R Under development (unstable) (2024-10-15 r87238 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > library(RTDE) Loading required package: parallel > > # ?EPD > > ##### > # (1) density function > x <- seq(0, 5, length=24) > > cbind(x, dfrechet(x, 1/2, 1/4)) x [1,] 0.0000000 0.00000000 [2,] 0.2173913 0.00000000 [3,] 0.4347826 0.61471021 [4,] 0.6521739 0.40506778 [5,] 0.8695652 0.28780042 [6,] 1.0869565 0.21887732 [7,] 1.3043478 0.17439776 [8,] 1.5217391 0.14363574 [9,] 1.7391304 0.12124927 [10,] 1.9565217 0.10431594 [11,] 2.1739130 0.09111412 [12,] 2.3913043 0.08056849 [13,] 2.6086957 0.07197511 [14,] 2.8260870 0.06485508 [15,] 3.0434783 0.05887198 [16,] 3.2608696 0.05378301 [17,] 3.4782609 0.04940877 [18,] 3.6956522 0.04561410 [19,] 3.9130435 0.04229528 [20,] 4.1304348 0.03937152 [21,] 4.3478261 0.03677901 [22,] 4.5652174 0.03446674 [23,] 4.7826087 0.03239344 [24,] 5.0000000 0.03052542 > > cbind(x, dfrechet(x, 1, 0)) x [1,] 0.0000000 0.00000000 [2,] 0.2173913 0.21269684 [3,] 0.4347826 0.53036928 [4,] 0.6521739 0.50740524 [5,] 0.8695652 0.41875213 [6,] 1.0869565 0.33730652 [7,] 1.3043478 0.27305747 [8,] 1.5217391 0.22383401 [9,] 1.7391304 0.18604430 [10,] 1.9565217 0.15669600 [11,] 2.1739130 0.13357962 [12,] 2.3913043 0.11511084 [13,] 2.6086957 0.10015523 [14,] 2.8260870 0.08789325 [15,] 3.0434783 0.07772538 [16,] 3.2608696 0.06920692 [17,] 3.4782609 0.06200348 [18,] 3.6956522 0.05586025 [19,] 3.9130435 0.05058064 [20,] 4.1304348 0.04601119 [21,] 4.3478261 0.04203083 [22,] 4.5652174 0.03854303 [23,] 4.7826087 0.03547017 [24,] 5.0000000 0.03274923 > > ##### > # (2) distribution function > > cbind(x, pfrechet(x, 1/2, 1/4)) x [1,] 0.0000000 0.00000000 [2,] 0.2173913 0.00000000 [3,] 0.4347826 0.09765446 [4,] 0.6521739 0.20662294 [5,] 0.8695652 0.28070617 [6,] 1.0869565 0.33518541 [7,] 1.3043478 0.37761284 [8,] 1.5217391 0.41199274 [9,] 1.7391304 0.44066467 [10,] 1.9565217 0.46510223 [11,] 2.1739130 0.48628834 [12,] 2.3913043 0.50490868 [13,] 2.6086957 0.52145906 [14,] 2.8260870 0.53630864 [15,] 3.0434783 0.54973909 [16,] 3.2608696 0.56196979 [17,] 3.4782609 0.57317469 [18,] 3.6956522 0.58349379 [19,] 3.9130435 0.59304133 [20,] 4.1304348 0.60191163 [21,] 4.3478261 0.61018336 [22,] 4.5652174 0.61792279 [23,] 4.7826087 0.62518620 [24,] 5.0000000 0.63202175 > cbind(x, pfrechet(x, 1, 0)) x [1,] 0.0000000 0.00000000 [2,] 0.2173913 0.01005184 [3,] 0.4347826 0.10025884 [4,] 0.6521739 0.21581508 [5,] 0.8695652 0.31663677 [6,] 1.0869565 0.39851904 [7,] 1.3043478 0.46455902 [8,] 1.5217391 0.51833016 [9,] 1.7391304 0.56270487 [10,] 1.9565217 0.59982873 [11,] 2.1739130 0.63128365 [12,] 2.3913043 0.65824254 [13,] 2.6086957 0.68158567 [14,] 2.8260870 0.70198296 [15,] 3.0434783 0.71995150 [16,] 3.2608696 0.73589586 [17,] 3.4782609 0.75013657 [18,] 3.6956522 0.76293058 [19,] 3.9130435 0.77448611 [20,] 4.1304348 0.78497354 [21,] 4.3478261 0.79453360 [22,] 4.5652174 0.80328347 [23,] 4.7826087 0.81132148 [24,] 5.0000000 0.81873075 > > ##### > # (3) quantile function > > p <- 1:10/11 > cbind(p, qfrechet(p, 1, 0)) p [1,] 0.09090909 0.4170324 [2,] 0.18181818 0.5865969 [3,] 0.27272727 0.7696553 [4,] 0.36363636 0.9885321 [5,] 0.45454545 1.2682994 [6,] 0.54545455 1.6497953 [7,] 0.63636364 2.2124622 [8,] 0.72727273 3.1401736 [9,] 0.81818182 4.9832887 [10,] 0.90909091 10.4920587 > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.23 0.01 0.25