context("gMAP: Generalized Meta Analytic Predictive") ## test gMAP results using SBC and with matching rstanarm models suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rstan)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rstanarm))) eps <- 2e-1 probs <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1) fast_sampling <- list(RBesT.MC.warmup=250, RBesT.MC.iter=500, RBesT.MC.chains=2) std_sampling <- list(RBesT.MC.warmup=NULL, RBesT.MC.iter=NULL, RBesT.MC.chains=NULL, RBesT.MC.control=NULL, RBesT.MC.ncp=NULL) bad_sampling <- list(RBesT.MC.chains=1, RBesT.MC.control=list(adapt_delta=0.75, stepsize=1), RBesT.MC.ncp=0) ## standardize posterior by median and IQR get_std_quants <- function(sim, med, disp) { if(missing(med)) med <- median(sim) if(missing(disp)) disp <- IQR(sim)/1.34 sim_std <- scale(sim, center=med, scale=disp) ref_quants <- quantile(sim_std, prob=probs) list(ref=ref_quants, med=med, disp=disp) } ## used for now for comparisons to rstanarm (maybe drop as we have SBC ## now?) cmp_reference <- function(best_gmap, OB_ref) { best_sim <- rstan::extract(best_gmap$fit, pars=c("beta", "tau", "theta_resp_pred")) for(n in names(best_sim)) { OB_case <- OB_ref[[n]] case <- modifyList(OB_case, list(ref=NULL, sim=best_sim[[n]])) best_std <-, case) res <- abs(best_std$ref - OB_case$ref) ##cat("Testing", n, ":", signif(res, 3), "\n") ##cat(n, " = ", paste(round(res, 4), collapse=", "), "\n") expect_true(all(res < eps)) } } make_rstanarm_ref <- function(stanreg) { pred_arm <- stanreg$family$linkinv(posterior_linpred(stanreg, newdata=data.frame(study="MAP", e=1))) arm_post <- cbind(as.matrix(stanreg, pars=c("(Intercept)", "Sigma[study:(Intercept),(Intercept)]")), pred_arm) arm_post[,2] <- sqrt(arm_post[,2]) colnames(arm_post) <- c("beta", "tau", "theta_resp_pred") arm_ref <- lapply(1:3, function(v) get_std_quants(arm_post[,v])) names(arm_ref) <- colnames(arm_post) arm_ref } ## these examples need very high adapt_delta to avoid divergent ## transitions, std_sampling) options(RBesT.MC.control=list(adapt_delta=0.999, stepsize=0.01)) test_that("gMAP meets SBC requirements wrt to a Chi-Square statistic.", { require(dplyr) require(tidyr) sbc_chisq_test <- RBesT:::calibration_data %>% gather(, count.tau, key="param", value="count") %>% group_by(data_scenario, family, sd_tau, param) %>% do($count)[c("statistic", "p.value")])) num_tests <- nrow(sbc_chisq_test) num_failed <- sum(sbc_chisq_test$p.value < 0.05) pv <- pbinom(num_failed, num_tests, 0.05) expect_true( pv > 0.025 & pv < 0.975 ) } ) test_that("gMAP meets SBC requirements per bin.", { require(dplyr) require(tidyr) B <- RBesT:::calibration_meta$B S <- RBesT:::calibration_meta$S alpha <- 0.2 ptrue <- 1/B crit_low <- qbinom(alpha/2, S, ptrue) crit_high <- qbinom(1-alpha/2, S, ptrue) sbc_binom_test <- RBesT:::calibration_data %>% gather(, count.tau, key="param", value="count") %>% group_by(data_scenario, family, sd_tau, param) %>% summarise(crit=sum(count < crit_low | count > crit_high)) %>% mutate(pvalue=pbinom(crit, B, alpha), extreme=pvalue<0.025|pvalue>0.975) num_tests <- nrow(sbc_binom_test) num_failed <- sum(sbc_binom_test$extreme) pv <- pbinom(num_failed, num_tests, 0.05) expect_true( pv > 0.025 & pv < 0.975 ) } ) test_that("SBC data was up to date at package creation.", { calibration_datum <- RBesT:::calibration_meta$created package_datum <- RBesT:::pkg_create_date delta <- difftime(package_datum, calibration_datum, units="weeks") expect_true(delta < 52./2.) } ) ## match against respective rstanarm model set.seed(92575) rate <- round(-log(0.05)/2, 1) test_that("gMAP matches RStanArm binomial family", { skip("RStanArm has issues loading since 2024-01-02 on CI/CD systems.") skip_on_cran() best_run <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, data=AS, family=binomial, tau.dist="Exp", tau.prior=c(rate), beta.prior=cbind(0, 2) ) out <- capture.output(rstanarm_run <- make_rstanarm_ref( stan_glmer(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 + (1|study), data=AS, family=binomial, refresh=0, iter=4000, warmup=1000, adapt_delta=0.999, seed=4356, chains=4, prior=normal(0,2,autoscale=FALSE), prior_intercept=normal(0,2,autoscale=FALSE), prior_covariance=decov(1, 1, 1, 1/rate) ))) cmp_reference(best_gmap=best_run, OB_ref=rstanarm_run) }) ## the remaining tests do not rely on good sampling, hence speed it up, fast_sampling) ## add test case with a single data test_that("gMAP processes single trial case", { suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(map1 <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1, data=colitis[1,], family=binomial, tau.dist="HalfNormal", ## prior are choosen super-tight to avoid sampling trouble tau.prior=c(0.5), beta.prior=cbind(0, 1) ))) expect_true(nrow(fitted(map1)) == 1) } ) test_that("gMAP processes not continuously labeled studies", { out <- capture.output(map1 <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, data=AS[-1,], family=binomial, tau.dist="HalfNormal", tau.prior=0.5, iter=100, warmup=50, chains=1, thin=1)) expect_true(nrow(fitted(map1)) == nrow(AS) - 1) }) ## set bad sampling parameters to trigger divergences in the next test, bad_sampling) set.seed(23434) test_that("gMAP reports divergences", { suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(mcmc_div <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, data=AS[1,,drop=FALSE], family=binomial, tau.dist="Uniform", tau.prior=cbind(0, 1000), beta.prior=cbind(0,1E5), iter=1000, warmup=0, chains=1, thin=1, init=10))) sp <- rstan::get_sampler_params(mcmc_div$fit)[[1]] expect_true(sum(sp[,"divergent__"]) > 0) }) ## set sampling back to standards, std_sampling) test_that("gMAP handles extreme response rates", { n <- 5 data1 <- data.frame(n=c(n,n,n,n),r=c(5,5,5,5), study=1) map1 <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, family=binomial, data=data1, tau.dist="HalfNormal", tau.prior=2.0, beta.prior=2, warmup=100, iter=200, chains=1, thin=1) expect_true(nrow(fitted(map1)) == 4) data2 <- data.frame(n=c(n,n,n,n),r=c(0,0,0,0), study=1) map2 <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, family=binomial, data=data2, tau.dist="HalfNormal", tau.prior=2.0, beta.prior=2, warmup=100, iter=200, chains=1, thin=1) expect_true(nrow(fitted(map2)) == 4) data3 <- data.frame(n=c(n,n,n,n),r=c(5,5,5,5), study=c(1,1,2,2)) map3 <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, family=binomial, data=data3, tau.dist="HalfNormal", tau.prior=2.0, beta.prior=2, warmup=100, iter=200, chains=1, thin=1) expect_true(nrow(fitted(map3)) == 4) }) test_that("gMAP handles fixed tau case", { map1 <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study, family=binomial, data=AS, tau.dist="Fixed", tau.prior=0.5, beta.prior=2, warmup=100, iter=200, chains=1, thin=1) expect_true(map1$Rhat.max >= 1) }) test_that("gMAP labels data rows correctly when using covariates", { data_covs <- data.frame(n=10, r=3, study=c(1,2,2), stratum=factor(c("A", "A", "B")) ) %>% mutate(group=paste(study,stratum,sep="/"), id=as.integer(factor(group))) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(map_covs <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 + stratum | study, family=binomial, data=data_covs, tau.dist="Fixed", tau.prior=0.25, beta.prior=2, warmup=100, iter=200, chains=1, thin=1))) expect_true(all(rownames(fitted(map_covs)) == paste(data_covs$study, data_covs$stratum, sep="/"))) suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(map_tau_strata <- gMAP(cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | id, family=binomial, tau.strata=stratum, data=data_covs, tau.dist="Fixed", tau.prior=c(0.25, 0.5), beta.prior=2, warmup=100, iter=200, chains=1, thin=1))) expect_true(all(rownames(fitted(map_tau_strata)) == as.character(data_covs$id))) })