(3, 4, 5))) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(11, grp_sizes = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3))) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(1:4 + 0.1, grp_sizes = c(1, 1, 1, 1))) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(LETTERS[1:4], grp_sizes = c(1, 1, 2))) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(as.factor(state.abb[1:3]), grp_sizes = c(1, 2))) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(3, 1)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassTest(1, 1)) ###****************************** BIG TESTS *****************************### comboGroupsClassBigZTest <- function( v_pass, n_grps = NULL, grp_sizes = NULL, ret = "matrix", lenCheck = 1000, testRand = TRUE ) { myResults <- vector(mode = "logical") myRows <- comboGroupsCount(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes) a <- comboGroupsIter(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes, ret) b1 <- comboGroups(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes, ret, upper = lenCheck) b2 <- comboGroups(v_pass, n_grps, grp_sizes, ret, lower = gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck - 1)) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal( a@summary()$totalResults, myRows) )) if (length(v_pass) == 1) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(v_pass, length(a@sourceVector())) )) } else if (is.integer(v_pass) || is.numeric(v_pass)) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(sort(v_pass), sort(a@sourceVector())) )) } else { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(v_pass, a@sourceVector()) )) } if (ret == "matrix") { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(a@front(), b1[1 ,]) )) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b1[1 ,]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@back(), b2[lenCheck, ]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b2[lenCheck, ]))) } else { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE( all.equal(a@front(), b1[1, ,]) )) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b1[1, ,]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@back(), b2[lenCheck, ,]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@currIter(), b2[lenCheck, ,]))) } a@startOver() a1 <- b1 if (ret == "matrix") { for (i in 1:lenCheck) { a1[i, ] <- a@nextIter() } } else { for (i in 1:lenCheck) { a1[i, ,] <- a@nextIter() } } myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a1, b1))) a@startOver() numTest <- as.integer(lenCheck / 3); s <- 1L e <- numTest if (ret == "matrix") { for (i in 1:3) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextNIter(numTest), b1[s:e, ]))) s <- e + 1L e <- e + numTest } } else { for (i in 1:3) { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextNIter(numTest), b1[s:e, ,]))) s <- e + 1L e <- e + numTest } } a@startOver() a[[gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck)]] myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a@nextRemaining(), b2))) t <- capture.output(a@nextIter()) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(a@nextIter())) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(a@nextNIter(1))) myResults <- c(myResults, is.null(a@nextRemaining())) samp1 <- sample(lenCheck, 5) samp2 <- gmp::sub.bigz(myRows, lenCheck) + gmp::as.bigz(samp1) if (ret == "matrix") { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp1]], b1[samp1, ]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp2]], b2[samp1, ]))) } else { myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp1]], b1[samp1, ,]))) myResults <- c(myResults, isTRUE(all.equal(a[[samp2]], b2[samp1, ,]))) } rm(a, a1, b1, b2) gc() all(myResults) } expect_true(comboGroupsClassBigZTest(50, 10)) expect_true(comboGroupsClassBigZTest( runif(50) + rnorm(50) * 1i, 5) ) expect_true(comboGroupsClassBigZTest( as.raw(1:45), grp_sizes = 1:9) ) expect_true(comboGroupsClassBigZTest( sample(state.name, 45), grp_sizes = 9:1) ) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest(50, 10, ret = "3Darray") ) expect_true(comboGroupsClassBigZTest(state.abb, 10, ret = "3Darray")) expect_true(comboGroupsClassBigZTest( as.factor(state.abb), 5, ret = "3Darray" )) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest(40, grp_sizes = c(9, 9, 22)) ) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest(42, grp_sizes = c(10, 10, 22)) ) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest(48, grp_sizes = 15:17) ) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest(55, grp_sizes = rep(1:5, time = 1:5)) ) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest(state.name[1:40], grp_sizes = rep(1:4, 4)) ) expect_true( comboGroupsClassBigZTest( as.factor(state.abb), grp_sizes = rep(1:7, times = c(1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1)) ) ) })