# This file is part of the standard setup for testthat.
# It is recommended that you do not modify it.
# Where should you do additional test configuration?
# Learn more about the roles of various files in:
# * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview
# * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html


# Functions used globally in package tests (testthat) ----
allSuccess <- function(object){
  all(unlist(lapply(object$result, "[[", "success")))

testRequest <- function(object, ...){
  test_that(paste0("pulling via '", request_args(object, "namespace"), "' is succesfull"), {

  test_that("prints output to the R Console", {

# Set 'skipTests' FALSE to run test codes. This is set TRUE to skip
# all tests on GitHub actions since some of PubChem requests were incomplete due to
# timeout and/or API related issues. BUILD & CHECK actions on GitHub returns error
# even if all tests were passed on local installations of R.
skipTests <- FALSE

if (!skipTests){