context("posixify function") test_that("read Socrata CSV is compatible with posixify", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') dt <- posixify("09/14/2012 10:38:01 PM") expect_equal(dt, df$datetime[1]) ## Check that download matches test }) test_that("read Socrata JSON is compatible with posixify (issue 85)", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 85 df <- read.socrata('') dt <- posixify("09/14/2012 10:38:01 PM") expect_equal(dt, df$datetime[1], info= "Testing Issue 85") ## Check that download matches test }) test_that("read Socrata JSON that uses ISO 8601 but does not specify subseconds", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') # Not from #121, but smaller for shorter test process expect_false(anyNA(df$app_status_date), info= "Testing issue 121") }) test_that("posixify returns Long format", { dt <- posixify("09/14/2012 10:38:01 PM") expect_equal("POSIXct", class(dt)[1], label="Long format date data type") expect_equal("2012", format(dt, "%Y"), label="year") expect_equal("09", format(dt, "%m"), label="month") expect_equal("14", format(dt, "%d"), label="day") expect_equal("22", format(dt, "%H"), label="hours") expect_equal("38", format(dt, "%M"), label="minutes") expect_equal("01", format(dt, "%S"), label="seconds") }) test_that("posixify returns Short format", { dt <- posixify("09/14/2012") expect_equal("POSIXct", class(dt)[1], label="Short format date data type") expect_equal("2012", format(dt, "%Y"), label="year") expect_equal("09", format(dt, "%m"), label="month") expect_equal("14", format(dt, "%d"), label="day") expect_equal("00", format(dt, "%H"), label="hours") expect_equal("00", format(dt, "%M"), label="minutes") expect_equal("00", format(dt, "%S"), label="seconds") }) context("Socrata Calendar") test_that("Calendar Date Short", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('$order=debarment_date') dt <- df$debarment_date[1] # "05/21/1981" expect_equal("POSIXct", class(dt)[1], label="data type of a date") expect_equal("81", format(dt, "%y"), label="year") expect_equal("05", format(dt, "%m"), label="month") expect_equal("21", format(dt, "%d"), label="day") expect_equal("00", format(dt, "%H"), label="hours") expect_equal("00", format(dt, "%M"), label="minutes") expect_equal("00", format(dt, "%S"), label="seconds") }) test_that("Date is not entirely NA if the first record is bad (issue 68)", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 68 # df <- read.socrata('') # expect_false(object = all($Creation.Date)), # "Testing issue 68") df <- read.socrata("") expect_false(object = all($date_received)), "Testing issue 68") ## Define smaller tests dates_clean <- posixify(c("01/01/2011", "01/01/2011", "01/01/2011")) dates_mixed <- posixify(c("Date", "01/01/2011", "01/01/2011")) ## Execute smaller tests expect_true(all(! ## Nothing should be NA expect_true(any( ## Some should be NA expect_true(any(! ## Some should not be NA expect_warning(posixify(c("Date", "junk", "junk"))) ## Should return warning }) context("change money to numeric") test_that("Fields with currency symbols remove the symbol and convert to money", { deniro <- "$15325.65" deniro <- no_deniro(deniro) expect_equal(15325.65, deniro, label="dollars") expect_equal("numeric", class(deniro), label="output of money fields") }) test_that("converts money fields to numeric from Socrata", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata("") expect_equal("numeric", class(df$annual_salary), label="dollars") expect_equal("numeric", class(df$annual_salary), label="output of money fields") }) context("read Socrata") test_that("read Socrata CSV as default", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") expect_equal(c("character", "character", "character", "POSIXct", "numeric", "numeric", "integer", "character", "character"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1)), label="testing column CSV classes with defaults") }) test_that("read Socrata CSV from New Backend (NBE) endpoint", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata("") expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class", info="") expect_equal(4, ncol(df), label="columns", info="") expect_equal(c("character", "character", "character", "integer"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1)), label="testing column CSV classes with defaults") }) test_that("Warn instead of fail if X-SODA2-* headers are missing", { skip_on_cran() ## Note: The examples with missing Soda2 headers are missing and need to be replaced ## or the issue should be fixed with Socrata / Tyler. ## See issue 196 ## These data sets are identified in #118 as data sets with missing soda ## headers. The missing header should cause the data set to return character ## columns instead of columns cast into their appropriate classes. ## RSocrata should also warn the user when the header is missing. # url_csv_missing <- "$limit=1000" # url_json_missing <- "$limit=1000" ## These URLs should have soda types in the header url_csv_complete <- "" url_json_complete <- "" msg <- "" ## Check that the soda2 headers are missing # expect_null(RSocrata:::getResponse(url_csv_missing)$headers[['x-soda2-types']], info=msg) # expect_null(RSocrata:::getResponse(url_json_missing)$headers[['x-soda2-types']], info=msg) # ## Check for warning that the header is missing, which causes the column ## classes to be returned as character # expect_warning(dfCsv <- read.socrata(url_csv_missing), info=msg) # expect_warning(dfJson <- read.socrata(url_json_missing), info=msg) ## Check that the soda2 headers are present expect_false(is.null(RSocrata:::getResponse(url_csv_complete)$headers[['x-soda2-types']]), info=msg) expect_false(is.null(RSocrata:::getResponse(url_json_complete)$headers[['x-soda2-types']]), info=msg) ## Check that they return results without warning expect_silent(df <- read.socrata(url_csv_complete)) expect_silent(df <- read.socrata(url_json_complete)) }) test_that("read Socrata CSV as character", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") expect_equal(c("character", "character", "character", "POSIXct", "numeric", "numeric", "integer", "character", "character"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1))) }) test_that("read Socrata CSV as factor", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('', stringsAsFactors = TRUE) expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") expect_equal(c("factor", "factor", "factor", "POSIXct", "numeric", "numeric", "integer", "factor", "factor"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1))) }) test_that("read Socrata JSON as default", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(10, ncol(df), label="columns") expect_equal(c("character", "character", "character", "POSIXct", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1))) }) test_that("read Socrata JSON as character", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('', stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(10, ncol(df), label="columns") expect_equal(c("character", "character", "character", "POSIXct", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1))) }) test_that("read Socrata JSON as factor", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('', stringsAsFactors = TRUE) expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(10, ncol(df), label="columns") expect_equal(c("factor", "factor", "factor", "POSIXct", "factor", "factor", "factor", "factor", "factor", "factor"), unname(sapply(sapply(df, class),`[`, 1))) }) test_that("read Socrata No Scheme", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(read.socrata('')) }) test_that("readSoQL", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('$select=region') expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(1, ncol(df), label="columns") }) test_that("readSocrataHumanReadable", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) test_that("Read URL provided by data.json from ls.socrata() - CSV", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows", info="Testing for issue #124") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) test_that("Read URL provided by data.json from ls.socrata() - JSON", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('') expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows", info="Testing for issue #124") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) # This test is commented out because of issue #137 as a temporary work-around. # Test should be re-enabled in the future with a work-around. # # test_that("Read data with missing dates", { # See issue #24 & #27 # # Query below will pull Boston's 311 requests from early July 2011. Contains NA dates. # df <- read.socrata("$where=case_enquiry_id< 101000295717") # expect_equal(99, nrow(df), label="rows") # na_time_rows <- df[$TARGET_DT), ] # expect_equal(33, length(na_time_rows), label="rows with missing TARGET_DT dates") # }) test_that("format is not supported", { skip_on_cran() # Unsupported data formats expect_error(read.socrata('')) }) test_that("read Socrata JSON with missing fields (issue 19 - bind within page)", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 19 expect_error(df <- read.socrata(""), NA, info = "") expect_equal(78, nrow(df), label="rows", info = "") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns", info = "") }) test_that("read Socrata JSON with missing fields (issue 19 - binding pages together)", { skip('See Issue #205') ## Define and test issue 19 df <- read.socrata(paste0("", "$where=incident_date>='2011-01-01'%20AND%20incident_date<'2011-01-15'")) expect_error(df, NA, info = "") expect_equal(3719, nrow(df), label="rows", info = "") expect_equal(15, ncol(df), label="columns", info = "") }) test_that("Accept a URL with a $limit= clause and properly limit the results", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 83 df <- read.socrata("$LIMIT=500") # uppercase expect_equal(500, nrow(df), label="rows", info = "$LIMIT in uppercase") df <- read.socrata("$limit=500") # lowercase expect_equal(500, nrow(df), label="rows", info = "$limit in lowercase") df <- read.socrata("$LIMIT=1001&$order=:id") # uppercase expect_equal(1001, nrow(df), label="rows", info = "$LIMIT in uppercase with 2 queries") df <- read.socrata("$limit=1001&$order=:id") # lowercase expect_equal(1001, nrow(df), label="rows lowercase", info = "$LIMIT in lowercase with 2 queries") }) test_that("If URL has no queries, insert $order:id into URL", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 15 ## Ensure that the $order=:id is inserted when no other query parameters are used. df <- read.socrata("") expect_equal("21.5", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[7], info = "") expect_equal("38", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[23], info = "") expect_equal("40.4", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[36], info = "") expect_equal("36.1", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[42], info = "") }) test_that("If URL has an $order clause, do not insert ?$order:id into URL", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 15 ## Ensure that $order=:id is not used when other $order parameters are requested by the user. df <- read.socrata("$order=hardship_index") expect_equal("35.3", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[7], info = "") expect_equal("37.6", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[23], info = "") expect_equal("38.5", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[36], info = "") expect_equal("32", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[42], info = "") }) test_that("If URL has only non-order query parameters, insert $order:id into URL", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 15 ## Ensure that $order=:id is inserted when other (non-$order) arguments are used. df <- read.socrata("$limit=50") expect_equal("21.5", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[7], info = "") expect_equal("38", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[23], info = "") expect_equal("40.4", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[36], info = "") expect_equal("36.1", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[42], info = "") df <- read.socrata("$where=hardship_index>20") expect_equal("34", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[7], info = "") expect_equal("30.7", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[23], info = "") expect_equal("41.2", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[36], info = "") expect_equal("42.9", df$percent_aged_under_18_or_over_64[42], info = "") }) test_that("Handle URL with query that does not return :id", { skip_on_cran() ## Define and test issue 120 ## Ensure that the $order=:id is inserted when no other query parameters are used. qurl <- "$select=count(trip_id)&$where=trip_start_timestamp between '2016-04-01T00:00:00' and '2016-04-05T00:00:00'" dat <- read.socrata(qurl) expect_equal(1, ncol(dat), info = "") }) context("Checks the validity of 4x4") test_that("is 4x4", { expect_true(isFourByFour("4334-bgaj"), label="ok") expect_false(isFourByFour("4334c-bgajc"), label="11 characters instead of 9") expect_false(isFourByFour("433-bga"), label="7 characters instead of 9") expect_false(isFourByFour("433-bgaj"), label="3 characters before dash instead of 4") expect_false(isFourByFour("4334-!gaj"), label="non-alphanumeric character") }) test_that("is 4x4 URL", { skip_on_cran() expect_error(read.socrata(""), "4334c-bgajc is not a valid Socrata dataset unique identifier", label="11 characters instead of 9") expect_error(read.socrata(""), "433-bga is not a valid Socrata dataset unique identifier", label="7 characters instead of 9") expect_error(read.socrata(""), "433-bgaj is not a valid Socrata dataset unique identifier", label="3 characters before dash instead of 4") expect_error(read.socrata("!gaj"), "4334-!gaj is not a valid Socrata dataset unique identifier", label="non-alphanumeric character") }) test_that("Invalid URL", { ## This one could probably run on CRAN, but being cautious skip_on_cran() expect_error(read.socrata("a.fake.url.being.tested"), "a.fake.url.being.tested does not appear to be a valid URL", label="invalid url") }) context("Test Socrata with Token") test_that("CSV with Token", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('', app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) test_that("readSocrataHumanReadableToken", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('', app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) test_that("API Conflict", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('$$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE', app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSUSER") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") # Check that function is calling the API token specified in url expect_true(substr(validateUrl('$$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE', app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSUSER"), 70, 94)=="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") }) test_that("readAPIConflictHumanReadable", { skip_on_cran() df <- read.socrata('$$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE', app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSUSER") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") # Check that function is calling the API token specified in url expect_true(substr(validateUrl('$$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE', app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSUSER"), 70, 94)=="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") }) test_that("incorrect API Query", { skip_on_cran() # The query below is missing a $ before app_token. expect_error(read.socrata("$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE")) # Check that it was only because of missing $ df <- read.socrata("$$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) test_that("Ensure filtering and app tokens can coexist - API", { skip_on_cran() # Test includes filter and app_token as an R optional argument df <- read.socrata("$where=magnitude > 3.0", app_token="ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") expect_equal(193, nrow(df), label = "rows", info = "") }) test_that("incorrect API Query Human Readable", { skip_on_cran() # The query below is missing a $ before app_token. expect_error(read.socrata("$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE")) # Check that it was only because of missing $ df <- read.socrata("$$app_token=ew2rEMuESuzWPqMkyPfOSGJgE") expect_equal(1007, nrow(df), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df), label="columns") }) context("URL suffixes from Socrata are handled") test_that("Handle /data suffix", { skip_on_cran() df1 <- read.socrata('') expect_equal(1007, nrow(df1), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df1), label="columns") df2 <- read.socrata('') expect_equal(1007, nrow(df2), label="rows") expect_equal(9, ncol(df2), label="columns") }) context("ls.socrata functions correctly") test_that("List datasets available from a Socrata domain", { skip_on_cran() # Makes some potentially erroneous assumptions about availability # of df <- ls.socrata("") expect_equal(TRUE, nrow(df) > 0) # Test comparing columns against data.json specifications: # core_names <- as.character(c("issued", "modified", "keyword", "@type", "landingPage", "theme", "title", "accessLevel", "distribution", "description", "identifier", "publisher", "contactPoint", "license")) expect_equal(as.logical(rep(TRUE, length(core_names))), core_names %in% names(df)) # Check that all names in data.json are accounted for in ls.socrata return expect_equal(as.logical(rep(TRUE, length(names(df)))), names(df) %in% c(core_names)) }) test_that("Catalog Fields are assigned as attributes when listing data sets", { skip_on_cran() df <- ls.socrata("") catalog_fields <- c("@context", "@id", "@type", "conformsTo", "describedBy") expect_equal(as.logical(rep(TRUE, length(catalog_fields))), catalog_fields %in% names(attributes(df))) }) context("getContentAsDataFrame") test_that("getContentAsDataFrame does not get caught in infinite loop", { skip('See Issue #205') ## This is the original url suggested, but it causes the rbind issue # u <- paste0("$", # "select=incident_number,incident_date,call_type,received_time,", # "cleared_time,census_tract_2010_geoid", # "&$where=incident_date=%272016-08-21%27") ## This request has been modified to avoid the rbind issue u <- paste0("$", "select=incident_number,incident_date,call_type,received_time,", "cleared_time,census_tract_2010_geoid", "&$where=incident_date=%272016-08-27%27%20and%20", "census_tract_2010_geoid%20is%20not%20null") df <- read.socrata(u) expect_equal("data.frame", class(df), label="class") })