R Under development (unstable) (2024-01-22 r85820 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2024 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > # source("moninit") > library("RCALI") > file <- "paysage.data" > dispf <- 4 > param <- + list(input=2,output=3,warn.conv=FALSE, send.and.receive=TRUE, + poly=list(c(1,2), c(3,4), c(11,13))) > > #calcul avec RCALI cub > # ----------------------- > param$method <- "cub" > resfile <- "paysage.cubres" > > start.run <- Sys.time() > califlopp(file=file, dispf=dispf, param = param, resfile = resfile) Number of polygons: 279 ------------------- Parameters: ----------- verbose: 0 output: 3 scale: 10 maximal dispersion distances for each function: 1000 minimal dispersion distances for each function: 500 (the dispersion is calculated between centroids, for distances beyond these values) method:cubature function 4: relative precision = 0.001, absolute precision = 0.001 maximal number of evaluations points fixed to 100000 mode of triangulation: 0 Polygons 1 (1), 2 (2) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 1.84933 mean/area1: 0.0300216 mean/area2: 0.00770876 Polygons 2 (2), 1 (1) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 4.5137 mean/area1: 0.0188149 mean/area2: 0.0732743 Polygons 3 (3), 4 (4) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 4.46959 mean/area1: 0.0886824 mean/area2: 0.00119288 Polygons 4 (4), 3 (3) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 6.20148 mean/area1: 0.0016551 mean/area2: 0.123045 Polygons 11 (11), 13 (13) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 57.1617 mean/area1: 0.0101757 mean/area2: 0.0105585 Polygons 13 (13), 11 (11) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 132.001 mean/area1: 0.0243823 mean/area2: 0.0234982 Created file: paysage.cubres > end.run <- Sys.time() > duration <- end.run - start.run > # print(duration) > > > #calcul avec RCALI grid sur un couple > # ----------------------- > param$method <- "grid" > param$poly <- c(1,1) > param$send.and.receive=FALSE > resfile <- "paysage.grid1.1res" > > > start.run <- Sys.time() > califlopp(file=file, dispf=dispf, param = param, resfile = resfile) Number of polygons: 279 ------------------- Parameters: ----------- verbose: 0 output: 3 scale: 10 maximal dispersion distances for each function: 1000 minimal dispersion distances for each function: 500 (the dispersion is calculated between centroids, for distances beyond these values) method:grid seed: 1 x-axis step: 1 m. y-axis step: 1 m. number of estimations: 10 Polygons 1 (1), 1 (1) ------------------- Integrated flow for function 4: mean: 15.2493 mean/area1: 0.247553 mean/area2: 0.247553 Created file: paysage.grid1.1res > end.run <- Sys.time() > duration <- end.run - start.run > # print(duration) > > > # Charger le fichier de résultats cub > # --------------------------------- > #avec la fonction getRes de Rcali > cat("avec la fonction getRes paysage.cubres de Rcali\n") avec la fonction getRes paysage.cubres de Rcali > start.run <- Sys.time() > dispcub.res <- getRes("paysage.cubres") Read 60 items > end.run <- Sys.time() > duration <- end.run - start.run > # print(duration) > > #avec un read.table > cat("avec un read.table\n") avec un read.table > start.run <- Sys.time() > dispcubtab.res <- read.table("paysage.cubres", skip=1) > end.run <- Sys.time() > duration <- end.run - start.run > # print(duration) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.45 0.07 0.53