test_that("zoom in is ok", { # Ensure caught failure if no ggplot2, then skip remainder of tests if (!require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { # Of course, we can't generate a plot to feed to the manipulations. # This means that we can pass any value, the `ggplot` presence is tested first. expect_error( zoom_in_on_range(123), "requires ggplot2 package installation", fixed = TRUE ) testthat::skip("ggplot2 not available for testing manipulations") } biodiesel_plot <- plot_ftir(biodiesel) # test arg checks. expect_error(zoom_in_on_range("abc"), "`ftir_spectra_plot` must be a ggplot object. You provided a string", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(zoom_in_on_range(biodiesel_plot, zoom_range = 100), "`zoom_range` must be a numeric vector of length two.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(zoom_in_on_range(biodiesel_plot, zoom_range = c("a", "b")), "`zoom_range` must be a numeric vector of length two.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(zoom_in_on_range(biodiesel_plot, zoom_range = c(200, 2000)), "`zoom_range` must be values between 701 and 3999 cm^-1.", fixed = TRUE ) # Plots should come out mostly the same. zoomed_plot <- zoom_in_on_range(biodiesel_plot) expect_equal( zoom_in_on_range(biodiesel_plot, c(1000, 1900)), zoom_in_on_range(biodiesel_plot, c(1900, 1000)) ) expect_equal(biodiesel_plot$labels$title, zoomed_plot$labels$title) expect_false( all( ggplot2::ggplot_build(biodiesel_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range == ggplot2::ggplot_build(zoomed_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range ) ) expect_false( all( ggplot2::ggplot_build(biodiesel_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range == ggplot2::ggplot_build(zoomed_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range ) ) # Check that y range hasn't moved for transmittance plots transmittance_plot <- plot_ftir(absorbance_to_transmittance(biodiesel)) zoomed_transmittance <- zoom_in_on_range(transmittance_plot, c(2000, 2600)) expect_true( all( ggplot2::ggplot_build(transmittance_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range == ggplot2::ggplot_build(zoomed_transmittance)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range ) ) # Check that y range hasn't moved for stacked transmittance plots transmittance_stack_plot <- plot_ftir_stacked(absorbance_to_transmittance(biodiesel)) zoomed_transmittance_stack <- zoom_in_on_range(transmittance_stack_plot, c(2000, 2600)) expect_true( all( ggplot2::ggplot_build(transmittance_stack_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range == ggplot2::ggplot_build(zoomed_transmittance_stack)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range ) ) }) test_that("compress region is ok", { # Ensure caught failure if no ggplot2, then skip remainder of tests if (!require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { # Of course, we can't generate a plot to feed to the manipulations. # This means that we can pass any value, the `ggplot` presence is tested first. expect_error( compress_low_energy(123), "requires ggplot2 package installation", fixed = TRUE ) testthat::skip("ggplot2 not available for testing manipulations") } biodiesel_plot <- plot_ftir(biodiesel) # test arg checks. expect_error(compress_low_energy("abc"), "`ftir_spectra_plot` must be a ggplot object. You provided a string", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(compress_low_energy(biodiesel_plot, cutoff = "bob"), "`cutoff` must be a numeric value. You provided a string.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(compress_low_energy(biodiesel_plot, cutoff = 100), "`cutoff` must be a value between 701 and 3999 cm^-1.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(compress_low_energy(biodiesel_plot, compression_ratio = "bob"), "`compression_ratio` must be a numeric value. You provided a string.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error(compress_low_energy(biodiesel_plot, cutoff = 2000, compression_ratio = 1000), "`compression_ratio` must be a value between 0.01 and 100", fixed = TRUE ) # Plots should come out mostly the same. compressed_plot <- compress_low_energy(biodiesel_plot) expect_equal(biodiesel_plot$labels$title, compressed_plot$labels$title) expect_false( all( ggplot2::ggplot_build(biodiesel_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range == ggplot2::ggplot_build(compressed_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$x.range ) ) expect_equal( ggplot2::ggplot_build(biodiesel_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range, ggplot2::ggplot_build(compressed_plot)$layout$panel_params[[1]]$y.range ) }) test_that("labelled plot is ok", { # Ensure caught failure if no ggplot2, then skip remainder of tests if (!require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) { # Of course, we can't generate a plot to feed to the manipulations. # This means that we can pass any value, the `ggplot` presence is tested first. expect_error( add_wavenumber_marker(123, 1740, "CO Stretch"), "requires ggplot2 package installation", fixed = TRUE ) testthat::skip("ggplot2 not available for testing manipulations") } biodiesel_plot <- plot_ftir(biodiesel) # test arg checks. expect_error(add_wavenumber_marker("abc", 1500), "`ftir_spectra_plot` must be a ggplot object. You provided a string", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( add_wavenumber_marker(biodiesel_plot, wavenumber = "abc" ), "`wavenumber` must be a numeric value. You provided a string.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( add_wavenumber_marker(biodiesel_plot, wavenumber = 1000, text = mtcars ), "`text` must be character or numeric, you provided a data frame.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( add_wavenumber_marker(biodiesel_plot, wavenumber = 1000, text = c("This is", "too long") ), "`text` should be character or numeric, but not a vector of length greater than one.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( add_wavenumber_marker(biodiesel_plot, wavenumber = 1000, text = biodiesel_plot ), "`text` must be character or numeric, you provided a