#' Test for rpkb #' #' #' #' @srrstats {G5.1, G5.5} data sets are generated using simple functions with #' fixed seed #' @srrstats {G5.2,G5.2a,G5.2b} all the error and warning messages are tested #' @srrstats {PD4.0} the numeric output are tested #' @srrstats {PD4.2} The function is tested for all the methods (distributions) #' available #' @srrstats {PD4.3} different values of the \code{uniroot} function are tested #' @srrstats {PD4.4} The function uniroot satisfies this standard. #' @srrstats {PD4.1} Tests that generated points are in expected range #' #' #' @noRd library(testthat) test_that("Random Generation from PKBD works", { # Check the errors set.seed(123) expect_error(rpkb(10, mu = c(1,0,0), rho = 2), 'Input argument rho must be within [0,1)',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(rpkb(10, mu = c(0,0,0), rho = 0.8), 'Input argument mu cannot be a vector of zeros',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(rpkb(10, mu = 2, rho = 0.8), 'mu must have length >= 2',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(rpkb(-10, mu = c(1,0,0), rho = 0.8), 'n must be a positive integer',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(rpkb(10, mu = c(1,0,0), rho = 0.8, method = "invalid"), 'Unknown method',fixed=TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------ ## Generating data point on the Sphere ## "rejvmf" size <- 100 rho <- 0.8 mu <- c(1,0,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejvmf") expect_equal(dim(pkbd_dat),c(size,length(mu))) expect_true(is.matrix(pkbd_dat)) expect_equal(rowSums(pkbd_dat^2), rep(1,size)) ## "rejacg" size <- 100 rho <- 0.8 mu <- c(1,0,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejacg") expect_equal(dim(pkbd_dat),c(size,length(mu))) expect_true(is.matrix(pkbd_dat)) expect_equal(rowSums(pkbd_dat^2), rep(1,size)) ## "rejpsaw" size <- 100 rho <- 0.8 mu <- c(1,0,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejpsaw") expect_equal(dim(pkbd_dat),c(size,length(mu))) expect_true(is.matrix(pkbd_dat)) expect_equal(rowSums(pkbd_dat^2), rep(1,size)) # dimension = 2 mu <- c(1,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejpsaw") expect_equal(dim(pkbd_dat),c(size,length(mu))) expect_true(is.matrix(pkbd_dat)) expect_equal(rowSums(pkbd_dat^2), rep(1,size)) # dimension > 3 mu <- c(1,0,0,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejpsaw") expect_equal(dim(pkbd_dat),c(size,length(mu))) expect_true(is.matrix(pkbd_dat)) expect_equal(rowSums(pkbd_dat^2), rep(1,size)) #------------------------------------------------------ ## Test numerical values rho <- 0.9 mu <- rnorm(3) mu <- mu/sqrt(sum(mu^2)) size <- 100 x <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejpsaw") # Test if the mean of generated points is close to the true mean expect_lt(max(abs(colMeans(x)-mu)),1e-1) x <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = 0.99, method = "rejpsaw") # Test if the mean of generated points is close to the true mean # higher rho, less variability expect_lt(max(abs(colMeans(x)-mu)),1e-2) }) test_that("Random Generation from PKBD compared to wrapped Cauchy", { require(circular) # Parameters n <- 10000 location <- circular::circular(pi) rho <- 0.6 set.seed(1234) # Generate data from wrapped cauchy wc <- circular::rwrappedcauchy(n, mu = location, rho = rho) # Generate data from pkbd pkbd <- rpkb(n, mu = c(-1, 0), rho = rho) # Convert Cartesian coordinates to angles for comparison pkbd_angles <- circular::coord2rad(pkbd, control.circular = list(modulo="asis")) # Compute the sample circular quantiles vect_quantiles <- c(0.05,seq(0.1,0.9,0.05), 0.95) wc_q <- circular::quantile.circular(wc, vect_quantiles) pkbd_q <- circular::quantile.circular(pkbd_angles, vect_quantiles) # Test that the computed quantiles are close tol <- 0.01 expect_equal(wc_q, pkbd_q, tolerance = tol) })