## dbGetQuery test with optional parameters ## ## Assumes that ## a) PostgreSQL is running, and ## b) the current user can connect ## both of which are not viable for release but suitable while we test ## only run this if this env.var is set correctly if (Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_USER") != "" & Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_HOST") != "" & Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_DATABASE") != "") { ## try to load our module and abort if this fails stopifnot(require(RPostgreSQL)) stopifnot(require(datasets)) ## load the PostgresSQL driver drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") ## connect to the default db con <- dbConnect(drv, user=Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_USER"), password=Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWD"), host=Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_HOST"), dbname=Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_DATABASE"), port=ifelse((p<-Sys.getenv("POSTGRES_PORT"))!="", p, 5432)) if (dbExistsTable(con, "rockdata")) { print("Removing rockdata\n") dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata") } dbWriteTable(con, "rockdata", rock) ## run a simple query and show the query result res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM rockdata WHERE peri > $1 LIMIT 10", 4000) print(res) res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM rockdata WHERE peri > $1 AND shape < $2 LIMIT $3", c(4000, 0.2, 10)) print(res) ## cleanup if (dbExistsTable(con, "rockdata")) { print("Removing rockdata\n") dbRemoveTable(con, "rockdata") } ## and disconnect dbDisconnect(con) }