library(testthat) context("Procrustes utils") set.seed(100) R_procrustes <- MCMCpack::procrustes test_that("R and C++ give same procrustes result", { matrix1 <- matrix(rnorm(8), 4, 2) matrix2 <- matrix(rnorm(8), 4, 2) for (translation in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for (dilation in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { mcmc_proc <- MCMCpack::procrustes( matrix1, matrix2, translation = translation, dilation = dilation ) ac_proc <- ac_procrustes( matrix1, matrix2, translation = translation, dilation = dilation ) matrix12 <- ac_align_coords( matrix1, matrix2, translation = translation, dilation = dilation ) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$, matrix12) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$R, ac_proc$R) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$tt, ac_proc$tt) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$s, ac_proc$s) } } }) test_that("R and C++ give same procrustes result in 3d", { matrix1 <- rbind( c(2.0000, 3.0000, 0), c(3.0000, 2.0000, 0), c(1.0000, 9.0000, 0), c(8.0000, 1.0000, 0), c(3.0000, 0, 0) ) matrix2 <- rbind( c(0.7247, 3.0000, 1.8641), c(1.0871, 2.0000, 2.7961), c(0.3624, 9.0000, 0.9320), c(2.8989, 1.0000, 7.4563), c(1.0871, 0, 2.7961) ) for (translation in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { for (dilation in c(TRUE, FALSE)) { mcmc_proc <- R_procrustes( matrix1, matrix2, translation = translation, dilation = dilation ) ac_proc <- ac_procrustes( matrix1, matrix2, translation = translation, dilation = dilation ) matrix12 <- ac_align_coords( matrix1, matrix2, translation = translation, dilation = dilation ) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$, matrix12) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$R, ac_proc$R) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$tt, ac_proc$tt) expect_equal(mcmc_proc$s, ac_proc$s) } } })