library(RcppAPT) if (suitable()) { ## buildDepends bd <- buildDepends("r-cran-rcpp$") ## this comes back as zero length if the (optional !!) ## 'deb-src' entries are commented out so not enforcing this #stopifnot(length(bd) > 0) # conservative test #stopifnot(is.element("r-base-dev", bd)) # key component ## dumpPackages txt <- capture.output(res <- dumpPackages("littler")) stopifnot(res) stopifnot(length(txt) > 10) ## getPackages pkg <- getPackages("^r-(base|doc)-") stopifnot(inherits(pkg, "data.frame")) ## hasPackages res <- hasPackages(c("r-base-core", "somethingThatDoesNotExist")) stopifnot(any(res)) ## reverseDepends rd <- reverseDepends("r-cran-rcpp$") stopifnot(inherits(rd, "data.frame")) stopifnot(nrow(rd) > 5) # conservative test (ie get 11 as Nov 2016) ## showSrc txt <- capture.output(res <- showSrc("r-cran-rcpp")) ## this comes back as FALSE and zero length if the (optional !!) ## 'deb-src' entries are commented out so not enforcing this #stopifnot(res) #stopifnot(length(txt) > 10) }