redcap_data_a <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~col_a, 1, "A" ) redcap_metadata_a <- tibble::tribble( ~field_name, ~field_label, ~field_type, "record_id", "Record ID", "text", "col_a", "Label A", "text" ) redcap_data_b <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~col_b, 1, "B" ) redcap_metadata_b <- tibble::tribble( ~field_name, ~field_label, ~field_type, "record_id", "Record ID", "text", "col_b", "Label B", "text" ) supertbl <- tibble::tribble( ~redcap_form_name, ~redcap_form_label, ~redcap_data, ~redcap_metadata, "a", "A", redcap_data_a, redcap_metadata_a, "b", "B", redcap_data_b, redcap_metadata_b ) %>% as_supertbl() test_that("write_redcap_xlsx without labels works", { withr::with_tempdir({ write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "supertbl_wb.xlsx", include_metadata_sheet = FALSE, include_toc_sheet = FALSE, recode_logical = FALSE ) sheet_1 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx(file = "supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 1, start_row = 1) # For some reason, read_xlsx resets row names and starts at 2, likely due # to reading the column names as a row rownames(sheet_1) <- seq_len(nrow(sheet_1)) sheet_2 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx(file = "supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 2) rownames(sheet_2) <- seq_len(nrow(sheet_2)) # Ignore attr applied by openxlsx2 read_xlsx expect_equal(tibble::tibble(sheet_1), redcap_data_a, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(tibble::tibble(sheet_2), redcap_data_b, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) }) test_that("write_redcap_xlsx with labels works", { labelled_supertbl <- make_labelled(supertbl) labelled_sheet_1 <- tibble::tribble( ~"Record ID", ~"Label A", "record_id", "col_a", "1", "A" ) labelled_sheet_2 <- tibble::tribble( ~"Record ID", ~"Label B", "record_id", "col_b", "1", "B" ) withr::with_tempdir({ write_redcap_xlsx(labelled_supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE, file = "labelled_supertbl_wb.xlsx", include_toc_sheet = FALSE, include_metadata_sheet = FALSE, recode_logical = FALSE ) sheet_1 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx(file = "labelled_supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 1) sheet_2 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx(file = "labelled_supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 2) expect_equal(tibble::tibble(sheet_1), labelled_sheet_1, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(tibble::tibble(sheet_2), labelled_sheet_2, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) }) test_that("write_redcap_xlsx has expected supertibble and metadata outputs", { # tribble for readability expected_supertibble <- tibble::tribble( ~redcap_form_name, ~redcap_form_label, ~`Sheet #`, "a", "A", 1, "b", "B", 2, "REDCap Metadata", NA, 3 ) %>% expected_meta <- tibble::tribble( ~redcap_form_name, ~redcap_form_label, ~field_name, ~field_label, ~field_type, NA, NA, "record_id", "Record ID", "text", "a", "A", "col_a", "Label A", "text", "b", "B", "col_b", "Label B", "text" ) %>% withr::with_tempdir({ write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = FALSE, file = "default_supertbl_wb.xlsx", include_toc_sheet = TRUE, include_metadata_sheet = TRUE, recode_logical = FALSE ) sheet_1 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx(file = "default_supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 1) # Address rowname discrepancies rownames(sheet_1) <- seq_len(nrow(sheet_1)) sheet_4 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx(file = "default_supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 4) rownames(sheet_4) <- seq_len(nrow(sheet_4)) expect_equal(sheet_1, expected_supertibble, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(sheet_4, expected_meta, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) expected_supertibble_labels <- c( "REDCap Instrument Name", "REDCap Instrument Description", "Sheet #" ) expected_meta_labels <- c( "REDCap Instrument Name", "REDCap Instrument Description", "Variable / Field Name", "Field Label", "Field Type" ) withr::with_tempdir({ write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl %>% make_labelled(), add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE, file = "default_labelled_supertbl_wb.xlsx", include_toc_sheet = TRUE, include_metadata_sheet = TRUE, recode_logical = FALSE ) sheet_1 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx( file = "default_labelled_supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 1 ) sheet_4 <- openxlsx2::read_xlsx( file = "default_labelled_supertbl_wb.xlsx", sheet = 4 ) expect_setequal(names(sheet_1), expected_supertibble_labels) expect_setequal(names(sheet_4), expected_meta_labels) }) }) test_that("write_redcap_xlsx checks work", { withr::with_tempdir({ supertbl %>% write_redcap_xlsx( add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE, file = "temp.xlsx", recode_logical = FALSE ) %>% expect_error() supertbl %>% make_labelled() %>% write_redcap_xlsx( add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE, file = "temp.xlsx", recode_logical = FALSE ) %>% expect_no_error() }) }) test_that("bind_supertbl_metadata works", { supertbl_meta <- bind_supertbl_metadata(supertbl) expected_meta <- tibble::tribble( ~redcap_form_name, ~redcap_form_label, ~field_name, ~field_label, ~field_type, NA, NA, "record_id", "Record ID", "text", "a", "A", "col_a", "Label A", "text", "b", "B", "col_b", "Label B", "text" ) expect_equal(supertbl_meta, expected_meta) }) test_that("supertbl_recode works", { # Set up testable yesno fields and metadata redcap_data_c <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~yesno, ~checkbox, 1, TRUE, TRUE, 2, FALSE, FALSE, 3, NA, NA ) redcap_metadata_c <- tibble::tribble( ~field_name, ~field_type, ~field_label, "record_id", "text", "Record ID", "yesno", "yesno", "YesNo", "checkbox", "checkbox", "Checkbox" ) supertbl_recoded <- tibble::tribble( ~redcap_form_name, ~redcap_form_label, ~redcap_data, ~redcap_metadata, "c", "C", redcap_data_c, redcap_metadata_c ) %>% as_supertbl() %>% make_labelled() # Pass through testing function supertbl_recoded_meta <- bind_supertbl_metadata(supertbl_recoded) out <- supertbl_recode(supertbl_recoded, supertbl_recoded_meta, add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE ) # Set up expectations expected_out <- tibble::tribble( ~record_id, ~yesno, ~checkbox, 1, "yes", "Checked", 2, "no", "Unchecked", 3, NA, NA ) # Add labels to check for preservation labelled::var_label(expected_out) <- c("Record ID", "YesNo", "Checkbox") expect_equal(out[[1]], expected_out) }) test_that("check_labelled works", { labelled_supertbl <- supertbl %>% make_labelled() # Check possibilities for unlabelled supertbl expect_false(check_labelled(supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = NULL)) expect_error(check_labelled(supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE), class = "missing_labelled_labels") expect_false(check_labelled(supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = FALSE)) # Check possibilities for labelled supertbl expect_true(check_labelled(labelled_supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = NULL)) expect_true(check_labelled(labelled_supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = TRUE)) expect_false(check_labelled(labelled_supertbl, add_labelled_column_headers = FALSE)) }) test_that("key argument checks work", { # labelled arg expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", add_labelled_column_headers = "char"), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", add_labelled_column_headers = 1), class = "check_logical" ) # use_labels_for_sheet_names arg expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", use_labels_for_sheet_names = NULL), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", use_labels_for_sheet_names = "char"), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", use_labels_for_sheet_names = 1), class = "check_logical" ) # include_toc_sheet arg expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", include_toc_sheet = NULL), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", include_toc_sheet = "char"), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", include_toc_sheet = 1), class = "check_logical" ) # include_metadata_sheet arg expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", include_metadata_sheet = NULL), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", include_metadata_sheet = "char"), class = "check_logical" ) expect_error( write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", include_metadata_sheet = 1), class = "check_logical" ) # recode_logical arg expect_error(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", recode_logical = NULL), class = "check_logical") expect_error(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", recode_logical = "char"), class = "check_logical") expect_error(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.xlsx", recode_logical = 1), class = "check_logical") # file arg withr::with_tempdir({ expect_warning(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp.docx"), class = "invalid_file_extension" ) }) withr::with_tempdir({ expect_warning(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = "temp"), class = "invalid_file_extension" ) }) expect_error(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = TRUE), class = "check_character") expect_error(write_redcap_xlsx(supertbl, file = NULL), class = "check_character") }) test_that("bind_supertbl_metadata works", { # Create a supertbl metadata table representing in the output and check all # expected elements are present expected_meta <- tibble::tribble( ~redcap_form_name, ~redcap_form_label, ~field_name, ~field_label, ~field_type, NA, NA, "record_id", "Record ID", "text", "a", "A", "col_a", "Label A", "text", "b", "B", "col_b", "Label B", "text" ) supertbl_meta <- supertbl %>% bind_supertbl_metadata() expect_equal(expected_meta, supertbl_meta) expect_true(all(names(expected_meta) %in% names(supertbl_meta))) }) test_that("Combining skimr, labelled, and xlsx returns expected snapshot", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() out <- read_redcap(Sys.getenv("REDCAP_URI"), Sys.getenv("REDCAPTIDIER_CLASSIC_API")) %>% # Suppress expected warnings from the REDCapTidieR Classic database. # Warnings here are meant to validate checks in other tests. suppressWarnings(classes = c( "field_missing_categories", "empty_parse_warning", "duplicate_labels" )) withr::with_tempdir({ wb_obj <- out %>% make_labelled() %>% add_skimr_metadata() %>% write_redcap_xlsx(file = "temp.xlsx") }) # Extract all data from wb_obj per sheet, assign to a dataframe wb_obj_data <- purrr::map(wb_obj$tables$tab_sheet, ~ openxlsx2::wb_to_df(wb_obj, sheet = .x)) # Select additional wb elements of interest, combine with wb_obj_data wb_list <- list( wb_obj_data, wb_obj$tables, wb_obj$workbook, wb_obj$workbook.xml.rels, wb_obj$sheetOrder, wb_obj$sheet_names ) expect_snapshot(wb_list, cran = FALSE) # Not to be checked on CRAN })