library(RSAGA) # The following tests are not meant for CRAN. # SAGA will normally be located automatically by RSAGA through # a rsaga.env() call; however, I am hard-coding the paths of # multiple SAGA versions in order to run multiple compatibility # tests. Use NULL to let RSAGA try to find a SAGA installation. # SAGA_PATH <- NULL SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/SAGA" # SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/saga-9.7.2_x64" # SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/saga-9.3.3_x64" # SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/saga-9.0.0_x64" # SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/saga-8.5.0_x64" # SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/saga_8.1.3_x64" # SAGA_PATH <- "C:/Progra~1/saga_2.3.1_x64" test_that("Write DEM to disc", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) data(landslides) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd") write.sgrd( data = dem, file = out_fnm, header = dem$header, prec = 2, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Read grid from disc", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) data(landslides) fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd") grd <- read.sgrd(fnm, prec = 2, env = env) expect_equal(sum($data)), sum($data))) maxdiff <- max(as.vector(grd$data - dem$data), na.rm = TRUE) expect_true(maxdiff <= 0.0051) expect_true(abs(dem$header$xllcenter - grd$header$xllcenter) < 0.005) }) test_that("Slope", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "slope.sgrd") rsaga.slope.asp.curv(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.slope = out_fnm, method = "poly2zevenbergen", env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Fill Sinks", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "fill_sinks.sgrd") rsaga.fill.sinks(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.dem = out_fnm, method = "planchon.darboux.2001", env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) grd <- read.sgrd(out_fnm, prec = 3, env = env) meddiff <- median(as.vector(grd$data - dem$data), na.rm = TRUE) expect_true(meddiff <= 0.000001) expect_true(abs(dem$header$xllcenter - grd$header$xllcenter) < 0.005) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Sink Route", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "sink_route.sgrd") rsaga.sink.route(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.sink = out_fnm, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Sink Removal", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "sink_removal.sgrd") rsaga.sink.removal(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), in.sinkroute = file.path(tempdir(), "sink_route.sgrd"), out.dem = out_fnm, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) grd <- read.sgrd(out_fnm, prec = 3, env = env) meddiff <- median(as.vector(grd$data - dem$data), na.rm = TRUE) expect_true(meddiff <= 0.000001) expect_true(abs(dem$header$xllcenter - grd$header$xllcenter) < 0.005) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Close Gaps", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "close_gaps.sgrd") rsaga.close.gaps(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.dem = out_fnm, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) grd <- read.sgrd(out_fnm, prec = 3, env = env) meddiff <- median(as.vector(grd$data - dem$data), na.rm = TRUE) expect_true(meddiff <= 0.000001) expect_equal(sum($data))), 0) expect_true(abs(dem$header$xllcenter - grd$header$xllcenter) < 0.005) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Hillshade", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "hillshade.sgrd") rsaga.hillshade(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.grid = out_fnm, exaggeration = 10, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("PISR2", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "pisr2.sgrd") rsaga.pisr2( in.dem = file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), = out_fnm, out.diffuse.grid = file.path(tempdir(), "pisr2_diffuse.sgrd"), latitude = 43, unit = "kWh/m2", method = "lumped", lmp.transmittance = 60, time.range = c(0, 24), time.step = 3, = list(day = 1, month = 10, year = 2016), = list(day = 6, month = 12, year = 2016), day.step = 5, env = env, show = FALSE, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) out_fnm2 <- file.path(tempdir(), "pisr22.sgrd") # same parameters, finer discretization: rsaga.pisr2( in.dem = file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), = out_fnm2, out.diffuse.grid = file.path(tempdir(), "pisr2_diffuse.sgrd"), latitude = 43, unit = "kWh/m2", method = "lumped", lmp.transmittance = 60, time.range = c(0, 24), time.step = 1, = list(day = 1, month = 10, year = 2016), = list(day = 6, month = 12, year = 2016), day.step = 2, env = env, show = FALSE, check.module.exists = FALSE ) grd1 <- read.sgrd(out_fnm, prec = 5, env = env) grd2 <- read.sgrd(out_fnm2, prec = 5, env = env) expect_true(abs(grd1$header$xllcenter - grd2$header$xllcenter) < 0.0005) # median deviation <8%, but not 0: medratio <- median(as.vector(grd1$data / grd2$data), na.rm = TRUE) expect_true(abs(medratio - 1 ) < 0.08) expect_true(abs(medratio - 1 ) > 0) try(unlink(out_fnm)) try(unlink(out_fnm2)) }) test_that("Topdown Processing", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "carea.sgrd") rsaga.topdown.processing( in.dem = file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.carea = out_fnm, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Wetness Index", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "wi.sgrd") rsaga.wetness.index( in.dem = file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.wetness.index = out_fnm, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Grid Calculus", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "calculus.sgrd") rsaga.grid.calculus(c(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd")), out.grid = out_fnm, formula = "a + b", env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) grd <- read.sgrd(out_fnm, prec = 3, env = env) meddiff <- median(as.vector(grd$data - 2*dem$data), na.rm = TRUE) expect_true(meddiff <= 0.000001) expect_equal(sum($data))), sum($data)))) expect_true(abs(dem$header$xllcenter - grd$header$xllcenter) < 0.005) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Contour", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "contour.shp") rsaga.contour(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.shapefile = out_fnm, zstep = 5, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) shp <- sf::read_sf(out_fnm) expect_equal(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(shp)[1]), "LINESTRING") try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Grid to Points Randomly", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "grid_to_points_randomly.shp") in.grid = file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.shapefile = out_fnm, freq = 50, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) shp <- sf::read_sf(out_fnm) expect_equal(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(shp)[1]), "POINT") # need to be tolerant here because actual number of sampled points is random: expect_true(nrow(shp) > 0.8*(dem$header$ncols * dem$header$nrows)/50) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) test_that("Grid to Points", { testthat::skip_on_travis() testthat::skip_on_cran() env <- rsaga.env(path = SAGA_PATH) out_fnm <- file.path(tempdir(), "grid_to_points.shp") in.grid = file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd"), out.shapefile = out_fnm, exclude.nodata = TRUE, env = env, check.module.exists = FALSE ) expect_true(file.exists(out_fnm)) shp <- sf::read_sf(out_fnm) expect_equal(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(shp)[1]), "POINT") # DEM contains ~0.4% nodata values: expect_true(nrow(shp) != (dem$header$ncols * dem$header$nrows)) expect_true(nrow(shp) > 0.995*(dem$header$ncols * dem$header$nrows)) try(unlink(out_fnm)) }) try(unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "dem.sgrd")))