context("escape") # tests the various layers of RCH for correct escaping library(DBI, warn.conflicts=F) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=F) source("utils.R") # tests if IDENTIFIERS are correctly encoded: creation of tables noSpaceDoubleQuotes <- data.frame( "capitals"=c("Vienna","Washington D.C.", "Paris", "London"), "best_sights"=c("Viennese Opera","Lincoln Memorial", "Eiffel Tower", "London Bridge"), "Col2_no_space"=1:4, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE ) test_that("creating noSpaceColumns IDENTIFIED with doubleQuotes", { writeReadTest( }) # currently failing # withGapDoubleQuotes <- data.frame( # "capitals"=c("Vienna","Washington D.C.", "Paris", "London"), # "best sights"=c("Viennese Opera","Lincoln Memorial", "Eiffel Tower", "London Bridge"), # "Col2 with space"=1:4, # stringsAsFactors=FALSE, # check.names=FALSE # ) # test_that("reading & writing array columns", { # writeReadTest( # }) # TODO # extensive cases for Tablenames with and without spaces in them # --> and the insertion of values # --> and both