test_that('makeLhoods makes a list of likelihoods', { skip_on_cran() ##Set up a model ##Set up arbitrary data projection <- '+proj=tmerc' x <- c(16.48438, 17.49512, 24.74609, 22.59277, 16.48438) y <- c(59.736328125, 55.1220703125, 55.0341796875, 61.142578125, 59.736328125) xy <- cbind(x, y) xy <- cbind(x, y) SpatialPoly <- st_sfc(st_polygon(list(xy)), crs = projection) ##Old coordinate names #Make random points #Random presence only dataset PO <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, size = 100, crs = projection)) st_geometry(PO) <- 'geometry' ##Add random variable PO$numvar <- runif(n = nrow(PO)) PO$factvar <- sample(x = c('a','b'), size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) PO$species <- sample(x = c('fish'), size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) #Random presence absence dataset PA <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, size = 100, crs = projection)) st_geometry(PA) <- 'geometry' PA$PAresp <- sample(x = c(0,1), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) #Add trial name PA$trial <- sample(x = c(1,2,3), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$pointcov <- runif(n = nrow(PA)) PA$binommark <- sample(x = 2:3, size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$marktrial <- sample(x = 3:5, size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$species <- sample(x = c('bird'), nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) mesh <- fmesher::fm_mesh_2d_inla(boundary = fmesher::fm_as_segm(SpatialPoly), max.edge = 2, crs = fmesher::fm_crs(projection)) iPoints <- fmesher::fm_int(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) coordnames <- c('x.1', 'x.2') responseCounts <- 'count' responsePA <- 'PAresp' trialName <- 'trial' markNames <- c('numvar', 'factvar', 'binommark') marksFamily <- c('gaussian', 'multinomial', 'binomial') markTrial = 'marktrial' pointCovs <- 'pointcov' speciesName <- 'species' cov <- terra::rast(st_as_sf(SpatialPoly), crs = projection) terra::values(cov) <- rgamma(n = terra::ncell(cov), shape = 2) obj <- startSpecies(PO, PA, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, speciesName = speciesName, spatialCovariates = cov) Lhoods <- makeLhoods(data = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$modelData, formula = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$Formulas, family = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$Family, mesh = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$INLAmesh, ips = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS, samplers = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$Samplers, paresp = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$responsePA, ntrialsvar = trialName, markstrialsvar = markTrial, speciesname = speciesName, speciesindex = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$speciesIndex) #Expect a list of Lhoods expect_type(Lhoods, 'list') expect_true(all(vapply(Lhoods, function(x) inherits(x, "bru_like"), logical(1)))) #Names should be in format: dataset_species_response expect_setequal(names(Lhoods), c("PO_fish_geometry", "PA_bird_PAresp")) #Expect familus expect_setequal(sapply(Lhoods, function(x) x$family), c( "cp", "binomial")) #Trials are correct for PA response expect_identical(Lhoods$PA_bird_PAresp$Ntrials, PA$trial) #Correct formulas expect_equal(deparse1(Lhoods$PO_fish_geometry$formula), 'geometry ~ .') expect_equal(deparse1(Lhoods$PA_bird_PAresp$formula), 'PAresp ~ .') })