# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. context("translate_sql") with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("as() works", { if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) { skip("dplyr not available") } s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as(x, 0.0), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS DOUBLE)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(pmax(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('GREATEST("x")') ) substituted.expression <- substitute(as(x, l), list(l = Sys.Date())) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql_(list(substituted.expression), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS DATE)') ) # Hacky dummy table so that we can test substitution s <- setup_live_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] if (requireNamespace("dbplyr", quietly = TRUE) && utils::compareVersion( as.character(utils::packageVersion("dbplyr")), "1.3.0" ) >= 0 ) { # vars argument gives a deprecation warning starting with 1.3.0 t <- dplyr::tbl( s, from = dplyr::sql_subquery( s[["con"]], dbplyr::sql("SELECT 1 AS a") ) ) } else { t <- dplyr::tbl( s, from = dplyr::sql_subquery( s[["con"]], dbplyr::sql("SELECT 1") ), vars = c("x") ) } l <- list(c(a = 1L)) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql( as(x, !!l), con = s[["con"]] ), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS MAP<VARCHAR, INTEGER>)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql( as(x, !!local(list(c(a = Sys.time())))), con = s[["con"]] ), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS MAP<VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP>)') ) r <- as.raw(0) p <- as.POSIXct("2001-02-03 04:05:06", tz = "Europe/Istanbul") l <- TRUE query <- as.character(dbplyr::sql_render(dplyr::transmute( t, b = as(a, r), c = as(a, p), d = as(a, l) ))) old_expected_query_pattern <- paste0( '^SELECT "b"( AS "b")?, "c"( AS "c")?, "d"( AS "d")?.*', "FROM \\(", "SELECT ", '"_col0", ', 'CAST\\("a" AS VARBINARY\\) AS "b", ', 'CAST\\("a" AS TIMESTAMP\\) AS "c", ', 'CAST\\("a" AS BOOLEAN\\) AS "d"\n', "FROM \\(", '\\(SELECT 1\\) "[_0-9a-z]+"', '\\) "[_0-9a-z]+"', '\\) "[_0-9a-z]+"$' ) new_expected_query_pattern <- paste0( "^SELECT\\s*", 'CAST\\("a" AS VARBINARY\\) AS "b",\\s*', 'CAST\\("a" AS TIMESTAMP\\) AS "c",\\s*', 'CAST\\("a" AS BOOLEAN\\) AS "d"\n', "FROM \\(", '\\(SELECT 1 AS a\\) "[_0-9a-z]+"', '\\) "[_0-9a-z]+"$' ) # newer versions of dplyr have a simpler pattern expected_query_pattern <- paste0( "(", old_expected_query_pattern, "|", new_expected_query_pattern, ")" ) expect_true( grepl(expected_query_pattern, query) ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("as.<type>() works", { if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) { skip("dplyr not available") } s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.character(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS VARCHAR)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.numeric(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS DOUBLE)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.double(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS DOUBLE)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.integer(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS BIGINT)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.Date(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS DATE)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.logical(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS BOOLEAN)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(as.raw(x), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('CAST("x" AS VARBINARY)') ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("`[[` works for char/numeric indices", { dbplyr_version <- try(as.character(utils::packageVersion("dbplyr"))) if (inherits(dbplyr_version, "try-error")) { skip("dbplyr not available") } else if (utils::compareVersion(dbplyr_version, "1.4.0") < 0) { skip("remote evaluation of `[[` requires dbplyr >= 1.4.0") } s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] # a character index should be escaped expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(x[["a"]], con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql("ELEMENT_AT(\"x\", 'a')") ) # but a numeric index (for arrays) should not expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(x[[1]], con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql("ELEMENT_AT(\"x\", 1)") ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(x[[1L]], con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql("ELEMENT_AT(\"x\", 1)") ) # neither `x` nor `i` should be evaluated locally expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(dim[["a"]], con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql("ELEMENT_AT(\"dim\", 'a')") ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(x[["dim"]], con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql("ELEMENT_AT(\"x\", 'dim')") ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("`[[` works for dynamic indices", { dbplyr_version <- try(as.character(utils::packageVersion("dbplyr"))) if (inherits(dbplyr_version, "try-error")) { skip("dbplyr not available") } else if (utils::compareVersion(dbplyr_version, "1.4.0") < 0) { skip("remote evaluation of `[[` requires dbplyr >= 1.4.0") } # create an inline table with both array and map columns x <- dplyr::tbl( setup_live_dplyr_connection()[["db"]], dbplyr::sql( "SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ( ARRAY['a', 'b'], MAP(ARRAY[1, 2], ARRAY['map_1', 'map_2']), 2.0 ), ( ARRAY['x', 'y'], MAP(ARRAY[1.5, 2.5], ARRAY['map_1.5', 'map_2.5']), 1.0 ) ) AS data(arr, map, idx)" ) ) # index an array with a function of fixed values expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = arr[[as.integer(POW(2, 1))]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("b", "y") ) # index an array with a function of a dynamic reference expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = arr[[as.integer(POW(idx, 1))]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("b", "x") ) # index a map with a function of fixed values expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[as.integer(POW(2, 1))]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("map_2", NA) ) # index a map with a function of a dynamic reference expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[as.integer(POW(idx, 1))]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("map_2", NA) ) # index an array with a fixed numeric expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = arr[[1]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("a", "x") ) # index an array with a fixed integer expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = arr[[1L]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("a", "x") ) # index a map with an integer-ish numeric expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[1]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("map_1", NA) ) # index a map with a numeric expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[1.5]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c(NA, "map_1.5") ) # index a map with an integer expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[1L]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("map_1", NA) ) # index an array with a dynamic reference coerced to an integer expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = arr[[as.integer(idx)]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("b", "x") ) # index a map with an integer-ish dynamic reference expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[idx]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("map_2", NA) ) # index a map with a function of an integer-ish dynamic reference expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[idx + 0.5]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c(NA, "map_1.5") ) # index a map with a dynamic reference coerced to an integer expect_equal( x %>% dplyr::mutate(y = map[[as.integer(idx)]]) %>% dplyr::pull(y), c("map_2", NA) ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("is.[in]finite() works", { if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) { skip("dplyr not available") } s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(is.infinite(x), con = s$con), dbplyr::sql("IS_INFINITE(\"x\")") ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(is.finite(x), con = s$con), dbplyr::sql("IS_FINITE(\"x\")") ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("quantile() and median() throw errors", { dbplyr_version <- try(as.character(utils::packageVersion("dbplyr"))) if (inherits(dbplyr_version, "try-error")) { skip("dbplyr not available") } else if (utils::compareVersion(dbplyr_version, "1.4.0") < 0) { skip("remote evaluation of `[[` requires dbplyr >= 1.4.0") } s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] expect_error(dbplyr::translate_sql(quantile(x, 0.9), con = s[["con"]])) expect_error(dbplyr::translate_sql(median(x), con = s[["con"]])) x <- dplyr::tbl( setup_live_dplyr_connection()[["db"]], dbplyr::sql( "SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ('a', 1), ('b', 2) ) AS data(y, z)" ) ) expect_error(dplyr::summarize(x, q = quantile(z, 0.9)) %>% collect()) expect_error(dplyr::summarize(x, q = median(z)) %>% collect()) # aggregate expect_error( x %>% dplyr::group_by(y) %>% dplyr::summarize(q = quantile(z, 0.9)) %>% collect() ) expect_error( x %>% dplyr::group_by(y) %>% dplyr::summarize(q = median(z)) %>% collect() ) # windowed expect_error( x %>% dplyr::group_by(y) %>% dplyr::mutate(q = quantile(z, 0.9)) %>% collect() ) expect_error( x %>% dplyr::group_by(y) %>% dplyr::mutate(q = median(z)) %>% collect() ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("first(), last(), and nth() work", { testthat::skip_if_not_installed("dbplyr", "2.4.0") s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(first(x, order_by = y), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('FIRST_VALUE("x") OVER (ORDER BY "y")') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(last(x, order_by = y), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('LAST_VALUE("x") OVER (ORDER BY "y" ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(nth(x, 2, order_by = y), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('NTH_VALUE("x", 2) OVER (ORDER BY "y")') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(first(x, order_by = y, na_rm = TRUE), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('FIRST_VALUE("x") IGNORE NULLS OVER (ORDER BY "y")') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(last(x, order_by = y, na_rm = TRUE), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('LAST_VALUE("x") IGNORE NULLS OVER (ORDER BY "y" ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING)') ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(nth(x, 2, order_by = y, na_rm = TRUE), con = s[["con"]]), dbplyr::sql('NTH_VALUE("x", 2) IGNORE NULLS OVER (ORDER BY "y")') ) }) with_locale(test.locale(), test_that)("paste() works", { s <- setup_mock_dplyr_connection()[["db"]] expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(paste(a, b, c), con = s$con), dbplyr::sql("\"a\" || ' ' || \"b\" || ' ' || \"c\"") ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(paste(a, b, c, sep = "-"), con = s$con), dbplyr::sql("\"a\" || '-' || \"b\" || '-' || \"c\"") ) expect_equal( dbplyr::translate_sql(paste0(a, b, c), con = s$con), dbplyr::sql("\"a\" || \"b\" || \"c\"") ) })