library(Racmacs) library(testthat) context("Test procrustes methods") set.seed(100) # Check MCMCpack installed package_required("MCMCpack") # Setup rotation and translation matrices rot_mat <- matrix( data = c(cos(0.24), sin(0.24), -sin(0.24), cos(0.24)), nrow = 2, ncol = 2 ) inv_rot_mat <- t(rot_mat) coords1 <- matrix(runif(10), ncol = 2) coords2 <- coords1 %*% rot_mat coords3 <- coords2 %*% inv_rot_mat trans_mat <- matrix(c(2.4, 3.8), nrow = 1) # Create new maps num_ags <- c(10, 14) num_sr <- c(8, 6) ag_names1 <- paste("Map1 antigen", seq_len(num_ags[1])) sr_names1 <- paste("Map1 sera", seq_len(num_sr[1])) ag_names2 <- paste("Map2 antigen", seq_len(num_ags[2])) sr_names2 <- paste("Map2 sera", seq_len(num_sr[2])) # Define matching antigens matching_ags <- rbind( c(10, 2), c(1, 14), c(3, 4), c(6, 7), c(4, 11) ) matching_sr <- rbind( c(3, 1), c(1, 3), c(8, 6), c(2, 5) ) for (x in seq_len(nrow(matching_ags))) { ag_names1[matching_ags[x, 1]] <- paste("Matched antigen", x) ag_names2[matching_ags[x, 2]] <- paste("Matched antigen", x) } for (x in seq_len(nrow(matching_sr))) { sr_names1[matching_sr[x, 1]] <- paste("Matched sera", x) sr_names2[matching_sr[x, 2]] <- paste("Matched sera", x) } # Generate coordinates ag_coords1 <- matrix(runif(num_ags[1] * 2) * 10, ncol = 2) ag_coords2 <- matrix(runif(num_ags[2] * 2) * 10, ncol = 2) rownames(ag_coords1) <- ag_names1 rownames(ag_coords2) <- ag_names2 sr_coords1 <- matrix(runif(num_sr[1] * 2) * 10, ncol = 2) sr_coords2 <- matrix(runif(num_sr[2] * 2) * 10, ncol = 2) rownames(sr_coords1) <- sr_names1 rownames(sr_coords2) <- sr_names2 # Create the test maps map1 <- acmap( titer_table = matrix( as.character(2^round(runif(nrow(ag_coords1)*nrow(sr_coords1), -1, 10))*10), nrow(ag_coords1), nrow(sr_coords1) ), ag_coords = ag_coords1, sr_coords = sr_coords1, ag_names = ag_names1, sr_names = sr_names1, minimum_column_basis = "none" ) map2 <- acmap( titer_table = matrix( as.character(2^round(runif(nrow(ag_coords2)*nrow(sr_coords2), -1, 10))*10), nrow(ag_coords2), nrow(sr_coords2) ), ag_coords = ag_coords2, sr_coords = sr_coords2, ag_names = ag_names2, sr_names = sr_names2, minimum_column_basis = "none" ) # Create a rotated and shuffled version ## Shuffle antigens and sera ag_order1rot <- sample(seq_along(ag_names1)) sr_order1rot <- sample(seq_along(sr_names1)) ## Add some name mismatches ag_mismatches1rot <- c(1, 6) sr_mismatches1rot <- c(2, 3) ag_names1rot <- ag_names1[ag_order1rot] sr_names1rot <- sr_names1[sr_order1rot] ag_names1rot[ag_mismatches1rot] <- paste("Mismatched antigen", ag_mismatches1rot) sr_names1rot[sr_mismatches1rot] <- paste("Mismatched sera", sr_mismatches1rot) ## Rotate and translate the coordinates ag_coords1rot <- ag_coords1 %*% rot_mat + matrix(trans_mat, num_ags[1], 2, byrow = TRUE) sr_coords1rot <- sr_coords1 %*% rot_mat + matrix(trans_mat, num_sr[1], 2, byrow = TRUE) ag_coords1rot <- ag_coords1rot[ag_order1rot, ] sr_coords1rot <- sr_coords1rot[sr_order1rot, ] map1rot <- acmap( ag_coords = ag_coords1rot, sr_coords = sr_coords1rot, ag_names = ag_names1rot, sr_names = sr_names1rot, minimum_column_basis = "none" ) # Test procrustes of map to itself test_that("Realign a map to itself", { omap1 <- map1 omap1 <- realignMap(omap1, map1) expect_equal(agCoords(omap1), agCoords(map1)) expect_equal(srCoords(omap1), srCoords(map1)) }) # Realign a map with NA coordinates test_that("Realign a map with NA coordinates", { omap1 <- map1 omap2 <- map1 agCoords(omap1)[1,] <- NA agCoords(omap2)[5,] <- NA srCoords(omap1)[2,] <- NA srCoords(omap2)[4,] <- NA omap1 <- realignMap(omap1, omap2) expect_equal(numAntigens(omap1), numAntigens(omap2)) }) test_that("Procrustes a map to itself", { pc1 <- procrustesData(map1, map1) expected_ag_dists <- rep(0, num_ags[1]) expected_sr_dists <- rep(0, num_sr[1]) expect_equal(pc1$ag_dists, expected_ag_dists) expect_equal(pc1$sr_dists, expected_sr_dists) expect_equal(pc1$ag_rmsd, 0) expect_equal(pc1$sr_rmsd, 0) expect_equal(pc1$total_rmsd, 0) # expect_equal(pc1$pc_coords$ag, unname(ag_coords1)) # expect_equal(pc1$pc_coords$sr, unname(sr_coords1)) }) test_that("Procrustes a map to with duplicate antigen or sera names", { map1a <- map1 agNames(map1a)[2] <- agNames(map1a)[1] expect_error(procrustesMap(map1, map1a)) map1a <- map1 srNames(map1a)[2] <- srNames(map1a)[1] expect_error(procrustesMap(map1, map1a)) }) test_that("Procrustes a map to one with no matching viruses", { map1a <- map1 agNames(map1a) <- paste(agNames(map1a), "alt") srNames(map1a) <- paste(srNames(map1a), "alt") expect_error( procrustesData(map1, map1a), "Not enough matching points \\(0\\)" ) }) test_that("Realign to a transformed version", { omap1 <- realignMap(map1, map1rot) expect_equal(unname(srCoords(omap1)[sr_order1rot, ]), unname(srCoords(map1rot))) expect_equal(unname(agCoords(omap1)[ag_order1rot, ]), unname(agCoords(map1rot))) }) test_that("Procrustes to a transformed version", { pc1 <- procrustesData(map1rot, map1) expected_ag_dists <- rep(0, num_ags[1]) expected_sr_dists <- rep(0, num_sr[1]) expected_ag_dists[ag_mismatches1rot] <- NA expected_sr_dists[sr_mismatches1rot] <- NA expected_pc_coords_ag <- agCoords(map1rot) expected_pc_coords_sr <- srCoords(map1rot) expected_pc_coords_ag[ag_mismatches1rot, ] <- NA expected_pc_coords_sr[sr_mismatches1rot, ] <- NA expect_equal(round(pc1$ag_dists, 5), expected_ag_dists) expect_equal(round(pc1$sr_dists, 5), expected_sr_dists) expect_equal(round(pc1$ag_rmsd, 5), 0) expect_equal(round(pc1$sr_rmsd, 5), 0) # expect_equal(unname(pc1$procrustes$pc_coords$ag), unname(expected_pc_coords_ag)) # expect_equal(unname(pc1$procrustes$pc_coords$sr), unname(expected_pc_coords_sr)) }) # Realign a map that's been rotated into 3D test_that("Realigning 2D to 3D and back", { coords2d <- matrix(c(2, 3, 1, 8, 3, 3, 2, 9, 1, 0), 5, 2) coords3d <- coords2d %*% rotation_matrix_3D(1.2, "y")[1:2, ] map2d <- acmap( ag_coords = coords2d[1:3, ], sr_coords = coords2d[4:5, ], minimum_column_basis = "none" ) map3d <- acmap( ag_coords = coords3d[1:3, ], sr_coords = coords3d[4:5, ], minimum_column_basis = "none" ) pc2d3d <- procrustesData( map2d, map3d ) pc3d2d <- procrustesData( map3d, map2d ) expect_equal(round(pc2d3d$ag_rmsd, 5), 0) expect_equal(round(pc3d2d$ag_rmsd, 5), 0) expect_equal(round(pc2d3d$sr_rmsd, 5), 0) expect_equal(round(pc3d2d$sr_rmsd, 5), 0) expect_equal(round(pc2d3d$total_rmsd, 5), 0) expect_equal(round(pc3d2d$total_rmsd, 5), 0) }) # Realign a map that's been rotated into 3D test_that("Realigning 2D to 3D and back in a rotated map", { coords2d <- matrix(c(2, 3, 1, 8, 3, 3, 2, 9, 1, 0), 5, 2) map2d <- acmap( ag_coords = coords2d[1:3, ], sr_coords = coords2d[4:5, ], minimum_column_basis = "none" ) map3d <- acmap( ag_coords = coords2d[1:3, ], sr_coords = coords2d[4:5, ], minimum_column_basis = "none" ) mapTransformation(map3d) <- rotation_matrix_3D(1, "x") mapTranslation(map3d) <- matrix(c(1, 2)) pc2d3d <- procrustesData( map2d, map3d ) pc3d2d <- procrustesData( map3d, map2d ) map3d <- realignMap( map3d, map2d ) map2d <- realignMap( map2d, map3d ) expect_equal(pc2d3d$total_rmsd, 0) expect_equal(pc3d2d$total_rmsd, 0) warning("Need to decide how to deal with rotating a map in 3D back to a 2D plane") # For example, do we want to treat it like a 2D map again (as is now the case) expect_equal(mapTransformation(map3d), diag(nrow = 2)) expect_equal(mapTranslation(map3d), matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 1)) expect_equal(ncol(agBaseCoords(map3d)), 2) }) # Testing realigning optimizations mapA <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap.ace")) test_that("Realigning map optimizations 3D to 2D", { mapB <- realignOptimizations(mapA) expect_lt( sum((agCoords(mapB, 1) - MCMCpack::procrustes(agCoords(mapB, 2), agCoords(mapB, 1))$^2), sum((agCoords(mapA, 1) - MCMCpack::procrustes(agCoords(mapA, 2), agCoords(mapA, 1))$^2) ) expect_lt( sum((cbind(agCoords(mapB, 1), 0) - MCMCpack::procrustes(agCoords(mapB, 3), cbind(agCoords(mapB, 1), 0))$^2), sum((cbind(agCoords(mapA, 1), 0) - MCMCpack::procrustes(agCoords(mapA, 3), cbind(agCoords(mapA, 1), 0))$^2) ) }) test_that("Realigning map optimizations 2D to 3D", { mapB <- realignOptimizations(mapA) pcA <- procrustesData( map = mapA, comparison_map = mapA, optimization_number = 1, comparison_optimization_number = 3 ) pcB <- procrustesData( map = mapB, comparison_map = mapB, optimization_number = 3, comparison_optimization_number = 1 ) pcAmap <- procrustesMap( map = mapB, comparison_map = mapB, optimization_number = 1, comparison_optimization_number = 3 ) pcBmap <- procrustesMap( map = mapB, comparison_map = mapB, optimization_number = 3, comparison_optimization_number = 1 ) export.viewer.test( view(pcBmap), "procrustes_3d_to_2d.html" ) expect_equal(pcA$total_rmsd, pcB$total_rmsd) expect_lt( sum(ac_coord_dists(agCoords(mapB, 1), agCoords(mapB, 2))^2), sum(ac_coord_dists(agCoords(mapA, 1), agCoords(mapA, 2))^2) ) }) test_that("Procrustes maps with na coords", { map1na <- map1 agCoords(map1na)[1:2, ] <- NA srCoords(map1na)[1, ] <- NA export.viewer.test( view(map1na), "na_map.html" ) pcmap <- procrustesMap( map1na, map2 ) export.viewer.test( view( pcmap, options = list( point.opacity = 1 ) ), "na_map_procrustes.html" ) }) test_that("Procrustes against only antigens or sera", { ag_coords <- matrix(11:30, 10, 2) sr_coords <- matrix(1:10, 5, 2) ag_coords2 <- rotate_coords_by_degrees(ag_coords, 34) sr_coords2 <- rotate_coords_by_degrees(sr_coords, -12) map1 <- acmap(ag_coords = ag_coords, sr_coords = sr_coords) map2 <- acmap(ag_coords = ag_coords2, sr_coords = sr_coords2) map2o <- procrustesMap(map2, map1) expect_failure( expect_equal( map2o$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$ag_coords, agBaseCoords(map2o) ) ) map2a <- procrustesMap(map2, map1, sera = FALSE) expect_equal( map2a$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$ag_coords, agBaseCoords(map2a) ) expect_equal(0, sum(!is.nan(map2a$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$sr_coords))) expect_equal(0, sum(is.nan(map2a$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$ag_coords))) map2s <- procrustesMap(map2, map1, antigens = FALSE) expect_equal( map2s$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$sr_coords, srBaseCoords(map2s) ) expect_equal(0, sum(!is.nan(map2s$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$ag_coords))) expect_equal(0, sum(is.nan(map2s$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$sr_coords))) expect_failure( expect_equal( map2s$optimizations[[1]]$procrustes$ag_coords, agBaseCoords(map2s) ) ) }) test_that("Procrustes data with no matching sera", { mapA <- map1 mapB <- map2 srNames(mapB) <- paste("mismatch", srNames(mapB)) expect_true("total_rmsd" %in% names(procrustesData(mapA, mapB))) })