test_that("Plots are generated", { # Test for ggplot2 else skip if (!require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { expect_error( plot_ftir(biodiesel), "requires ggplot2 package installation", fixed = TRUE ) testthat::skip("ggplot2 not available for testing plot production") } p1 <- plot_ftir(biodiesel) p2 <- plot_ftir_stacked(biodiesel) p3 <- plot_ftir(absorbance_to_transmittance(biodiesel)) p4 <- plot_ftir_stacked(absorbance_to_transmittance(biodiesel)) p5 <- plot_ftir(normalize_spectra(biodiesel)) expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(p1)) expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(p2)) expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "Absorbance") expect_equal(p2$labels$y, "Absorbance (a.u.)") expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(p3)) expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(p4)) expect_equal(p3$label$y, "% Transmittance") expect_equal(p4$label$y, "Transmittance (a.u.)") expect_equal(p5$label$y, "Normalized Absorbance") # ensure lots of samples can be plotted with rollover to viridis palette. p6 <- suppressWarnings(plot_ftir(rbind(biodiesel, sample_spectra))) expect_true(ggplot2::is.ggplot(p6)) expect_equal(p1$labels$y, "Absorbance") }) test_that("data is checked correctly", { if (!require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { testthat::skip("ggplot2 not available for testing manipulations") } full_data_df <- data.frame( "sample_id" = LETTERS, "wavenumber" = seq_along(LETTERS), "absorbance" = runif(length(LETTERS)), "transmittance" = runif(length(LETTERS)) * 100 ) expect_error( plot_ftir(ftir = "abc"), "`ftir` must be a data frame. You provided a string." ) expect_error(plot_ftir(ftir = data.frame("a" = 1:10)), "It must contain a column named", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir(ftir = full_data_df[, c("sample_id", "wavenumber")]), "Error in `PlotFTIR::plot_ftir()`. `ftir` must have one of `absorbance` or `transmittance` columns.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir(ftir = full_data_df), "`ftir` cannot contain both `absorbance` and `transmittance` columns.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( plot_ftir_stacked(ftir = "abc"), "`ftir` must be a data frame. You provided a string." ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(ftir = data.frame("a" = 1:10)), "`ftir` is missing a column", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(ftir = full_data_df[, c("sample_id", "wavenumber")]), "`ftir` must have one of `absorbance` or `transmittance` columns.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(ftir = full_data_df), "`ftir` cannot contain both `absorbance` and `transmittance` columns.", fixed = TRUE ) colnames(full_data_df)[4] <- "logabs" expect_error(plot_ftir(ftir = full_data_df), "`ftir` may only contain columns `sample_id`, `wavenumber`, and one of `absorbance` or `transmittance`.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir(biodiesel, 1234), "`plot_title` must be a character string or vector of strings with length not more than two.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir(biodiesel, c("My Plot", "My Subplot", "My Extrasubplot")), "`plot_title` must be a character string or vector of strings with length not more than two.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir(biodiesel, legend_title = 1234), "`legend_title` must be a single character string.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(ftir = full_data_df), "`ftir` may only contain columns `sample_id`, `wavenumber`, and one of `absorbance` or `transmittance`.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(biodiesel, stack_offset = "abc"), "`stack_offset` must be a single numeric value.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(biodiesel, stack_offset = -10), "`stack_offset` must be between 0 and 200.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_warning(plot_ftir(rbind(biodiesel, sample_spectra)), "The color palette in use works best with 12 or fewer unique samples in", fixed = TRUE ) }) test_that("Language settings work", { if (!require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { testthat::skip("ggplot2 not available for testing language integration") } expect_error(plot_ftir(biodiesel, lang = "bob"), "`lang` must be one of ", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(plot_ftir_stacked(biodiesel, lang = "bob"), "`lang` must be one of ", fixed = TRUE ) p <- plot_ftir(biodiesel, lang = "fr") expect_equal(p$labels$title, "Spectres IRTF") expect_equal(p$labels$x, bquote("Nombre d'onde" ~ (cm^-1))) p2 <- plot_ftir(biodiesel, lang = "fr", plot_title = c("My Plot", "my subtitle")) expect_equal(p2$labels$title, "My Plot") expect_equal(p2$labels$x, bquote("Nombre d'onde" ~ (cm^-1))) })