# request_args() ---- test_that("request_args() works properly", { compound <- get_compounds( identifier = "aspirin", namespace = "name" ) expect_equal(request_args(compound, .which = "namespace"), "name") expect_true({ is.list(request_args(compound)) }) expect_null(request_args(compound, "some_args")) }) # property_map() ---- test_that("returns error if 'x' is missing", { expect_error(property_map()) }) test_that('"x" is ignored if type = "all"', { expect_no_error(property_map(type = "all")) }) test_that("match types works properly.", { expect_equal(property_map(x = "MolecularFormula", type = "match"), "MolecularFormula") expect_equal(property_map(x = "molecularform", type = "contain"), "MolecularFormula") expect_equal(property_map(x = "molecularf", type = "start"), "MolecularFormula") expect_equal(property_map(x = "formula", type = "end"), "MolecularFormula") }) test_that("'.ignore.case' works properly.", { expect_equal(property_map(x = "molecularform", type = "contain", .ignore.case = TRUE), "MolecularFormula") expect_equal(property_map(x = "molecularform", type = "contain", .ignore.case = FALSE), NULL) }) test_that("returns NULL when no match found.", { expect_null(property_map("some_text", type = "contain", .ignore.case = TRUE)) }) # namespace_text() ---- test_that("namespace_text() returns properly", { expect_no_error(namespace_text(x = "aid")) expect_equal(namespace_text(x = "aid"), "AID") expect_equal(namespace_text(x = "some_text"), "DomainSpecific") }) test_that("namespace_text() returns error if 'x' is missing", { expect_error(namespace_text()) }) # domain_text() ---- test_that("domain_text() returns properly", { expect_no_error(domain_text(x = "substance")) expect_equal(domain_text(x = "substance"), "Substance") expect_equal(domain_text(x = "some_text"), "DomainSpecific (some_text)") }) test_that("namespace_text() returns error if 'x' is missing", { expect_error(domain_text()) }) # primary_class() ---- test_that("succesfully returned primary class of given object", { tmp <- get_assays(identifier = 1234, namespace = "aid") expect_equal(primaryClass(instance(tmp)), "PubChemInstance") }) # find_last_layer() ---- test_that("find_last_layer() returns the given input if it is not a list or does not have nested layers", { expect_equal(find_last_layer(1), 1) tmp <- list(one = 1, two = 2) expect_identical(find_last_layer(tmp), tmp) tmp <- list(list(one = 1, two = 2)) expect_identical(find_last_layer(tmp), tmp[[1]]) }) # printSlotDetails() ---- test_that("slot details successfully printed", { pview <- get_pug_view(identifier = "1234", annotation = "data", domain = "compound") expect_output(printSlotDetails(find_last_layer(pview$result))) expect_output(printSlotDetails(find_last_layer(pview$result), pugViewSection = TRUE)) }) # printSectionDetails() ---- test_that("section details successfully printed", { pview <- get_pug_view(identifier = "1234", annotation = "data", domain = "compound") sect <- section(pview, "S1") expect_output(print(section(pview, "S1"))) expect_output(printSectionDetails(sect$result)) expect_output(printSectionDetails(section(sect)$result)) }) # calculateObjectSize() ---- test_that("calculateObjectSize() works properly", { path <- tempdir(check = TRUE) write.csv(iris, file = file.path(path, "iris.csv")) expect_true({ tmp <- calculateObjectSize(file.path(path, "iris.csv")) all(is.numeric(tmp$size), abs(tmp$size - 4.71) < .02, tmp$unit == "KB") }) expect_true(calculateObjectSize("a")$size == 0) file.remove(file.path(path, "iris.csv")) })