# Load Sample Databases ---- db_data_classic <- readRDS(system.file("testdata/db_data_classic.RDS", package = "REDCapTidieR")) db_metadata_classic <- readRDS(system.file("testdata/db_metadata_classic.RDS", package = "REDCapTidieR")) test_that("update_data_field_names works", { test_data <- tibble::tribble( ~`checkbox____99`, ~`checkbox____98`, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 ) test_meta <- tibble::tribble( ~field_name_updated, "checkbox___-99", "checkbox___-98", "test_column" ) out <- update_data_col_names( db_data = test_data, db_metadata = test_meta ) expect_true(all(c("checkbox___-99", "checkbox___-98") %in% names(out))) }) test_that("multi_choice_to_labels works", { db_data_classic <- update_data_col_names( db_data_classic, db_metadata_classic ) # Expect warning on misconfigured variables multi_choice_to_labels( db_data = db_data_classic, db_metadata = db_metadata_classic ) %>% # radio button is created for a descriptive text field expect_warning(class = "empty_parse_warning") %>% expect_warning(class = "field_missing_categories") %>% # radio button with duplicate labels expect_warning(class = "duplicate_labels") out <- multi_choice_to_labels( db_data = db_data_classic, db_metadata = db_metadata_classic ) %>% suppressWarnings(classes = c( "empty_parse_warning", "field_missing_categories", "duplicate_labels" )) # Test general structure expect_true(is.data.frame(out)) expect_true(nrow(out) > 0) # Test multichoice options return expected values and datatypes expect_logical(out$yesno) expect_logical(out$truefalse) expect_logical(out$checkbox_multiple___1) expect_logical(out$checkbox_multiple_2___4eeee5) expect_factor(out$dropdown_single) expect_equal(levels(out$dropdown_single), c("one", "two", "three")) expect_factor(out$radio_single) expect_equal(levels(out$radio_single), c("A", "B", "C")) expect_factor(out$data_field_types_complete) expect_equal(levels(out$data_field_types_complete), c("Incomplete", "Unverified", "Complete")) # Haven option works skip_if_not_installed("labelled") out <- multi_choice_to_labels( db_data = db_data_classic, db_metadata = db_metadata_classic, raw_or_label = "haven" ) %>% suppressWarnings(classes = c( "empty_parse_warning", "field_missing_categories", "duplicate_labels" )) expect_s3_class(out$dropdown_single, "haven_labelled") expect_equal( labelled::val_labels(out$dropdown_single), c("one" = "choice_1", "two" = "choice_2", "three" = "choice_3") ) expect_s3_class(out$radio_single, "haven_labelled") expect_equal(labelled::val_labels(out$radio_single), c("A" = "choice_1", "B" = "choice_2", "C" = "choice_3")) expect_s3_class(out$data_field_types_complete, "haven_labelled") expect_equal( labelled::val_labels(out$data_field_types_complete), c("Incomplete" = 0, "Unverified" = 1, "Complete" = 2) ) expect_s3_class(out$repeatsurvey_radio_v2, "haven_labelled") expect_equal(labelled::val_labels(out$repeatsurvey_radio_v2), c("Choice 1" = 1, "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3)) }) test_that("parse_labels works", { # Note: implicitly testing strip_html_field_embedding() by checking that # parse_labels successfully stips html tags and field embedding logic valid_string <- "choice_1, one | choice_2, two {abc} | choice_3, three" valid_tibble_output <- tibble::tribble( ~raw, ~label, "choice_1", "one", "choice_2", "two", "choice_3", "three" ) valid_vector_output <- c("one", "two", "three") names(valid_vector_output) <- c("choice_1", "choice_2", "choice_3") invalid_string_1 <- "raw, label | that has | pipes but no other | commas" invalid_string_2 <- "raw, la|bel with pipe" warning_string_1 <- NA_character_ expect_equal(parse_labels(valid_string), valid_tibble_output) expect_equal( parse_labels(valid_string, return_vector = TRUE), valid_vector_output ) expect_error( parse_labels(invalid_string_1), class = "label_parse_error" ) expect_error( parse_labels(invalid_string_2), class = "label_parse_error" ) expect_warning( parse_labels(warning_string_1), class = "empty_parse_warning" ) # Check that parse_labels can account for splits where no white space exists ## between pipes valid_string_no_ws1 <- "choice_1, one|choice_2, two {abc}|choice_3, three" expect_equal(parse_labels(valid_string_no_ws1), valid_tibble_output) ## between commas valid_string_no_ws2 <- "choice_1,one|choice_2,two {abc}|choice_3,three" expect_equal(parse_labels(valid_string_no_ws2), valid_tibble_output) # Check that return_stripped_text_flag works ## When html/embedding was stripped expect_equal( parse_labels(valid_string, return_stripped_text_flag = TRUE), list(valid_tibble_output, TRUE) ) expect_equal( parse_labels(valid_string, return_vector = TRUE, return_stripped_text_flag = TRUE), list(valid_vector_output, TRUE) ) ## When nothing was stripped valid_string_no_html <- "choice_1, one | choice_2, two | choice_3, three" expect_equal( parse_labels(valid_string_no_html, return_stripped_text_flag = TRUE), list(valid_tibble_output, FALSE) ) expect_equal( parse_labels(valid_string_no_html, return_vector = TRUE, return_stripped_text_flag = TRUE), list(valid_vector_output, FALSE) ) ## Flag returns FALSE when there were no labels parse_labels(warning_string_1, return_stripped_text_flag = TRUE) |> suppressWarnings(classes = "empty_parse_warning") |> purrr::pluck(2) |> expect_equal(FALSE) }) test_that("parse_logical_cols", { db_data <- tibble::tibble( record_id = 1:3, yes_no = c("1", "0", "UNK"), other_field = letters[1:3] ) db_metadata <- tibble::tibble( field_name_updated = c("yes_no", "other_field"), field_type = c("yesno", "text") ) expect_warning(parse_logical_cols(db_data, db_metadata), class = "field_is_logical") out <- parse_logical_cols(db_data, db_metadata) |> suppressWarnings(classes = "field_is_logical") expect_equal(dim(out), dim(db_data)) expect_equal(out$record_id, db_data$record_id) expect_equal(out$yes_no, c(TRUE, FALSE, NA)) expect_equal(out$other_field, db_data$other_field) db_data <- tibble::tibble( record_id = 1:3, other_field = letters[1:3] ) db_metadata <- tibble::tibble( field_name_updated = "other_field", field_type = "text" ) expect_equal(parse_logical_cols(db_data, db_metadata), db_data) }) test_that("link_arms works", { skip_on_cran() out <- link_arms(Sys.getenv("REDCAP_URI"), Sys.getenv("REDCAPTIDIER_LONGITUDINAL_API")) # output is a tibble expect_s3_class(out, "tbl") # output contains expected columns expected_cols <- c( "arm_num", "unique_event_name", "form", "arm_name", "event_name", "custom_event_label", "event_id" ) expect_setequal(expected_cols, names(out)) # all arms are represented in output (test redcap has 2 arms) n_unique_arms <- length(unique(out$arm_num)) expect_equal(n_unique_arms, 2) expect_s3_class(out$unique_event_name, "factor") expect_s3_class(out$event_name, "factor") expect_equal( levels(out$unique_event_name), c("event_1_arm_1", "event_2_arm_1", "event_1_arm_2", "event_3_arm_2") ) }) test_that("update_field_names works", { # nolint start: line_length_linter test_meta <- tibble::tribble( ~field_name, ~form_name, ~field_type, ~field_label, ~select_choices_or_calculations, "record_id", NA_character_, "text", NA_character_, NA_character_, "checkbox", "my_form", "checkbox", "Field Label", "1, 1 | -99, Unknown {embedded logic}", "checkbox_no_label", "my_form", "checkbox", NA_character_, "1, 1", "checkbox_w_colon", "my_form", "checkbox", "Field Label:", "1, 1", "checkbox_no_opts", "my_form", "checkbox", "Field Label:", NA_character_, "field", "my_form", "text", "Field Label {embedded logic}", NA_character_ ) # nolint end: line_length_linter out <- update_field_names(test_meta) %>% suppressWarnings(classes = "empty_parse_warning") # Check cols are present and correctly ordered expected_cols <- c( "field_name", "form_name", "field_type", "field_label", "select_choices_or_calculations", "field_name_updated" ) expect_equal(colnames(out), expected_cols) # Check field_name_updated was created correctly field_name_updated <- out$field_name_updated[-1] # drop record_id row expect_equal( field_name_updated, c( "checkbox___1", "checkbox___-99", "checkbox_no_label___1", "checkbox_w_colon___1", "checkbox_no_opts___NA", "field" ) ) # Check field_label was correctly updated in place ## Checkbox labs appended in parentheses ## field embedding logic stripped ## Missing field labels converted to NA field_label <- out$field_label[-1] # drop record_id row expect_equal( field_label, c( "Field Label: 1", "Field Label: Unknown", NA_character_, "Field Label: 1", NA_character_, "Field Label" ) ) }) test_that("update_field_names handles metadata without checkbox fields", { test_meta <- tibble::tribble( ~field_name, ~form_name, ~field_type, ~field_label, ~select_choices_or_calculations, "record_id", NA_character_, "text", NA_character_, NA_character_, "my_radio", NA_character_, "radio", "xyz", "abc" ) out <- update_field_names(test_meta) # field_name_update is the same as field_name expect_equal(out$field_name, out$field_name_updated) # field_label is unchanged expect_equal(out$field_label, test_meta$field_label) }) test_that("try_redcapr works", { # Passes along data when success is TRUE try_redcapr(list(success = TRUE, data = "some_data")) %>% expect_equal("some_data") # Throws expected errors for internal REDCapR errors try_redcapr(stop()) %>% expect_error(class = "unexpected_error") # Throws expected errors when REDCapR returns success = FALSE try_redcapr(stop("Could not resolve host")) %>% expect_error(class = "cannot_resolve_host") try_redcapr(list(success = FALSE, status_code = 403)) %>% expect_error(class = "api_token_rejected") try_redcapr(list(success = FALSE, status_code = 405)) %>% expect_error(class = "cannot_post") # Unexpected error, no message cnd <- try_redcapr(list(success = FALSE, status_code = "")) %>% catch_cnd() expect_s3_class(cnd, "unexpected_error") expect_null(cnd$parent) # Unexpected error, w/ message cnd <- try_redcapr(list(success = FALSE, status_code = "", outcome_message = "some error")) %>% catch_cnd() expect_s3_class(cnd, "unexpected_error") expect_equal(cnd$parent$message, "some error") # Unexpected error, w/ message, works with multiline expr cnd <- try_redcapr({ list(success = FALSE, status_code = "", outcome_message = "some error") }) %>% catch_cnd() expect_s3_class(cnd, "unexpected_error") expect_equal(cnd$parent$message, "some error") try_redcapr(list(success = TRUE, data = as.numeric("A"))) %>% expect_warning(class = "unexpected_warning") }) test_that("add_partial_keys works", { test_data <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~redcap_event_name, ~redcap_repeat_instrument, ~redcap_repeat_instance, 1, "nr_event_arm_1", NA, NA, 1, "nr_event_arm_1", "r_instrument", 1, 3, "nr_event_arm_1", "r_instrument", 1, 4, "r_event_arm_1", NA, 1, 5, "r_event_arm_1b", NA, 1 ) out <- test_data %>% add_partial_keys(var = .data$redcap_event_name) expected_cols <- c( "record_id", "redcap_event_name", "redcap_repeat_instrument", "redcap_form_instance", "redcap_event_instance", "redcap_event", "redcap_arm" ) expect_true(all(expected_cols %in% names(out))) expect_s3_class(out, "data.frame") expect_true(nrow(out) > 0) expected_redcap_arm_col <- c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1b") expect_equal(out$redcap_arm, expected_redcap_arm_col) }) test_that("create_repeat_instance_vars works", { repeat_events <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~redcap_event, ~redcap_arm, ~redcap_repeat_instrument, ~redcap_repeat_instance, 1, "nr_event", 1, NA, NA, 1, "nr_event", 1, "r_instrument", 1, 3, "nr_event", 1, "r_instrument", 1, 4, "r_event", 1, NA, 1 ) no_repeat_events <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~redcap_event, ~redcap_arm, ~redcap_repeat_instrument, ~redcap_repeat_instance, 1, "nr_event", 1, NA, NA, 1, "nr_event", 1, "r_instrument", 1, 3, "nr_event", 1, "r_instrument", 1 ) expected_cols <- c( "record_id", "redcap_event", "redcap_arm", "redcap_repeat_instrument", "redcap_form_instance", "redcap_event_instance" ) repeat_out <- create_repeat_instance_vars(repeat_events) nonrepeat_out <- create_repeat_instance_vars(no_repeat_events) expect_true(all(expected_cols %in% names(repeat_out))) expect_s3_class(repeat_out, "data.frame") expect_true(nrow(repeat_out) > 0) expect_true(all(expected_cols[1:5] %in% names(nonrepeat_out))) expect_s3_class(nonrepeat_out, "data.frame") expect_true(nrow(nonrepeat_out) > 0) }) test_that("remove_empty_rows works", { my_record_id <- "record_id" complete_out <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~redcap_event, ~redcap_event_instance, ~data, ~form_status_complete, 1, "event1", 1, "A", "Complete", 1, "event2", 2, "B", "Incomplete", 2, "event1", 1, "C", "Complete", ) complete_out %>% remove_empty_rows(my_record_id) %>% expect_equal(complete_out) empty_out <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~redcap_event, ~redcap_event_instance, ~data, ~form_status_complete, 1, "event1", 1, "A", "Complete", 1, "event2", 2, NA, "Incomplete", 2, "event1", 1, "C", "Complete", ) expected_out <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~redcap_event, ~redcap_event_instance, ~data, ~form_status_complete, 1, "event1", 1, "A", "Complete", 2, "event1", 1, "C", "Complete", ) empty_out %>% remove_empty_rows(my_record_id) %>% expect_equal(expected_out) }) test_that("is_labelled works", { df <- tibble::tribble( ~"one", ~"two", ~"three", 1, 2, 3 ) is_labelled <- is_labelled(df) expect_false(is_labelled) labels <- c("One", "Two", "Three") labelled::var_label(df) <- labels is_labelled <- is_labelled(df) expect_true(is_labelled) }) test_that("make_skimr_labels works", { skimr_labels <- make_skimr_labels() # Test for named character vector output expect_true(is.vector(skimr_labels)) expect_true(is.character(skimr_labels)) expect_true(!is.null(attr(skimr_labels, "name"))) }) test_that("invert_vec works", { expect_equal(invert_vec(c("a" = 1, "b" = 2)), c("1" = "a", "2" = "b")) expect_equal(invert_vec(1:2), 1:2) }) test_that("apply_labs_haven works", { skip_if_not_installed("labelled") # Testing all classes where labelled has built in val_labels<- methods out <- apply_labs_haven(1:3, c("1" = "a", "2" = "b", "3" = "c"), integer()) expect_s3_class(out, "haven_labelled") expect_equal(labelled::val_labels(out), c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)) out <- apply_labs_haven(c(1.1, 2, 3.3), c("1.1" = "a", "2" = "b", "3.3" = "c"), numeric()) expect_s3_class(out, "haven_labelled") expect_equal(labelled::val_labels(out), c(a = 1.1, b = 2.0, c = 3.3)) out <- apply_labs_haven(letters[1:3], c("a" = "x", "b" = "y", "c" = "z"), character()) expect_s3_class(out, "haven_labelled") expect_equal(labelled::val_labels(out), c(x = "a", y = "b", z = "c")) # Case with mismatching data types between labels from metadata and data values out <- apply_labs_haven(1:2, c("1" = "a", "2" = "b", "3.3" = "c"), integer()) expect_s3_class(out, "haven_labelled") expect_equal(labelled::val_labels(out), c(a = "1", b = "2", c = "3.3")) }) test_that("apply_labs_factor works", { out <- apply_labs_factor(1:3, c("1" = "a", "2" = "b", "3" = "c")) expect_s3_class(out, "factor") expect_equal(out, factor(letters[1:3])) }) test_that("force_cast converts non chr/numerics to chr", { expect_character(force_cast("2023-01-01", as.Date(NA))) }) test_that("get_record_id_field works", { data_tbl <- tibble::tribble( ~"test_name", ~"test_value", 1, 2 ) expect_equal(get_record_id_field(data_tbl), "test_name") }) test_that("extract_metadata_tibble works", { inst_1_metadata <- tibble::tribble( ~"field_name", ~"field_type", "study_id", "text", "text", "text", ) inst_2_metadata <- tibble::tribble( ~"field_name", ~"field_type", "study_id", "text", "calulated", "calc", ) supertbl <- tibble::tribble( ~"redcap_form_name", ~"redcap_metadata", "inst_1", inst_1_metadata, "inst_2", inst_2_metadata ) class(supertbl) <- c("redcap_supertbl", class(supertbl)) out <- extract_metadata_tibble(supertbl = supertbl, redcap_form_name = "inst_1") expect_equal(out, inst_1_metadata) })