#' #' Test for dpkb #' #' #' #' @srrstats {G5.1, G5.5} data sets are generated using simple functions with #' fixed seed #' @srrstats {G5.2,G5.2a,G5.2b} all the error and warning messages are tested #' @srrstats {G5.4,G5.4a} correctness tested on simple cases #' @srrstats {G5.8, G5.8a,G5.8b,G5.8c} edge conditions #' @srrstats {PD4.0} numeric outputs are tested #' @srrstats {PD4.1} Tests that density values are as expected for selected #' inputs #' #' @noRd library(testthat) test_that("Density of PKBD", { set.seed(123) size <- 100 rho <- 0.8 mu <- c(1,0,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejvmf") # Check the errors # mu expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = c(1), rho = 0.8), 'mu must have length >= 2',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = c(0,0,0), rho = 0.8), 'Input argument mu cannot be a vector of zeros',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(rnorm(10), mu = c(0,0,0), rho = 0.8), "x must be a matrix or a data.frame",fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(matrix(rnorm(10),ncol=1), mu = c(0,0,0), rho = 0.8), 'x must have dimension >= 2',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = c(1,0), rho = 0.8), 'number of rows of x must be equal to the length of mu', fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = c(1,0,0), rho = 2), 'Input argument rho must be within [0,1)',fixed=TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------ ## Generating data point on the Sphere ## and computing the densities den <- dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu, rho) expect_equal(dim(den),c(size,1)) expect_false(any(den<0)) den <- dpkb(data.frame(pkbd_dat), mu, rho) expect_equal(dim(den),c(size,1)) expect_false(any(den<0)) log_den <- dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu, rho, logdens = TRUE) expect_equal(dim(log_den),c(size,1)) }) test_that("Test numerical values", { #------------------------------------------------------ ## Test numerical values rho <- 0.8 mu <- c(1,0,0) d <- 3 x <- matrix(rnorm(3),nrow=1) # For rho=0 the density corresponds to the normalizing constant for d # independently of x expect_equal(as.numeric(dpkb(x, mu, rho=0)), 1/(2*pi^(d/2)*gamma(d/2)^(-1))) # For x = mu the product of x*mu =1 in the poisson density. The remaining # depends only on rho and d expect_equal(as.numeric(dpkb(matrix(mu,nrow=1), mu, rho=0.5)), 0.47746483) expect_equal(as.numeric(dpkb(matrix(mu,nrow=1), mu, rho=0.5, logdens = TRUE)), log(0.47746483)) }) test_that("tests - Density of PKBD", { set.seed(123) size <- 100 rho <- 0.8 mu <- c(1,0,0) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejvmf") # Check the errors # x pkbd_dat[1,] <- NA expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = mu, rho = rho), 'There are missing values in x!',fixed=TRUE) pkbd_dat[1,] <- Inf expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = mu, rho = rho), 'There are undefined values in x, that is Nan, Inf, -Inf',fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(rnorm(10), mu = c(0,0,0), rho = 0.8), "x must be a matrix or a data.frame",fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(matrix(rnorm(10),ncol=1), mu = c(0,0,0), rho = 0.8), 'x must have dimension >= 2',fixed=TRUE) pkbd_dat <- rpkb(size, mu = mu, rho = rho, method = "rejvmf") expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = c(1,0), rho = 0.8), 'number of rows of x must be equal to the length of mu', fixed=TRUE) expect_error(dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu = c(1,0,0), rho = 2), 'Input argument rho must be within [0,1)',fixed=TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------ ## Generating data point on the Sphere ## and computing the densities den <- dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu, rho) expect_equal(dim(den),c(size,1)) expect_false(any(den<0)) den <- dpkb(data.frame(pkbd_dat), mu, rho) expect_equal(dim(den),c(size,1)) expect_false(any(den<0)) log_den <- dpkb(pkbd_dat, mu, rho, logdens = TRUE) expect_equal(dim(log_den),c(size,1)) })