# 1. Coupon.dates --------------------------------------------------------- test_that("if format of maturity is not valid, an error has to emerge", { expect_error(coupon.dates(maturity = "ABC"), "is not valid") }) test_that("if format of analysis.date is not valid as date an error has to emerge", { expect_error(coupon.dates(maturity = "2022-01-01", analysis.date = "2022-01-45"), "is not valid as Date") }) test_that("if TES, frequency of coupon dates is anual", { expect_length(coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "TES")$dates, 3) }) test_that("if LIBOR, frequency of coupon dates is quarterly", { expect_length(coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "LIBOR")$dates, 9) }) test_that("if LIBORSwaps, frequency of coupon dates is quarterly", { expect_length(coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "LIBORSwaps")$dates, 9) }) test_that("if IBRSwaps, frequency of coupon dates is quarterly", { expect_length(coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-04", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "IBRSwaps")$dates, 9) }) test_that("if asset requires the input of frequency, the frequency value is not assumed", { expect_length(coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-04", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 6)$dates, 13) }) test_that("if maturity as date is given, function assumes coupon payments have already started", { expect_length(coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-04", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 1)$dates, 3) }) test_that("if maturity as numeric is given, function assumes that trade-date is on analysis.date", { res <- as.Date(c("2024-01-05","2025-01-05")) expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = 2, analysis.date = "2023-01-05", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 1)$dates, res) }) test_that("if maturity as numeric is given, but trade-date is specified, function doesn't assume trade-date is on analysis.date +2 if LIBOR", { res <- as.Date(c("2023-01-05","2024-01-05")) expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = 2, analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "LIBORSwaps", freq = 1, trade.date = "2022-01-03")$dates, res) }) test_that("if maturity as numeric is given, but trade-date is specified, function doesn't assume trade-date is on analysis.date", { res <- as.Date(c("2024-01-03")) expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = 2, analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "TES", freq = 1, trade.date = "2022-01-03")$dates, res) }) test_that("if following business days, then effective dates is one day later after dates, when dates lands on a holiday", { expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2023-01-01", analysis.date = "2022-01-01", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 0, convention = "F")$effective.dates, quantdates::AddBusinessDays(date = "2023-01-01", numDate = 1)) }) test_that("if backward business days, then effective dates is one day before dates, when dates lands on a holiday", { expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2023-01-01", analysis.date = "2022-01-01", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 0, convention = "B")$effective.dates, quantdates::AddBusinessDays(date = "2023-01-01", numDate = -1)) }) test_that("if modified following business days, then effective dates is one day before dates, when dates lands on a holiday and when next business days lands on a new month", { expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2023-12-31", analysis.date = "2022-01-01", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 0, convention = "MF")$effective.dates, quantdates::AddBusinessDays(date = "2023-12-31", numDate = -1)) }) test_that("if modified backward business days, then effective dates is one day after dates, when dates lands on a holiday and when previous business days lands on a new month", { expect_equal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2023-01-01", analysis.date = "2022-01-01", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 0, convention = "MB")$effective.dates, quantdates::AddBusinessDays(date = "2023-01-01", numDate = 0)) }) test_that("if 1st of Jan, then following business day has to produce the same outpout as modified backward", { expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2023-01-01", analysis.date = "2010-01-01", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 1, convention = "F")$effective.dates, coupon.dates(maturity = "2023-01-01", analysis.date = "2010-01-01", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 1, convention = "MB")$effective.dates) }) test_that("short first or long first is assumed if trade-date is not specified and maturity is a date", { expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2026-05-29", analysis.date = "2023-02-28", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 1, coupon.schedule = "SL")$dates, coupon.dates(maturity = "2026-05-29", analysis.date = "2023-02-28", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 1, coupon.schedule = "LL")$dates) }) test_that("Short Last works", { res <- as.Date(c("2020-08-29","2021-02-28","2021-08-29","2022-02-28","2022-08-29","2023-02-28","2023-08-29","2024-02-29", "2024-08-29","2025-02-28","2025-08-29","2026-02-28","2026-05-29")) expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2026-05-29", analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 2, coupon.schedule = "SL", trade.date = "2020-02-29")$dates, res) }) test_that("if frequency of coupons aligns with maturity and trade.date, then coupon.schedule is not taken into account", { expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = "2026-02-28", analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 2, coupon.schedule = "LL", trade.date = "2020-02-29")$dates, coupon.dates(maturity = "2026-02-28", analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 2, coupon.schedule = "SF", trade.date = "2020-02-29")$dates) }) test_that("if frequency of coupons aligns with maturity and trade.date, then coupon.schedule is not taken into account", { expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = 2, analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 2, coupon.schedule = "LF", trade.date = "2020-02-29")$dates, coupon.dates(maturity = 2, analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 2, coupon.schedule = "SL", trade.date = "2020-02-29")$dates) }) test_that("Long First works", { res <- as.Date(c("2020-06-29", "2020-09-29", "2020-12-29", "2021-03-29")) expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = 1.08, analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 4, coupon.schedule = "LF", trade.date = "2020-02-29")$dates, res) }) test_that("Short First works", { res <- as.Date(c("2020-09-30","2020-12-31", "2021-03-31", "2021-06-30", "2021-09-30", "2021-12-31", "2022-03-31", "2022-06-30", "2022-09-30")) expect_setequal(coupon.dates(maturity = 2.16, analysis.date = "2020-07-31", asset.type = "FixedIncome", freq = 4, coupon.schedule = "SF", trade.date = "2020-07-31")$dates, res) }) # 2. Coupons -------------------------------------------------------------- test_that("If dates input is given and in a wrong format, an error has to emerge", { expect_warning(coupons(dates = "ABC", coupon.rate = 0.04), "formats failed to parse") }) test_that("If coupon.rate is not a unique number or doesn't has the same length as coupon dates, a warning message has to emerge", { expect_error(coupons(coupon.rate = c(0.04, 0.05), maturity = "2026-01-05" , asset.type = "LIBOR", freq = 4), "length of dates") }) test_that("If freq when divided by 12 has a remainder different from zero, then an error has to emerge", { expect_error(coupons(coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2026-01-05" , asset.type = "LIBOR", freq = 7), "frequency of payments") }) test_that("Output is equal when using a unique coupon.rate or the same coupon rate for each coupon date", { expect_equal(coupons(coupon.rate = c(0.04, 0.04,0.04,0.04,0.04), maturity = "2024-01-05" , analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4), coupons(coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-05" , analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4)) }) test_that("Introducing the input of coupon dates also works fine", { dates <- coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2023-01-05") expect_length(coupons(coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-05" , analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4, dates = dates$dates),2) }) test_that("output is equal to Excel calculations", { expect_equal(coupons(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4, coupon.rate = 0.04),c(0.01022222, 0.01000000, 0.01011111, 0.01022222, 0.01022222, 0.01011111, 0.01011111,0.01022222,1.01022222)) }) test_that("Coupon calculation is fine when bond is long first, (trade.date is introduced)", { expect_equal(coupons(coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = 1.08 , analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4, trade.date = "2020-02-29", coupon.schedule = "LF" ), c(0.01344444, 0.01022222, 0.01011111, 1.01000000),tolerance = 0.0001) }) test_that("Coupon calculation is fine when bond is short last, (trade.date is introduced)", { expect_equal(coupons(coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = 1.08 , analysis.date = "2020-02-29", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4, trade.date = "2020-02-29", coupon.schedule = "SL" ), c(0.01000000, 0.01022222, 0.01022222, 0.01011111, 1.00322222)) }) # 3. Discount Factors -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("If length of dates is longer than length of rates and length(rates) !=1, then an error has to emerge", { dates <- coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2015-01-05") expect_error(discount.factors(rates = c(0.01,0.02), analysis.date = "2023-01-03", dates = dates$dates), "Missing rates for all coupon") }) test_that("Output has to have the same length as dates", { dates <- coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05") expect_length(discount.factors(rates = c(0.01,0.03), analysis.date = "2023-01-03", dates = dates$dates), length(dates$dates)) }) test_that("if rates are constant, discount factor has to be each time smaller", { dates <- coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2021-01-01", asset.type = "IBR") for (i in 2:(length(dates$dates)-1)) { expect_gt(discount.factors(rates = rep(0.01,length(dates$dates)), analysis.date = "2021-01-01", dates = dates$dates)[i], discount.factors(rates = rep(0.01,length(dates$dates)), analysis.date = "2015-01-01", dates = dates$dates)[i+1]) } }) test_that("Discount factors have to be lower when using continously compounded interest rates", { dates <- coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05", analysis.date = "2023-01-05") for (i in 1:(length(dates$dates))) { expect_lte(discount.factors(rates = c(0.01,0.04), analysis.date = "2023-01-03", dates = dates$dates, rate.type = 0)[i], discount.factors(rates = c(0.01,0.04), analysis.date = "2023-01-03", dates = dates$dates, rate.type = 1)[i]) } }) test_that("outpout is equal to Excel calculations", { dates <- coupon.dates(maturity = "2025-01-05",analysis.date = "2023-01-03", asset.type = "IBR", freq = 4)$effective.dates res <- c(0.9999455,0.9962543,0.9901207,0.9815680, 0.9707170,0.9577746,0.9427650, 0.9254729,0.9065446) for (i in seq_along(dates)) { expect_equal(discount.factors(rates = c(0.01,0.015,0.02,0.025,0.03,0.035,0.04,0.045,0.05), analysis.date = "2023-01-03", rate.type = 1, dates = dates)[i], res[i],tolerance = 0.0001) } }) # 4. Discount Time -------------------------------------------------------- test_that("if format of tinitial is not adequate, an error has to emerge", { expect_error(discount.time(tinitial = "ABC", tfinal = "2023-01-03"), "ABC is not valid as Date") }) test_that("if format of tfinal is not adequate, an error has to emerge", { expect_error(discount.time(tinitial = "2023-01-01", tfinal = "Hoy"),"Hoy is not valid as Date") }) test_that("A year has to be a year when intial date and final are the same date, but with final having, and additional year", { expect_equal(discount.time(tinitial = "2023-01-01", tfinal = "2024-01-01"),1) }) test_that("A year has to be a year, when intial date and final are the same date, but with final having, and additional year", { expect_equal(discount.time(tinitial = "2021-06-13", tfinal = "2023-06-13"),2) }) test_that("A year has to be a year, when intial date and final are the same date, but with final having, and additional year", { expect_equal(discount.time(tinitial = "2021-12-31", tfinal = "2029-12-31"),8) }) test_that("When initial date is 29-Feb, then a year is next year on the 28-Feb", { expect_equal(discount.time(tinitial = "2024-02-29", tfinal = "2025-02-28"),1) }) test_that("When initial date is 29-Feb, then next year 27-Feb has to be, less than a year.", { expect_lt(discount.time(tinitial = "2024-02-29", tfinal = "2025-02-27"),1) }) test_that("When initial date is 29-Feb, then next year 27-Feb has to be, more than a year.", { expect_gt(discount.time(tinitial = "2024-02-29", tfinal = "2025-03-01"),1) }) test_that("When initial date is 29-Feb, then four years is next leap date", { expect_equal(discount.time(tinitial = "2024-02-29", tfinal = "2028-02-29"),4) }) # 5. Accrued Interest ----------------------------------------------------- test_that("if analysis date is outside time gap between the previous and upcoming cupon date, return is 0.", { expect_equal(accrued.interests(analysis.date = "2025-01-03", coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-03", daycount = "ACT/365", freq = 1),0) }) test_that("if accrued interest is calculated on a coupon date, then accrued interest is equal to 0.", { expect_equal(accrued.interests(analysis.date = "2023-01-04", coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-04", daycount = "ACT/365"),0) }) test_that("if accrued interest is calculated on a coupon date (with different inputs), then accrued interest is equal to 0.", { expect_equal(accrued.interests(analysis.date = "2023-01-04", coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-04", daycount = "ACT/360", freq = 4, asset.type = "IBR"),0) }) test_that("if analysis date is very close to next coupon date, then accrued interest has to be very close to coupon.", { expect_gt(accrued.interests(analysis.date = "2023-01-03", coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-04", daycount = "ACT/365", freq = 1, asset.type = "TES"),0.039) }) test_that("if analysis date is very close to previous coupon date, then accrued interest has to be very close to zero.", { expect_lt(accrued.interests(analysis.date = "2023-01-05", coupon.rate = 0.04, maturity = "2024-01-04", daycount = "ACT/365", freq = 1, asset.type = "TES"),0.001) })