library(testthat) # Test logistic regression output test_that("Test rgs_for_logistic for logisti regression", { # Read data data_path <- system.file("extdata", "logistic_data.csv", package = "RGS") my_data <- read.csv(data_path) # Define variables u_variables <- c("u1", "u2") covariates <- c("l1", "c1") # Run the function best_combination <- rgs_for_logistic(my_data, u_variables, covariates) # Create the expected output dataframe expected_output <- data.frame( row.names = as.integer(c(4269)), left_cutoff_u1 = c(-0.3834946), right_cutoff_u1 = c(0.4222876), left_cutoff_u2 = c(-0.4855637), right_cutoff_u2 = c(0.4689046), AIC = c(131.5878) ) # Verify that the output results match the expected values expect_equal(best_combination, expected_output, tolerance = 1e-3, "Output should match expected values.") # Verify that the index matches expect_equal(row.names(best_combination)[1], row.names(expected_output)[1], "Index should match.") })