R Under development (unstable) (2025-01-13 r87564 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > > if (requireNamespace("tinytest", quietly=TRUE) && + utils::packageVersion("tinytest") >= "1.0.0") { + + ## Set a seed to make the test deterministic + set.seed(42) + + ## R makes us to this + Sys.setenv("R_TESTS"="") + + ## there are several more granular ways to test files in a tinytest directory, + ## see its package vignette; tests can also run once the package is installed + ## using the same command `test_package(pkgName)`, or by director or file + tinytest::test_package("RProtoBuf") + } test_addressbook.R............ 0 tests test_addressbook.R............ 0 tests test_addressbook.R............ 0 tests test_addressbook.R............ 0 tests test_addressbook.R............ 1 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 2 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 3 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 4 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 5 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 6 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 7 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 8 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 9 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 10 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 11 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 12 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 13 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 14 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 15 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 15 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 15 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 15 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 16 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 16 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 17 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 18 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 18 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 18 tests OK WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR E0000 00:00:1736879983.821243 186824 text_format.cc:410] Error parsing text-format tutorial.AddressBook: 2:1: Message type "tutorial.AddressBook" has no field named "jibberish". test_addressbook.R............ 19 tests OK E0000 00:00:1736879983.821916 186824 text_format.cc:410] Error parsing text-format tutorial.AddressBook: 1:2: Message type "tutorial.AddressBook" has no field named "D". test_addressbook.R............ 20 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 20 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 20 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 20 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 21 tests OK E0000 00:00:1736879983.823082 186824 text_format.cc:414] Error parsing text-format tutorial.Person: Message missing required fields: id test_addressbook.R............ 22 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 22 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 23 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 23 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 23 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 23 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 23 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 23 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 24 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 24 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 25 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 26 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 26 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 26 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 27 tests OK test_addressbook.R............ 28 tests OK 0.1s test_bool.R................... 0 tests test_bool.R................... 0 tests test_bool.R................... 0 tests test_bool.R................... 0 tests test_bool.R................... 0 tests test_bool.R................... 1 tests OK test_bool.R................... 1 tests OK test_bool.R................... 2 tests OK test_bool.R................... 3 tests OK test_bool.R................... 4 tests OK test_bool.R................... 5 tests OK test_bool.R................... 6 tests OK test_bool.R................... 7 tests OK 10ms test_bytes.R.................. 0 tests test_bytes.R.................. 0 tests test_bytes.R.................. 0 tests test_bytes.R.................. 1 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 1 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 2 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 3 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 4 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 4 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 5 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 5 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 5 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 6 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 7 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 8 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 8 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 9 tests OK test_bytes.R.................. 10 tests OK 6ms test_descriptors.R............ 0 tests test_descriptors.R............ 1 tests OK test_descriptors.R............ 2 tests OK test_descriptors.R............ 3 tests OK test_descriptors.R............ 4 tests OK test_descriptors.R............ 5 tests OK test_descriptors.R............ 6 tests OK 81ms test_enums.R.................. 0 tests test_enums.R.................. 0 tests test_enums.R.................. 1 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 2 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 3 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 4 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 5 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 6 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 7 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 8 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 9 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 10 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 11 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 12 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 13 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 14 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 14 tests OK test_enums.R.................. 15 tests OK 5ms test_extensions.R............. 0 tests test_extensions.R............. 0 tests test_extensions.R............. 1 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 2 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 2 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 2 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 3 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 4 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 5 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 5 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 6 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 7 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 7 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 8 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 8 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 8 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 8 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 8 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 9 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 9 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 9 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 9 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 10 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 11 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 12 tests OK test_extensions.R............. 13 tests OK 6ms test_extremevalues.R.......... 0 tests test_extremevalues.R.......... 0 tests test_extremevalues.R.......... 0 tests test_extremevalues.R.......... 0 tests test_extremevalues.R.......... 0 tests test_extremevalues.R.......... 1 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 2 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 2 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 3 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 3 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 3 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 4 tests OK test_extremevalues.R.......... 5 tests OK 3ms test_fielddescriptor.R........ 0 tests test_fielddescriptor.R........ 0 tests test_fielddescriptor.R........ 0 tests test_fielddescriptor.R........ 1 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 2 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 3 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 4 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 5 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 6 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 7 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 8 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 9 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 10 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 11 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 12 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 13 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 14 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 15 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 16 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 17 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 18 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 19 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 20 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 21 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 22 tests OK test_fielddescriptor.R........ 23 tests OK 6ms test_golden_message.R......... 0 tests test_golden_message.R......... 0 tests test_golden_message.R......... 1 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 2 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 3 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 3 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 4 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 5 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 6 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 7 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 8 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 9 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 9 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 9 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 9 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 60 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 61 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 62 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 63 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 63 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 64 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 65 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 66 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 66 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 66 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 67 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 67 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 68 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 68 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 69 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 69 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 70 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 70 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 71 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 71 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 71 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 72 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 72 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 72 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 73 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 74 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 74 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 75 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 75 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 75 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 76 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 77 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 78 tests OK test_golden_message.R......... 79 tests OK 14ms test_import.R................. 0 tests test_import.R................. 0 tests test_import.R................. 1 tests OK test_import.R................. 2 tests OK test_import.R................. 2 tests OK test_import.R................. 3 tests OK test_import.R................. 3 tests OK test_import.R................. 3 tests OK test_import.R................. 4 tests OK test_import.R................. 4 tests OK test_import.R................. 4 tests OK test_import.R................. 4 tests OK test_import.R................. 5 tests OK test_import.R................. 5 tests OK test_import.R................. 6 tests OK test_import.R................. 6 tests OK test_import.R................. 6 tests OK test_import.R................. 6 tests OK test_import.R................. 6 tests OK test_import.R................. 7 tests OK test_import.R................. 8 tests OK test_import.R................. 8 tests OK test_import.R................. 9 tests OK test_import.R................. 9 tests OK test_import.R................. 10 tests OK test_import.R................. 10 tests OK test_import.R................. 11 tests OK 17ms test_int32.R.................. 0 tests test_int32.R.................. 0 tests test_int32.R.................. 0 tests test_int32.R.................. 0 tests test_int32.R.................. 0 tests test_int32.R.................. 1 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 2 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 3 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 3 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 3 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 4 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 5 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 5 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 5 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 6 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 7 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 7 tests OK test_int32.R.................. 8 tests OK 9ms test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 0 tests test_int64.R.................. 1 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 1 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 2 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 3 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 3 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 3 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 4 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 5 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 5 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 6 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 7 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 7 tests OK test_int64.R.................. 8 tests OK 6ms test_messages.R............... 0 tests test_messages.R............... 0 tests test_messages.R............... 0 tests test_messages.R............... 0 tests test_messages.R............... 1 tests OK test_messages.R............... 1 tests OK test_messages.R............... 2 tests OK test_messages.R............... 3 tests OK test_messages.R............... 4 tests OK test_messages.R............... 5 tests OK test_messages.R............... 6 tests OK test_messages.R............... 7 tests OK test_messages.R............... 8 tests OK test_messages.R............... 9 tests OK test_messages.R............... 10 tests OK test_messages.R............... 11 tests OK 4ms test_nested.R................. 0 tests test_nested.R................. 0 tests test_nested.R................. 1000 tests OK 0.1s test_proto3.R................. 0 tests test_proto3.R................. 0 tests test_proto3.R................. 0 tests test_proto3.R................. 0 tests test_proto3.R................. 0 tests test_proto3.R................. 1 tests OK test_proto3.R................. 2 tests OK test_proto3.R................. 3 tests OK 5ms test_serialize.R.............. 0 tests test_serialize.R.............. 0 tests test_serialize.R.............. 0 tests test_serialize.R.............. 1 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 1 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 2 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 2 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 3 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 3 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 3 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 3 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 4 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 4 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 4 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 5 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 5 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 5 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 6 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 6 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 6 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 7 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 7 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 8 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 9 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 9 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 10 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 10 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 11 tests OK test_serialize.R.............. 12 tests OK 8ms test_serialize_pb.R........... 0 tests test_serialize_pb.R........... 0 tests test_serialize_pb.R........... 0 tests test_serialize_pb.R........... 1 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 1 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 1 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 2 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 2 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 2 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 2 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 2 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 3 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 3 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 4 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 4 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 4 tests OK test_serialize_pb.R........... 5 tests OK 0.3s All ok, 1244 results (0.8s) Warning messages: 1: In for (i in seq_along(parsed)) { : closing unused connection 12 (D:\temp\2025_01_14_19_35_17_6932\RtmpeaByGF\file2159027cb671b) 2: In for (i in seq_along(parsed)) { : closing unused connection 10 (D:\temp\2025_01_14_19_35_17_6932\RtmpeaByGF\file2159060f53c6a) 3: In for (i in seq_along(parsed)) { : closing unused connection 8 (D:\temp\2025_01_14_19_35_17_6932\RtmpeaByGF\file21590a88f97) 4: In for (i in seq_along(parsed)) { : closing unused connection 6 (D:\temp\2025_01_14_19_35_17_6932\RtmpeaByGF\file2159058b6649e) 5: In for (i in seq_along(parsed)) { : closing unused connection 4 (D:\temp\2025_01_14_19_35_17_6932\RtmpeaByGF\file215907ce62cb4) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 1.09 0.07 1.15