test_that('startISDM is able to initialize a specifyISDM object as well as correctly add the data to the integrated model', { skip() skip_on_cran() ##Set up arbitrary data projection <- '+proj=tmerc' #Make random shape to generate points on x <- c(16.48438, 17.49512, 24.74609, 22.59277, 16.48438) y <- c(59.736328125, 55.1220703125, 55.0341796875, 61.142578125, 59.736328125) xy <- cbind(x, y) SpatialPoly <- st_sfc(st_polygon(list(xy)), crs = projection) ##Old coordinate names #Make random points #Random presence only dataset PO <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, 100, crs = projection)) st_geometry(PO) <- 'geometry' ##Add random variable PO$numvar <- runif(n = nrow(PO)) PO$factvar <- sample(x = c('a','b'), size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) PO$temp <- sample(x = 1:2, size = nrow(PO), replace = TRUE) #Random presence absence dataset PA <- st_as_sf(st_sample(SpatialPoly, 100, crs = projection)) st_geometry(PA) <- 'geometry' PA$PAresp <- sample(x = c(0,1), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) #Add trial name PA$trial <- sample(x = c(1,2,3), size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) PA$pointcov <- runif(n = nrow(PA)) PA$temp <- sample(x = 1:2, size = nrow(PA), replace = TRUE) if (requireNamespace("INLA")) { mesh <<- INLA::inla.mesh.2d(boundary = INLA::inla.sp2segment(SpatialPoly), max.edge = 2, crs = inlabru::fm_crs(projection)) #iPoints <<- inlabru::ipoints(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) iPoints <<- inlabru::fm_int(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) } #iPoints <- inlabru::ipoints(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) iPoints <- inlabru::fm_int(samplers = SpatialPoly, domain = mesh) ##Make PA a data.frame object responseCounts <- 'count' responsePA <- 'PAresp' trialName <- 'trial' pointCovs <- 'pointcov' cov <- terra::rast(st_as_sf(SpatialPoly), crs = projection) terra::values(cov) <- rgamma(n = terra::ncell(cov), shape = 2) names(cov) <- 'covariate' cov$cov2 <- rgamma(n = terra::ncell(cov), shape = 2) obj <- startISDM(PO, PA, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL) #Test that object is created expect_true(all(class(obj) == c('specifyISDM', 'R6'))) expect_setequal(names(obj$.__enclos_env__$private$modelData), c("PO", "PA")) expect_setequal(unlist(obj$.__enclos_env__$private$Family), c('cp', 'binomial')) expect_identical(iPoints, expected = obj$.__enclos_env__$private$IPS) ##Test object can be created from a list of data obj2 <- startISDM(list(PO, PA), Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL) expect_setequal(names(obj2$.__enclos_env__$private$modelData), c("PO", "PA")) ##Test message if Temporal but pointsSpatial = 'copy' objMess <- expect_message(startISDM(list(PO, PA), Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL, temporalName = 'temp', pointsSpatial = 'correlate'),'Setting pointsSpatial to "shared" since it is required for the temporalModel.') ##Test error: data not sf PA2 <- as.data.frame(PA) expect_error(startISDM(PO, PA2, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL),'Datasets need to be sf objects.') ##Test error: pointsSpatial expect_error(startISDM(PO, PA2, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL, pointsSpatial = FALSE),'PointsSpatial needs to be one of: "shared", "copy", "individual", "correlate" or NULL.') expect_error(startISDM(PO, PA2, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL, pointsSpatial = c('shared', 'copy')),'PointsSpatial needs to be one of: "shared", "copy", "individual", "correlate" or NULL.') ##Test error: INLAmesh not an inla.mesh object expect_error(startISDM(PO, PA, Projection = projection, Mesh = list(), IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = NULL), 'Mesh needs to be a inla.mesh object.') #Try with cov objCov <- startISDM(PO, PA, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = cov) expect_setequal(objCov$.__enclos_env__$private$spatcovsNames, c('covariate', 'cov2')) expect_setequal(objCov$.__enclos_env__$private$spatcovsClass, c('linear', 'linear')) #Try own formula objForm <- startISDM(PO, PA, Projection = projection, Mesh = mesh, IPS = iPoints, trialsPA = trialName, responseCounts = responseCounts, responsePA = responsePA, spatialCovariates = cov, Formulas = list(covariateFormula = ~ covariate + I(covariate^2), biasFormula = ~ cov2)) expect_equal(deparse1(objForm$.__enclos_env__$private$covariateFormula), "~covariate + I(covariate^2)") expect_equal(deparse1(objForm$.__enclos_env__$private$biasFormula), "~cov2") ##Expect output expect_output(obj$print(), 'Summary of startISDM data file:') expect_output(obj$print(), 'Summary of presence absence datasets') expect_output(obj$print(), 'Summary of presence only datasets') })