test_that("scale2 only centers the data when scale = FALSE", { M <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 12), nrow = 10) expect_equal(scale(M, scale = FALSE), scale2(M, scale = FALSE)) }) test_that("scale2 centers and scales the data like stats::scale when scale = TRUE and bias = FALSE", { M <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 12), nrow = 10) expect_equal(scale(M, scale = TRUE), scale2(M, scale = TRUE, bias = FALSE)) }) test_that("scale2 centers and scales the data differently from stats::scale when scale = TRUE and bias = TRUE", { M <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 12), nrow = 10) M_scaled <- scale2(M, scale = TRUE, bias = TRUE) M_scaled <- M_scaled * sqrt(9 / 10) attr(M_scaled, "scaled:scale") <- attr(M_scaled, "scaled:scale") / sqrt(9 / 10) expect_equal(scale(M, scale = TRUE), M_scaled) })