skip_if_not_installed("brms") ## various tests around mixture distributions set.seed(234534) if (getOption("brms.backend", "not_set") == "not_set") { .brms_backend <- Sys.getenv("BRMS_BACKEND", "not_set") if (.brms_backend != "not_set") { options(brms.backend = .brms_backend) } } if (getOption("cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir", "not_set") == "not_set") { .brms_cache_dir <- Sys.getenv("BRMS_CACHE_DIR", "not_set") if (.brms_cache_dir != "not_set") { options(cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir = .brms_cache_dir) } } ## sample based match requirements eps <- 1E-1 ## define the different test cases (univariate) beta <- mixbeta(c(1, 11, 4)) betaMix <- mixbeta(c(0.8, 11, 4), c(0.2, 1, 1)) gamma <- mixgamma(c(1, 5, 10), param = "mn") gammaMix <- mixgamma(rob = c(0.25, 8, 0.5), inf = c(0.75, 8, 10), param = "mn") norm <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, sqrt(2)), sigma = 1) normMix <- mixnorm(c(0.2, 0, 2), c(0.8, 1, 2), sigma = 1) normMixWeak <- mixnorm(c(0.2, 0, 2), c(0.8, 1, 2), c(0, 0, 1), sigma = 1) ## tests the quantile and distribution function against simulated ## samples when using brms prior sampling as reference mixstanvar_simul_test <- function(mix, brms_args, eps, qtest, ptest = seq(0.2, 0.8, by = 0.2)) { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() capture.output(brms_prior <-, c(brms_args, list(seed = 1423545, refresh = 0, sample_prior = "only", stanvars = mixstanvar(prior = mix))))) samp <- as.numeric(brms::as_draws_matrix(brms_prior, variable = "b_Intercept")[, 1]) qtest_samp <- quantile(samp, ptest) qref_qmix <- qmix(mix, ptest) res_quants <- abs(qref_qmix - qtest_samp) expect_true(all(res_quants < eps)) ptest_samp <- vapply(qtest, function(q) mean(samp < q), c(0.1)) pref_pmix <- pmix(mix, qtest) res_probs <- abs(pref_pmix - ptest_samp) expect_true(all(res_probs < eps)) } mixstanvar_test <- function(mix, brms_args) { brms_prior_empty <-, c(brms_args, list(seed = 1423545, refresh = 0, sample_prior = "only", stanvars = mixstanvar(prior = mix), empty = TRUE))) mix_class <- gsub("Mix$", "", class(mix)[1]) stan_dist_lpdf <- paste0("mix", mix_class, "_lpdf") stan_dist_lcdf <- paste0("mix", mix_class, "_lcdf") stan_dist_lccdf <- paste0("mix", mix_class, "_lccdf") stan_dist_cdf <- paste0("mix", mix_class, "_cdf") ## look for the declared density in Stan stan_code <- brms::stancode(brms_prior_empty) expect_true(grep(stan_dist_lpdf, stan_code) == 1, info = "Looking for declared Stan mixture density pdf in generated brms Stan code.") expect_true(grep(stan_dist_lcdf, stan_code) == 1, info = "Looking for declared Stan mixture density cdf in generated brms Stan code.") expect_true(grep(stan_dist_lccdf, stan_code) == 1, info = "Looking for declared Stan mixture density ccdf in generated brms Stan code.") expect_true(grep(stan_dist_cdf, stan_code) == 1, info = "Looking for declared Stan mixture density natural scale cdf in generated brms Stan code.") ## now check for the mixture being passed to Stan as data stan_data <- brms::standata(brms_prior_empty) for (i in 1:3) { param <- paste0("prior_", rownames(mix)[i]) expect_true(all(unname(mix[i, ]) == unname(stan_data[[param]]))) } } brms_beta_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(r | trials(n) ~ 1, family = brms::brmsfamily("binomial", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(r = 0, n = 0), prior = brms::prior(mixbeta(prior_w, prior_a, prior_b), coef = Intercept) ) test_that("Beta quantiles are correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_test(beta, brms_beta_args, eps, c(0.1, 0.9)) }) test_that("Beta prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(beta, brms_beta_args) }) test_that("Beta mixture quantiles are correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_test(betaMix, brms_beta_args, eps, c(0.1, 0.9)) }) test_that("Beta mixture prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(betaMix, brms_beta_args) }) brms_beta_trunc_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(r | trials(n) ~ 1, family = brms::brmsfamily("binomial", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(r = 0, n = 0), prior = brms::prior(mixbeta(prior_w, prior_a, prior_b), class = b, lb = 0.1, ub = 0.9) ) test_that("Beta (truncated) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(beta, brms_beta_trunc_args) }) test_that("Beta mixture (truncated) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(betaMix, brms_beta_trunc_args) }) brms_normal_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(y ~ 1, family = brms::brmsfamily("gaussian", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(y = 0), prior = brms::prior(mixnorm(prior_w, prior_m, prior_s), coef = Intercept) + brms::prior(constant(1), class = sigma) ) test_that("Normal quantiles are correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_test(norm, brms_normal_args, eps, c(-1, 0)) }) test_that("Normal prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(norm, brms_normal_args) }) test_that("Normal mixture quantiles are correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_test(normMix, brms_normal_args, eps, c(2, 1), ptest = c(0.3, 0.5, 0.7)) }) test_that("Normal mixture prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(normMix, brms_normal_args) }) brms_normal_trunc_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(y ~ 1, family = brms::brmsfamily("gaussian", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(y = 0), prior = brms::prior(mixnorm(prior_w, prior_m, prior_s), class = b, lb = -5, ub = 5) + brms::prior(constant(1), class = sigma) ) test_that("Normal (truncated) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(norm, brms_normal_trunc_args) }) test_that("Normal mixture (truncated) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(normMix, brms_normal_trunc_args) }) brms_gamma_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(y ~ 1, family = brms::brmsfamily("gaussian", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(y = 1), prior = brms::prior(mixgamma(prior_w, prior_a, prior_b), coef = Intercept) + brms::prior(constant(1), class = sigma) ) test_that("Gamma quantiles are correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_test(gamma, brms_gamma_args, eps, c(2, 7)) }) test_that("Gamma prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(gamma, brms_gamma_args) }) test_that("Gamma mixture quantile function is correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_test(gammaMix, brms_gamma_args, eps, c(2, 7), ptest = seq(0.2, 0.8, by = 0.2)) }) test_that("Gamma mixture prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(gammaMix, brms_gamma_args) }) brms_gamma_trunc_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(y ~ 1, family = brms::brmsfamily("gaussian", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(y = 1), prior = brms::prior(mixgamma(prior_w, prior_a, prior_b), class = b, lb = 0.1, ub = 10) + brms::prior(constant(1), class = sigma) ) test_that("Gamma (truncated) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(gamma, brms_gamma_trunc_args) }) test_that("Gamma mixture (truncated) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test(gammaMix, brms_gamma_trunc_args) }) # Here we approximate the samples using a multi-variante normal via a # moment based approxmation and compare this to the respective # approximation of the multi variate normal mixture. While this is not # correct per se, it is sufficient for testing as these # approximationas are unique and they do test for marginal means and # correlations. See for details # KLdiv_mvnorm <- function(m_1, sigma_1, m_2, sigma_2) { m_delta <- (m_2 - m_1) inv_sigma_2 <- solve(sigma_2) p <- length(m_1) 0.5 * (t(m_delta) %*% inv_sigma_2 %*% m_delta + sum(diag(inv_sigma_2 %*% sigma_1)) - log(det(sigma_1)) + log(det(sigma_2)) - p) } mixstanvar_simul_mv_test <- function(mvmix, brms_args, eps) { skip_on_cran() skip_on_ci() capture.output(brms_prior <-, c(brms_args, list(seed = 1423545, refresh = 0, sample_prior = "only", stanvars = mixstanvar(prior = mvmix))))) samp <- brms::as_draws_matrix(brms_prior, variable = "^b_", regex = TRUE) samp_m <- colMeans(samp) samp_sigma <- cov(samp) mix_m <- summary(mvmix)$mean mix_sigma <- summary(mvmix)$cov kl <- KLdiv_mvnorm(samp_m, samp_sigma, mix_m, mix_sigma) expect_true(abs(kl) < eps) } mixstanvar_test_mvnormMix <- function(mix, brms_args) { brms_prior_empty <-, c(brms_args, list(seed = 1423545, refresh = 0, sample_prior = "only", stanvars = mixstanvar(prior = mix), empty = TRUE))) stan_dist <- paste0("mix", gsub("Mix$", "", class(mix)[1]), "_lpdf") ## look for the declared density in Stan expect_true(grep(stan_dist, brms::stancode(brms_prior_empty)) == 1, info = "Looking for declared Stan mixture density in generated brms Stan code.") ## now check for the mixture being passed to Stan as data stan_data <- brms::standata(brms_prior_empty) ## number of mixture components Nc <- ncol(mix) expect_equal(stan_data$prior_Nc, Nc) ## dimensionality p <- length(summary(mix)$mean) expect_equal(stan_data$prior_p, p) ## weights per component expect_equal(stan_data$prior_w, array(unname(mix[1, ]))) ## means per component expect_equal(unname(stan_data$prior_m), unname(t(mix[2:(p + 1), ]))) ## covariance information for (i in seq_len(Nc)) { S_c <- matrix(stan_data$prior_sigma[i, , , drop = FALSE], p, p) expect_equal(sqrt(diag(S_c)), unname(mix[(p + 2):(1 + 2 * p), i])) Rho_c <- cov2cor(S_c) expect_equal(Rho_c[lower.tri(Rho_c)], unname(mix[(1 + 2 * p + 1):nrow(mix), i])) } } p <- 4 Rho <- diag(p) Rho[lower.tri(Rho)] <- c(0.3, 0.8, -0.2, 0.1, 0.5, -0.4) Rho[upper.tri(Rho)] <- t(Rho)[upper.tri(Rho)] s <- c(1, 2, 3, 4) S <- diag(s, p) %*% Rho %*% diag(s, p) zero <- rep(0, p) m1 <- 0:3 m2 <- 1:4 mvnorm_single_4 <- mixmvnorm(c(1, m1, 5), param = "mn", sigma = S ) mvnorm_heavy_4 <- mixmvnorm(c(0.5, m1, 0.25), c(0.5, m2, 5), param = "mn", sigma = S ) brms_mvn_4_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(y ~ 1 + l1 + l2 + l3, family = brms::brmsfamily("gaussian", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(y = 1, l1 = 0, l2 = 0, l3 = 0), prior = brms::prior(mixmvnorm(prior_w, prior_m, prior_sigma_L), class = b) + brms::prior(constant(1), class = sigma) ) test_that("Multivariate normal (4D) is correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_mv_test(mvnorm_single_4, brms_mvn_4_args, eps) }) test_that("Multivariate normal (4D) prior is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test_mvnormMix(mvnorm_single_4, brms_mvn_4_args) }) test_that("Multivariate normal with heavy (4D) tails is correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_mv_test(mvnorm_heavy_4, brms_mvn_4_args, eps) }) test_that("Multivariate normal with heavy (4D) tails is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test_mvnormMix(mvnorm_heavy_4, brms_mvn_4_args) }) mvnorm_single_2 <- mixmvnorm(c(1, m1[1:2], 5), param = "mn", sigma = S[1:2, 1:2] ) mvnorm_heavy_2 <- mixmvnorm(c(0.5, m1[1:2], 0.25), c(0.5, m2[1:2], 5), param = "mn", sigma = S[1:2, 1:2] ) brms_mvn_2_args <- list( formula = brms::bf(y ~ 1 + l1, family = brms::brmsfamily("gaussian", link = "identity"), center = FALSE), data = data.frame(y = 1, l1 = 0), prior = brms::prior(mixmvnorm(prior_w, prior_m, prior_sigma_L), class = b) + brms::prior(constant(1), class = sigma) ) test_that("Multivariate normal (2D) is correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_mv_test(mvnorm_single_2, brms_mvn_2_args, eps) }) test_that("Multivariate normal (2D) is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test_mvnormMix(mvnorm_single_2, brms_mvn_2_args) }) test_that("Multivariate normal with heavy (2D) tails is correct for brms sampled prior", { mixstanvar_simul_mv_test(mvnorm_heavy_2, brms_mvn_2_args, eps) }) test_that("Multivariate normal with heavy (2D) is declared correctly in brms generated model and data", { mixstanvar_test_mvnormMix(mvnorm_heavy_2, brms_mvn_2_args) })