test_that("meanMat works correctly", { s <- 3 # matrix dimension # generate lists of matrices x1 <- x2 <- replicate(5, matrix(runif(s^2), s, s), simplify = FALSE) x2[[1]][1, 1] <- NA y1 <- meanMat(x1) expect_true(inherits(y1, "matrix")) expect_identical(nrow(y1), as.integer(s)) # na handling y2 <- meanMat(x2) expect_true(inherits(y2, "matrix")) expect_true(is.na(y2[1, 1])) y3 <- meanMat(x2, na.rm = TRUE) expect_false(is.na(y3[1, 1])) }) test_that("meanMat warns and fails gracefully", { x3 <- list(matrix(0:3, nrow = 2), matrix(1:9, nrow = 3)) expect_error(meanMat(x3)) })