#Make random shape to generate points on projection <- '+proj=tmerc' skip_on_cran() #Make random shape to generate points on x <- c(16.48438, 17.49512, 24.74609, 22.59277, 16.48438) y <- c(59.736328125, 55.1220703125, 55.0341796875, 61.142578125, 59.736328125) xy <- cbind(x, y) SpatialPoly <- st_sfc(st_polygon(list(xy)), crs = projection) ##Old coordinate names #Make random points #Random presence only dataset PO <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, 100, crs = projection)) st_geometry(PO) <- 'geometry' ##Add random variable PO$numvar <- runif(n = nrow(PO)) PO$factvar <- sample(x = c('a','b'), size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) PO$species <- sample(x = c('fish'), size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) PO$temp <- sample(x = c(1,2), size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) PO$otherVar <- rgamma(n = nrow(PO), shape = 12) #Random presence absence dataset PA <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, 100, crs = projection)) PA$PAresp <- sample(x = c(0,1), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) #Add trial name PA$trial <- sample(x = c(1,2,3), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$pointcov <- runif(n = nrow(PA)) PA$binommark <- sample(x = 0:1, size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$species <- sample(x = c('bird'), nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$temp <- sample(x = c(1,2), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) Pcount <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, 100, crs = projection)) st_geometry(Pcount) <- 'geometry' Pcount$count <- rpois(n = nrow(Pcount), lambda = 2) Pcount$species <- 'dog' Pcount$temp <- sample(c(1,2), nrow(Pcount), TRUE) spIn <- c('bird', 'dog', 'fish') if (requireNamespace("INLA")) { mesh <<- fmesher::fm_mesh_2d_inla(boundary = fmesher::fm_as_segm(SpatialPoly), max.edge = 2, crs = fmesher::fm_crs(projection)) #iPoints <<- inlabru::ipoints(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) iPoints <<- fmesher::fm_int(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) } responseCounts <- 'count' responsePA <- 'PAresp' trialName <- 'trial' pointCovs <- 'pointcov' speciesName <- 'species' speciesSpatial <- 'copy' temporalName <- 'temp' temporalModel <- deparse(list(model = 'ar1')) copyModel = deparse1(list(beta = list(fixed = FALSE))) cov <- terra::rast(st_as_sf(SpatialPoly), crs = projection) terra::values(cov) <- rgamma(n = terra::ncell(cov), shape = 2) names(cov) <- 'covariate' test_that('specifySpecies initialize works as expected.', { skip_on_cran() #Create species model with: #No random intercept, copy spatial effects #Species environmental effect check <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = speciesSpatial, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) ##Test private classes expect_true(identical(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Projection,projection)) expect_true(identical(check$.__enclos_env__$private$INLAmesh, mesh)) expect_true(check$.__enclos_env__$private$responsePA == responsePA) expect_true(check$.__enclos_env__$private$responseCounts == responseCounts) expect_true(check$.__enclos_env__$private$trialsPA == trialName) expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Spatial, 'shared') expect_true(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Intercepts) expect_true(all(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesTable$index %in% 1:3)) expect_true(all(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesTable$species %in% spIn)) expect_true(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesEnvironment) expect_true(length(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesIndex$species$PO[[1]]) == nrow(PO)) expect_true(length(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesIndex$species$PA[[1]]) == nrow(PA)) expect_true(length(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesIndex$species$Pcount[[1]]) == nrow(Pcount)) expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesName, speciesName,ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_false(check$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesIntercepts) expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$temporalName, 'temp') expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$ptcovsClass, 'numeric', ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$spatcovsNames, 'covariate') expect_setequal(unlist(check$.__enclos_env__$private$optionsINLA), c('log', 'cloglog', 'log')) expect_true(inherits(check$spatialFields$sharedField$sharedField, 'inla.spde2')) expect_true('pointcov' %in% names(check$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS)) expect_true(all(is.na(check$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS$pointcov))) expect_true(all(paste0(spIn,'_covariate') %in% names(check$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS))) expect_setequal(names(check$spatialFields$speciesFields), c('fish_PO', 'bird_PA', 'dog_Pcount')) #Create a model with shared species effects checkNoEnv <- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = speciesSpatial, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = FALSE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) expect_true('pointcov' %in% names(checkNoEnv$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS)) expect_true(all(is.na(checkNoEnv$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS$pointcov))) expect_true('covariate' %in% names(checkNoEnv$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS)) #Remove one of the response variable names expect_error(specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = speciesSpatial, responsepa = NULL, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = FALSE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel), 'At least one of responseCounts and responsePA are NULL. Please provide both.') expect_error(specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = speciesSpatial, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = NULL, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = FALSE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel), 'At least one of responseCounts and responsePA are NULL. Please provide both.') #Error with mesh expect_error(specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = list(), speciesspatial = speciesSpatial, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel), 'Mesh needs to be an fm_mesh_2d object.') #Change speciesSpatial to shared checkShared <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = 'shared', responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) expect_true('speciesShared(main = geometry, model = speciesField)' %in% checkShared$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_equal(names(checkShared$spatialFields$speciesFields), 'speciesField') #Change speciesSpatial to copy checkCopy <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = 'copy', responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) expect_true(all(c( "fish_PO_spatial(main = geometry, model = fish_PO_field)", "bird_PA_spatial(main = geometry, model = bird_PA_field)", "dog_Pcount_spatial(main = geometry, model = dog_Pcount_field)") %in% checkCopy$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) expect_setequal(c(names(checkCopy$spatialFields$speciesFields)), c('fish_PO', 'bird_PA', 'dog_Pcount')) #Change speciesSpatial to replicate checkRep <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = 'replicate', responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) expect_equal(names(checkRep$spatialFields$sharedField), 'sharedField') #No species spatial PO2 <<- PO checknoSpat <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount, PO2), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount', 'PO2'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = NULL, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = NULL, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) }) test_that('addBias is able to add bias fields to the model as well as succesfully update the relevant formulas and components of the model.', { skip_on_cran() #Check adding bias to the present only dataset if (requireNamespace("INLA")) { pcmatern <- INLA::inla.spde2.pcmatern(mesh, prior.sigma = c(2, 0.01), prior.range = c(1, 0.05)) } check$addBias(datasetNames = 'PO', biasField = pcmatern, copyModel = FALSE) expect_true("PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = PO_bias_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = \"ar1\"))" %in% check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_equal(names(check$spatialFields$biasFields), 'PO') expect_true(inherits(check$spatialFields$biasFields$PO, 'inla.spde2')) ##Check that bias field is in the formula of the PO dataset expect_true(unlist(lapply(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PO$fish, function(x) { 'PO_biasField' %in% x$RHS }))[1]) check$addBias(datasetNames = 'PO', biasField = pcmatern, temporalModel = list(model = 'rw1'), copyModel = FALSE) expect_true("PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = PO_bias_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = \"rw1\"))" %in% check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) #ADD bias for all PO checknoSpat$addBias(allPO = TRUE, copyModel = FALSE, shareModel = FALSE) expect_true(all(c("PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = PO_bias_field)", "PO2_biasField(main = geometry, model = PO2_bias_field)")%in% checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) expect_setequal(names(checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields), c('PO', 'PO2')) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields, function(x) inherits(x, 'inla.spde2'))))) checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields <- list() #copy checknoSpat$addBias(allPO = TRUE, copyModel = TRUE) expect_true(all(c("PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = PO_bias_field)", 'PO2_biasField(main = geometry, copy = "PO_biasField", hyper = list(beta = list(fixed = FALSE)))')%in% checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) expect_setequal(names(checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields), c('PO', 'PO2')) expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields, function(x) inherits(x, 'inla.spde2'))))) checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields <- list() #shared expect_error(checknoSpat$addBias(allPO = TRUE, shareModel = TRUE), 'Only one of copyModel and shareModel may be TRUE.') checknoSpat$addBias(allPO = TRUE, shareModel = TRUE, copyModel = FALSE) expect_true("sharedBias_biasField(main = geometry, model = sharedBias_bias_field)" %in% checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_true(names(checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields) == 'sharedBias') expect_true(inherits(checknoSpat$spatialFields$biasFields$sharedBias, 'inla.spde2')) }) test_that('updateFormula is able to change the formula of a dataset', { skip_on_cran() #Test error: species/mark/dataset all NULL expect_error(check$updateFormula(Formula = ~ covariate), 'At least one of: datasetName, speciesName needs to be specified.') #Check the error regarding adding a new response variable. expect_error(check$updateFormula(datasetName = 'PO', Formula = notResponse ~ covariate), 'Please remove the response variable of the formula.') #Check printing formula expect_true(inherits(check$updateFormula(datasetName = 'PO'), 'list')) ##remove the covariate from the PO dataset check$updateFormula(datasetName = 'PO', Formula = ~ . - covariate) expect_setequal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PO$fish$geometry$RHS, c('PO_intercept', "shared_spatial", "PO_biasField", 'fish_PO_spatial', 'fish_intercept')) expect_setequal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PA$bird$PAresp$RHS, c('PA_intercept', "shared_spatial", "pointcov", "bird_covariate", "bird_PA_spatial", "bird_intercept")) checknoSpat$updateFormula(speciesName = 'fish', Formula = ~ . - covariate) expect_setequal(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PO$fish$geometry$RHS, c("shared_spatial", "PO_intercept", "fish_intercept", "PO_biasField","sharedBias_biasField")) expect_setequal(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PO2$fish$geometry$RHS, c("shared_spatial", "PO2_intercept", "fish_intercept", "PO2_biasField","sharedBias_biasField")) expect_setequal(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PA$bird$PAresp$RHS, c("bird_covariate", "shared_spatial", "PA_intercept", "pointcov", "bird_intercept")) expect_setequal(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$Pcount$dog$count$RHS, c("dog_covariate", "shared_spatial", "Pcount_intercept", "dog_intercept")) ##Completely change the formula check$updateFormula(datasetName = 'PA', newFormula = ~ exp(PA_intercept + shared_spatial + pointcov + bird_covariate + I(bird_covariate^2))) expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PA$bird$PAresp$LHS, PAresp ~ exp(PA_intercept + shared_spatial + pointcov + bird_covariate + I(bird_covariate^2)), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_true(is.null(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$PA$bird$PAresp$RHS)) #Test process level + covariate formula checknoSpat2 <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount, PO2), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount', 'PO2'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = NULL, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = NULL, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) checknoSpat2$updateFormula(processLevel = TRUE, Formula = ~ . - covariate) expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(checknoSpat2$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas, function (x) any(grepl('covariate', x[[1]][[1]]$RHS)))))) checknoSpat3 <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount, PO2), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount', 'PO2'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = NULL, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = list(covariateFormula = ~ covariate + I(covariate^2)), offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = NULL, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) checknoSpat3$updateFormula(speciesName = 'dog', Formula = ~ .- I(covariate^2)) expect_true(all(c("dog_Fixed__Effects__Comps(main = ~dog_covariate - 1, model = \"fixed\")", "bird_Fixed__Effects__Comps(main = ~bird_covariate + I(bird_covariate^2) - 1, model = \"fixed\")", "fish_Fixed__Effects__Comps(main = ~fish_covariate + I(fish_covariate^2) - 1, model = \"fixed\")") %in% checknoSpat3$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) }) test_that('changeComponents can change the components of the model', { skip_on_cran() #remove binmark_spatial from model check$changeComponents(removeComponent = 'shared_spatial') expect_false('shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = "ar1"))'%in%check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) ##Add it back into the components check$changeComponents(addComponent = 'shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = "ar1"))') expect_true('shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = \"ar1\"))'%in%check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) #customize component for whatever reason #This won't work becuase different_field needs to be in the fitISDM environment? checknoSpat$changeComponents(addComponent = 'PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = different_field)') expect_false('PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = PO_bias_field)'%in%checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_true('PO_biasField(main = geometry, model = different_field)'%in% checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_output(check$changeComponents(), 'Model components:') }) test_that('priorsFixed can add the correct priors to the fixed effects', { skip_on_cran() ##STILL NEED TO DO## #incorrect effect expect_error(check$priorsFixed(Effect = 'notcovariate', mean.linear = 200, prec.linear = 20), 'Fixed effect provided not present in the model. Please add covariates using the "spatialCovariates" or "pointCovariates" argument in intModel') #arbitrary mean and precision for insect_covariate check$priorsFixed(Effect = 'covariate', mean.linear = 200, prec.linear = 20) expect_true(all(paste0(spIn,'_covariate(main = ', spIn,'_covariate, model = "linear", mean.linear = 200, prec.linear = 20)') %in% check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) ##Incorrect datasetName expect_error(check$priorsFixed(Effect = 'Intercept', mean.linear = 1, prec.linear = 1, datasetName = 'PCounts'), 'datasetName is not the name of a dataset added to the model.') check$priorsFixed(Effect = 'Intercept', mean.linear = 1, prec.linear = 1, datasetName = 'PA') expect_true("PA_intercept(1, mean.linear = 1, prec.linear = 1)" %in% check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) }) test_that('specifySpatial can correctly specify the spatial fields', { skip_on_cran() #Check errors: #give none of: sharedSpatial, species, mark, bias expect_error(check$specifySpatial(prior.range = c(1,0.1), prior.sigma = c(0.2, 0.5)), 'At least one of sharedSpatial, datasetName, dataset or Species needs to be provided.') #give wrong bias field expect_error(check$specifySpatial(Bias = 'PA', prior.range = c(1,0.1), prior.sigma = c(0.2, 0.5))) #specify the sharedSpatial check$specifySpatial(sharedSpatial = TRUE, prior.range = c(1,0.1), prior.sigma = c(0.2, 0.5)) expect_equal(check$spatialFields$sharedField$sharedField$model, 'pcmatern') #remove the spatial field from all processes check$specifySpatial(sharedSpatial = TRUE, Remove = TRUE) expect_false('shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = \"ar1\"))'%in%check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_false(any(unlist(lapply(check$.__enclos_env__$private$modelData, function(x) 'shared_spatial' %in% x$include_components)))) #Test species expect_error(checkCopy$specifySpatial(Species = 'Rabbit'), 'Species name provided is not currently in the model.') checkCopy$specifySpatial(Species = 'dog', Remove = TRUE) expect_false('dog_Pcount_spatial(main = geometry, model = dog_Pcount_spatial)' %in% checkCopy$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) expect_false('dog_Pcount_spatial' %in% checkCopy$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas$Pcount$dog$count$RHS) checkCopy$specifySpatial(Species = 'fish', prior.range = c(1,0.1), prior.sigma = c(0.2, 0.5)) expect_equal(checkCopy$spatialFields$speciesFields$fish_PO$model, 'pcmatern') }) test_that('changeLink can correctly change the link function of a process', { skip_on_cran() expect_error(checknoSpat$changeLink(datasetName = 'PO2')) checknoSpat$changeLink(datasetName = 'PO2', Link = 'exp') expect_true(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$optionsINLA$control.family[[4]]$link == 'exp') checknoSpat$changeLink(datasetName = 'PA', Link = 'logit') expect_true(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$optionsINLA$control.family[[2]] == 'logit') }) test_that('spatialBlock can correctly block the spatial domain', { skip_on_cran() ##DOUBLE CHECK checknoSpat$spatialBlock(k = 2, rows_cols = c(1,2), plot = FALSE) expect_true(all(sapply(unlist(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$modelData, recursive = FALSE), function(x) '.__block_index__' %in% names(x)))) expect_true(all(sapply(unlist(checknoSpat$.__enclos_env__$private$modelData, recursive = FALSE), function(x) x$ '.__block_index__' %in% 1:2))) }) test_that('addSamplers can correctly add new samplers to a process', { skip_on_cran() wrongSamp <- 1:2 expect_error(check$addSamplers(datasetName = 'PO', Samplers = wrongSamp), 'Samplers needs to be a sf object.') #Add random (wrong polygon) x <- c(16, 17, 24, 22, 16) y <- c(59, 55, 55.0341796875, 61, 59) xy <- cbind(x, y) SpatialPoly2 <- st_as_sf(st_sfc(st_polygon(list(xy)), crs = projection)) check$addSamplers(datasetName = 'PO', Samplers = SpatialPoly2) expect_equal(check$.__enclos_env__$private$Samplers$PO, SpatialPoly2, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that('specifyRandom can correctly change the priors of the random effects', { skip_on_cran() ##STILL NEED TO DO #new again check <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = speciesSpatial, responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = cov, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = FALSE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = 'shared', temporal = temporalName, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) check$specifyRandom(temporalModel = list(model = 'rw1')) expect_true("shared_spatial(main = geometry, model = shared_field, group = temp, ngroup = 2, control.group = list(model = \"rw1\"))" %in% check$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) ##Check replicate checkRep$specifyRandom(speciesGroup = list(model = "iid", hyper = list(prec = list(prior = 'pc.prec', param = c(1, 0.1))))) expect_true("speciesShared(main = geometry, model = speciesField, group = speciesSpatialGroup, control.group = list(model = \"iid\", hyper = list(prec = list(prior = \"pc.prec\", param = c(1, 0.1)))))"%in% checkRep$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) #Check species Copy PA$species <- 'fish' Pcount$species <- 'fish' checkCopy <<- specifySpecies$new(data = list(PO, PA, Pcount), initialnames = c('PO', 'PA', 'Pcount'), projection = projection, Inlamesh = mesh, speciesspatial = 'copy', responsepa = responsePA, trialspa = trialName, speciesindependent = FALSE, responsecounts = responseCounts, pointcovariates = pointCovs, spatialcovariates = NULL, formulas = NULL, offset = NULL, speciesintercept = TRUE, speciesenvironment = TRUE, speciesname = speciesName, ips = iPoints, copymodel = copyModel, spatial = NULL, temporal = NULL, intercepts = TRUE, temporalmodel = temporalModel) checkCopy$addBias(c('PA', 'PO', 'Pcount')) checkCopy$specifyRandom(speciesCopy = list(beta = list(fixed = TRUE))) expect_true(all(c( "fish_PA_spatial(main = geometry, copy = \"fish_PO_spatial\", hyper = list(beta = list(fixed = TRUE)))", "fish_Pcount_spatial(main = geometry, copy = \"fish_PO_spatial\", hyper = list(beta = list(fixed = TRUE)))") %in% checkCopy$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) checkCopy$specifyRandom(copyBias = list(hyper = list(beta = list(initial = 2)))) expect_true(all(c("PO_biasField(main = geometry, copy = \"PA_biasField\", hyper = list(hyper = list(beta = list(initial = 2))))", "Pcount_biasField(main = geometry, copy = \"PA_biasField\", hyper = list(hyper = list(beta = list(initial = 2))))") %in% checkCopy$.__enclos_env__$private$Components)) #Check speciesIntercept checkCopy$specifyRandom(speciesIntercepts = list(prior = "pc.prec", param = c(1, 0.1))) expect_true('species_intercepts(main = species, model = \"iid\", constr = TRUE, hyper = list(prec = list(prior = \"pc.prec\", param = c(1, 0.1))))' %in% checkCopy$.__enclos_env__$private$Components) })