library(Racmacs) library(testthat) context("Optimizing maps") set.seed(100) # Generate some toy data ag_coords <- cbind(-4:4, runif(9, -1, 1)) sr_coords <- cbind(runif(9, -1, 1), -4:4) colbases <- round(runif(9, 3, 6)) colbasesmat <- matrix(colbases, 9, 9, byrow = T) distmat <- as.matrix(dist(rbind(ag_coords, sr_coords)))[seq_len(9), -seq_len(9)] logtiters <- colbasesmat - distmat titers <- 2 ^ logtiters * 10 mode(titers) <- "character" # Create a perfect representation of the toy data perfect_map <- acmap( titer_table = titers, ag_coords = ag_coords, sr_coords = sr_coords ) # Generate some 3D toy data ag_coords3d <- cbind(runif(9, -4, 4), runif(9, -4, 4), runif(9, -4, 4)) sr_coords3d <- cbind(runif(9, -4, 4), runif(9, -4, 4), runif(9, -4, 4)) colbases3d <- round(runif(9, 3, 6)) colbasesmat3d <- matrix(colbases3d, 9, 9, byrow = T) distmat3d <- as.matrix(dist(rbind(ag_coords3d, sr_coords3d)))[seq_len(9), -seq_len(9)] logtiters3d <- colbasesmat3d - distmat3d titers3d <- 2 ^ logtiters3d * 10 mode(titers3d) <- "character" # Create a perfect representation of the toy data perfect_map3d <- acmap( titer_table = titers3d, ag_coords = ag_coords3d, sr_coords = sr_coords3d ) # Setup a perfect optimization to test test_that("Optimizing a perfect map", { # Try the perfect map with optimization perfect_map_opt <- optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 100, fixed_column_bases = colbases, options = list(dim_annealing = TRUE) ) expect_warning( optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 100, fixed_column_bases = colbases ) ) expect_message( checkHemisphering(perfect_map_opt), "No hemisphering or trapped points found" ) # Check output pcdata <- procrustesData(perfect_map_opt, perfect_map) expect_equal(numOptimizations(perfect_map_opt), 100) expect_lt(pcdata$total_rmsd, 0.01) # Check stresses are calculated correctly expect_lt(optStress(perfect_map_opt, 1), 0.001) }) # Setup a perfect optimization to test test_that("Optimizing with weights", { # Optimize the map setting weights in different ways set.seed(200) map1 <- optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 10 ) set.seed(200) map2 <- optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 10, titer_weights = matrix(1, numAntigens(perfect_map), numSera(perfect_map)) ) set.seed(200) map3 <- optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 10, titer_weights = matrix(6.3, numAntigens(perfect_map), numSera(perfect_map)) ) map3 <- realignMap(map3, map1) titer_weights <- matrix( runif(numAntigens(perfect_map)*numSera(perfect_map)), numAntigens(perfect_map), numSera(perfect_map) ) set.seed(200) map4 <- optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 10, titer_weights = titer_weights ) map4 <- realignMap(map4, map1) # Check output expect_equal(ptCoords(map1), ptCoords(map2)) expect_equal(ptCoords(map1), ptCoords(map3), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(ptCoords(map1), ptCoords(map4)))) }) # Setup a perfect optimization to test test_that("Optimizing a perfect map with dimensional annealing", { # Try the perfect map with optimization perfect_map_opt <- optimizeMap( map = perfect_map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 1000, fixed_column_bases = colbases, options = list( dim_annealing = TRUE ) ) # Check output pcdata <- procrustesData(perfect_map_opt, perfect_map) expect_equal(numOptimizations(perfect_map_opt), 1000) expect_lt(pcdata$total_rmsd, 0.01) expect_equal(ncol(agCoords(perfect_map_opt)), 2) expect_equal(ncol(srCoords(perfect_map_opt)), 2) # Check stresses are calculated correctly expect_lt(optStress(perfect_map_opt, 1), 0.001) }) # Multi-point blobs test_that("Calculating number of blobs", { hemi_map_ag <- perfect_map3d titerTable(hemi_map_ag)[3, -c(4, 5, 8)] <- "*" hemi_map_ag <- expect_warning(optimizeMap( map = hemi_map_ag, number_of_dimensions = 3, number_of_optimizations = 1, fixed_column_bases = colbases )) hemi_map_ag <- triangulationBlobs(hemi_map_ag, stress_lim = 0.25, grid_spacing = 0.25) expect_equal(length(agTriangulationBlobs(hemi_map_ag)[[3]]), 2) }) # Finding trapped points test_that("Finding hemisphering points", { # Create an antigen hemisphering point hemi_map_ag <- perfect_map titerTable(hemi_map_ag)[1, -c(2, 7)] <- "*" hemi_map_ag <- expect_warning( optimizeMap( map = hemi_map_ag, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 1, fixed_column_bases = colbases ) ) hemi_map_ag <- expect_warning( checkHemisphering(hemi_map_ag, stress_lim = 0.1), "Hemisphering or trapped points found:.*" ) expect_false(is.null(agHemisphering(hemi_map_ag)[[1]])) export.plot.test( ggplot(hemi_map_ag), "hemisphering_ags.pdf" ) export.viewer.test( view(hemi_map_ag), "hemisphering_ags.html" ) # Create a sera hemisphering point hemi_map_sr <- perfect_map titerTable(hemi_map_sr)[-c(1, 7), 6] <- "*" hemi_map_sr <- expect_warning(optimizeMap( map = hemi_map_sr, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 1, fixed_column_bases = colbases )) hemi_map_sr <- expect_warning( checkHemisphering(hemi_map_sr, stress_lim = 0.1), "Hemisphering or trapped points found:.*" ) expect_false(is.null(srHemisphering(hemi_map_sr)[[6]])) export.plot.test( ggplot(hemi_map_sr), "hemisphering_sr.pdf" ) export.viewer.test( view(hemi_map_sr), "hemisphering_sr.html" ) }) # Finding trapped points test_that("Finding hemisphering points 3d", { # Create an antigen hemisphering point hemi_map_ag3d <- perfect_map3d titerTable(hemi_map_ag3d)[1, -c(2, 7)] <- "*" hemi_map_ag3d <- expect_warning( optimizeMap( map = hemi_map_ag3d, number_of_dimensions = 3, number_of_optimizations = 1, fixed_column_bases = colbases3d ) ) hemi_map_ag3d <- checkHemisphering(hemi_map_ag3d, stress_lim = 0.1) expect_false(is.null(agHemisphering(hemi_map_ag3d)[[1]])) export.viewer.test( view(hemi_map_ag3d), "hemisphering_ags3d.html" ) }) # Read testmap map <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap.ace")) titerTable(map)[1, 3:4] <- "*" titerTable(map)[4, 1:2] <- "*" colbase_matrix <- matrix( data = colBases(map), nrow = numAntigens(map), ncol = numSera(map), byrow = TRUE ) mapDistances(map) + colbase_matrix test_that("Getting numeric titers", { titers <- titerTable(map) titers <- gsub("[<>]", "", titers) titers[titers == "*"] <- NA mode(titers) <- "numeric" expect_equal( unname(titers), numerictiterTable(map) ) }) test_that("Calculating table distances", { colbases <- ac_table_colbases( titer_table = titerTable(map), fixed_col_bases = rep(NA, numSera(map)), min_col_basis = "none", ag_reactivity_adjustments = rep(0, numAntigens(map)) ) expect_equal(colbases, c(8, 9, 9, 9, 8)) table_dists <- ac_numeric_table_distances( titer_table = titerTable(map), min_col_basis = minColBasis(map), fixed_col_bases = fixedColBases(map), ag_reactivity_adjustments = agReactivityAdjustments(map) ) numeric_titers <- numerictiterTable(map) colbase_matrix <- matrix( colbases, nrow = nrow(numeric_titers), ncol = ncol(numeric_titers), byrow = TRUE ) expect_equal( colbase_matrix - log2(numeric_titers / 10), table_dists ) }) titertable <- read.titerTable(test_path("../testdata/titer_tables/titer_table1.csv")) test_that("Optimizing a map with just a table", { map <- acmap(titer_table = titertable) map <- optimizeMap( map = map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 1, minimum_column_basis = "none" ) expect_equal(numOptimizations(map), 1) }) test_that("Optimizing a map with a random seed", { map <- acmap(titer_table = titertable) set.seed(100) map1 <- optimizeMap( map = map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 1, minimum_column_basis = "none" ) set.seed(100) map2 <- optimizeMap( map = map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 1, minimum_column_basis = "none" ) expect_equal(agCoords(map1), agCoords(map2)) expect_equal(srCoords(map1), srCoords(map2)) }) test_that("Optimizing a map with just a data frame", { map <- make.acmap(titer_table = map <- optimizeMap( map = map, number_of_dimensions = 2, number_of_optimizations = 2, minimum_column_basis = "none", check_convergence = FALSE ) expect_equal(numOptimizations(map), 2) }) largemap <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap_large.ace")) # Relax existing maps map_relax <- map largemap_relax <- largemap test_that("Relax existing maps", { agCoords(map_relax) <- agCoords(map_relax) + 1 agCoords(map_relax, 2) <- agCoords(map_relax, 2) - 1 stress1 <- mapStress(map_relax) stress1_2 <- mapStress(map_relax, 2) map_relax <- relaxMap(map_relax) map_relax <- relaxMap(map_relax, 2) stress2 <- mapStress(map_relax) stress2_2 <- mapStress(map_relax, 2) expect_equal(stress2, 95.0448, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_equal(stress2_2, 95.0448, tolerance = 1e-4) expect_lt(stress2, stress1) expect_lt(stress2_2, stress1_2) }) # Optimizing with fixed points test_that("Relax a map with fixed coords", { map_unrelaxed <- map agCoords(map_unrelaxed) <- agCoords(map_unrelaxed) + 1 srCoords(map_unrelaxed) <- srCoords(map_unrelaxed) - 1 map_relaxed_fixed_ags <- relaxMap(map_unrelaxed, fixed_antigens = TRUE) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(agCoords(map_unrelaxed), agCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_ags)))) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(srCoords(map_unrelaxed), srCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_ags)))) map_relaxed_fixed_sr <- relaxMap(map_unrelaxed, fixed_sera = TRUE) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(agCoords(map_unrelaxed), agCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_sr)))) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(srCoords(map_unrelaxed), srCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_sr)))) map_relaxed_fixed_all <- relaxMap(map_unrelaxed, fixed_antigens = TRUE, fixed_sera = TRUE) expect_true(all.equal(agCoords(map_unrelaxed), agCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_all))) expect_true(all.equal(srCoords(map_unrelaxed), srCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_all))) map_relaxed_fixed_specific <- relaxMap(map_unrelaxed, fixed_antigens = c(2, 3), fixed_sera = c(1, 4)) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(agCoords(map_unrelaxed)[c(2, 3), ], agCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_specific)[c(2, 3), ]))) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(srCoords(map_unrelaxed)[c(1, 4), ], srCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_specific)[c(1, 4), ]))) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(agCoords(map_unrelaxed)[-c(2, 3), ], agCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_specific)[-c(2, 3), ]))) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(srCoords(map_unrelaxed)[-c(1, 4), ], srCoords(map_relaxed_fixed_specific)[-c(1, 4), ]))) }) # Relax a newly created map test_that("Relax a map with no titers", { testmap <- acmap( ag_coords = matrix(1:10, 5, 2), sr_coords = matrix(1:10, 5, 2) ) expect_error( relaxMap(testmap), "Table has no measurable titers" ) }) # Optimizing existing maps test_that("Optimizing existing maps", { # Doing new optimizations new_map <- expect_warning(optimizeMap( map = map, number_of_dimensions = 3, minimum_column_basis = "none", number_of_optimizations = 2 )) expect_equal(numOptimizations(new_map), 2) }) # Moving trapped points map4 <- map largemap4 <- largemap test_that("Moving trapped points", { map4 <- relaxMap(map4) agcoords1 <- agCoords(map4) srcoords1 <- srCoords(map4) map4 <- moveTrappedPoints(map4, grid_spacing = 0.25) agcoords2 <- agCoords(map4) srcoords2 <- srCoords(map4) expect_equal(agcoords1, agcoords2) expect_equal(srcoords1, srcoords2) # Moving trapped points on large map with trapped points largemap4 <- relaxMap(largemap4) largemap4moved <- moveTrappedPoints(largemap4, grid_spacing = 0.25) expect_lt( mapStress(largemap4moved), mapStress(largemap4) ) }) # Randomizing coordinates test_that("Randomize map coordinates", { orig_stress <- mapStress(map) rmap <- randomizeCoords(map) new_stress <- mapStress(rmap) expect_true(sum(agCoords(map) - agCoords(rmap)) != 0) expect_true(sum(srCoords(map) - srCoords(rmap)) != 0) expect_gt(new_stress, orig_stress) expect_true( }) # Making a 1D map test_that("Make a 1D map", { # generate random test data coord <- matrix(rep(runif(10, 0, 10), times = 2), ncol = 2, byrow = T) dist <- as.matrix(dist(coord)) + rnorm(100) max_mat <- matrix(apply(round(dist),2,max), ncol = 10, nrow = 10, byrow = T) tab1 <- 10 * 2^round(max_mat - dist) # make map map1 <- make.acmap( titer_table = tab1, number_of_dimensions = 1, number_of_optimizations = 10, minimum_column_basis = "2560", check_convergence = FALSE ) expect_equal( ncol(agCoords(map1)), 1 ) }) # Adjusting antigen reactivity test_that("Adjust antigen reactivity", { map <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap.ace")) expect_equal( agReactivityAdjustments(map), rep(0, numAntigens(map)) ) original_stress <- mapStress(map) original_coords <- ptCoords(map) # Normal optimization map1 <- optimizeAgReactivity(map) expect_equal(sum(agReactivityAdjustments(map1) == 0), 0) new_stress <- mapStress(map1) new_coords <- ptCoords(map1) expect_lt(new_stress, original_stress) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(original_coords, new_coords))) # Optimization with fixed reactivities ag_reactivities <- rep(NA, numAntigens(map)) ag_reactivities[2] <- 1.12 map2 <- optimizeAgReactivity(map, fixed_ag_reactivities = ag_reactivities) expect_equal(sum(agReactivityAdjustments(map2) == 0), 0) new_stress <- mapStress(map2) new_coords <- ptCoords(map2) expect_lt(new_stress, original_stress) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(original_coords, new_coords))) expect_equal(agReactivityAdjustments(map2)[2], 1.12) }) # Setting a different dilution stepsize test_that("Setting dilution stepsize", { map <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap.ace")) map <- randomizeCoords(map) map1 <- map titerTable(map1)[titerTable(map1) == "<10"] <- "<20" map1 <- relaxMap(map1) map2a <- map map2a <- relaxMap(map2a) map2b <- map dilutionStepsize(map2b) <- 0 map2b <- relaxMap(map2b) expect_equal(dilutionStepsize(map), 1) expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(ptCoords(map1), ptCoords(map2a)))) expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(ptCoords(map1), ptCoords(map2b)))) }) # Setting a different dilution stepsize test_that("Setting high min column bases", { map <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap.ace")) map <- optimizeMap(map, 2, 1, "10240") expect_equal(numOptimizations(map), 1) }) # Relaxing a map with NA coords test_that("Relaxing a map with NA coords", { map <- read.acmap(test_path("../testdata/testmap.ace")) agCoords(map)[2:3,] <- NA map_relaxed <- relaxMap(map) expect_lt( mapStress(map_relaxed), mapStress(map) ) expect_gt( mapStress(map_relaxed), 0 ) }) # Errors for disconnected maps test_that("Error when optimizing a map with disconnected points", { dat <- matrix(rep(40, 90), ncol=9) dat[6:10,1:5] <- "*" dat[1:5,6:9] <- "*" map <- acmap(titer_table = dat) expect_error( optimizeMap(map, 2, 10, "none"), "Map contains disconnected points.*" ) }) # Errors for disconnected maps test_that("Optimizing a map with duplicate antigen or serum names", { dat <- matrix(rep(40, 90), ncol=9) ag_names <- rep("AG", nrow(dat)) sr_names <- rep("SR", ncol(dat)) rownames(dat) <- ag_names colnames(dat) <- sr_names map <- expect_warning(make.acmap(dat, number_of_optimizations = 2)) expect_equal(agNames(map), ag_names) expect_equal(srNames(map), sr_names) expect_equal(sum(, 0) expect_equal(sum(, 0) })