#' Test for pk.test #' #' #' #' @srrstats {G5.1, G5.5} data sets are generated using simple functions with #' fixed seed #' @srrstats {G5.2,G5.2a,G5.2b} all the error and warning messages are tested #' @srrstats {G5.4,G5.4a} correctness tested on simple cases #' @srrstats {G5.8, G5.8a,G5.8b,G5.8c} edge conditions #' #' @noRd library(testthat) ## "Tests for pk.test function" # Test 1: Error on Invalid x Input test_that("Error on invalid x input", { set.seed(123) expect_error(pk.test(x = "Not matrix", rho = 0.5), "x must be numeric", fixed=TRUE) expect_error(pk.test(x = rnorm(50), rho = 0.5), "x must be a matrix or a data.frame with dimension greater than 1.", fixed=TRUE) # NA in the data dat <- matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=2) dat[1,] <- NA expect_error(pk.test(x = dat, rho = 0.8), 'There are missing values in x!', fixed=TRUE) # Inf or Nan in the data dat <- matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=2) dat[1,] <- Inf expect_error(pk.test(x = dat, rho = 0.8), 'There are undefined values in x, that is Nan, Inf, -Inf', fixed=TRUE) }) # Test 2: Error on Invalid Quantile Input test_that("Error on invalid Quantile input", { set.seed(123) expect_error(pk.test(x = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), rho = 0.5, Quantile = 1.1), "Quantile must be in (0,1]", fixed=TRUE) expect_error(pk.test(x = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), rho = 0.5, Quantile = -1), "Quantile must be in (0,1]", fixed=TRUE) }) # Test 3: Error on Invalid rho Input test_that("Error on invalid rho input", { set.seed(123) expect_error(pk.test(x = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), rho = -0.1), "rho must be in (0,1)", fixed=TRUE) expect_error(pk.test(x = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), rho = 2), "rho must be in (0,1)", fixed=TRUE) }) # Test 4: Handling Vector x Input test_that("Handle vector x input correctly", { set.seed(123) expect_s4_class(pk.test(x = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 2), rho = 0.5), "pk.test") expect_s4_class(pk.test(x = data.frame(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 2)), rho = 0.5), "pk.test") }) # Test 5: Main Functionality with Valid Inputs test_that("Functionality with valid inputs", { size <- 100 d <- 3 # Test does not reject uniformity set.seed(123) x_sp <- sample_hypersphere(d, n_points=size) unif_test <- pk.test(x_sp,rho=0.8) expect_s4_class(unif_test, "pk.test") expect_true(is.numeric(unif_test@Un)) expect_true(is.numeric(unif_test@Vn)) expect_false(unif_test@H0_Un) # Test reject uniformity set.seed(123) x_sp <- rpkb(n = size, mu = c(1,0,0), rho = 0.9) unif_test <- pk.test(x_sp,rho=0.9) expect_s4_class(unif_test, "pk.test") expect_true(unif_test@H0_Un) # test show method output <- capture.output(show(unif_test)) expect_true(any(grepl("H0 is rejected: ", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("Statistic Un: ", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("Statistic Vn: ", output))) # test summary method s <- summary(unif_test) expect_type(s$summary_tables, "list") expect_equal(nrow(s$test_results), 2) })