Package check result: ERROR Check: examples, Result: ERROR Running examples in ‘PerformanceAnalytics-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") > ### Name: SFM.coefficients > ### Title: Calculate single factor model alpha and beta coefficients > ### Aliases: SFM.coefficients > > ### ** Examples > > > data(managers) > SFM.coefficients(managers[,1], managers[,8]) Error in .coefficients(xRa[, n[1]], xRb[, n[2]], subset, method = method, : "package:RobStatTM" %in% search() || requireNamespace("RobStatTM", .... is not TRUE Calls: SFM.coefficients ... SFM.coefficients -> apply -> FUN -> .coefficients -> stopifnot Execution halted