#""""""""""""""""""""""""Detecting periodicity #install.packages("expm", repos = "https://cran.r-project.org") #install.packages("sn", repos = "https://cran.r-project.org") #install.packages("readxl", repos = "https://cran.r-project.org") #install.packages("expm") #install.packages("sn") #install.packages("readxl") #library(PerRegMod) requireNamespace("PerRegMod") requireNamespace("expm") requireNamespace("readxl") requireNamespace("sn") library(PerRegMod) library(expm) library(readxl) library(sn)# for skew normal density n=200 s=2 x1=rnorm(n,0,1) x2=rnorm(n,0,2) x3=rnorm(n,0,3) x4=rnorm(n,0,2.7) y=rnorm(n,0,2.5) x=list(x1,x2,x3,x4) model=lm(y~x1+x2+x3+x4) z=model$residuals check_periodicity(x,y,s) ####""""""""""""""""""""""""" LSE method set.seed(4) s=2 n=200 m=n/s p=3 mu=c(2,6) beta1=c(3,5) beta2=c(1,2.5) beta3=c(-2,1) x1=runif(n,0,5) x2=runif(n,0,10) x3=runif(n,0,15) y=rep(0,n) for (i in 1:s) { q=seq(i,n,s) y[q]=mu[i] + beta1[i] * x1[q] + beta2[i] * x2[q] + beta3[i] * x3[q] + rsn(m,alpha=10) } x=list(x1,x2,x3) lm_per(x,y,s) ##""""""""""""""""""""""" AE set.seed(2) s=2 n=200 m=n/s p=3 mu=c(2,6) beta1=c(3,5) beta2=c(1,2.5) beta3=c(-2,1) x1=runif(n,0,5) x2=runif(n,0,10) x3=runif(n,0,15) y=rep(0,n) for (i in 1:s) { q=seq(i,n,s) y[q]=mu[i] + beta1[i] * x1[q] + beta2[i] * x2[q] + beta3[i] * x3[q] + rnorm(m,0,1) } x=list(x1,x2,x3) lm_per_AE(x,y,s) ######"""""""""""""""""""""""""" real data examples #####" #Data <- system.file("data", "weather_data_casablanca-settat.xlsx", package = "PerRegMod") #load("~/PerRegMod_4.4.1/PerRegMod/data/weather_data_casablanca_settat.RData") #Data=weather_data_casablanca_settat #file_path <- system.file("data", "weather_data_casablanca_settat.xlsx", package = "PerRegMod") #Data <- readxl::read_excel(file_path) #file_path <- system.file("inst/extdata", "weather_data_casablanca_settat.xlsx", package = "PerRegMod") #Data <- readxl::read_excel(file_path) #Data=read_xlsx("inst/extdata/weather_data_casablanca_settat.xlsx") file_path <- system.file("extdata", "weather_data_casablanca_settat.xlsx", package = "PerRegMod") # Check if the file path is found, then read the file if (file_path != "") { Data <- readxl::read_excel(file_path) } else { stop("File not found. Please check that the file is correctly placed in 'inst/extdata' within the package directory.") } months <- c('January','February','March','April','May','June', 'July','August','September','October','November','December') years <- c('2010','2011','2012','2013','2014','2015','2016', '2017','2018','2019','2020') #########""""""""""""for temperature y=rep(0,11 * 12) ly=length(years) lm=length(months) for (i in 1:ly ) { for (j in 1:lm) { y[(i - 1) * lm + j] = mean(Data$Temperature..C[Data$Year == years[i] & Data$Month == months[j] ] ) } } #########""""""""""""for Humidity x1=rep(0,11 * 12) ly=length(years) lm=length(months) for (i in 1:ly ) { for (j in 1:lm) { x1[(i - 1) * lm + j]=mean(Data$Humidity..[Data$Year==years[i] & Data$Month==months[j] ] ) } } #########""""""""""""for dew point x2=rep(0,11 * 12) ly=length(years) lm=length(months) for (i in 1:ly ) { for (j in 1:lm) { x2[(i - 1) * lm + j]=mean(Data$Dew.Point..C[Data$Year==years[i] & Data$Month==months[j] ] ) } } #########""""""""""""for wind x3=rep(0,11 * 12) ly=length(years) lm=length(months) for (i in 1:ly ) { for (j in 1:lm) { x3[(i - 1) * lm + j]=mean(Data$Wind.Speed.km.h[Data$Year==years[i] & Data$Month==months[j] ] ) } } ###""""""""""""""""""""""""example 1 #""""""""""check periodicity x=list(x2,x3)# dew point and wind n=length(y) s=12 m=n/s check_periodicity(x,y,s) #""""""""estimating parameters using LSE lm_per(x,y,s) #""""""""estimating parameters using AE lm_per_AE(x,y,s) ####"""""""""""""""""""""Example 2 ##""""""check periodicity x=list(x1,x3)# humidity and wind n=length(y) s=12 m=n/s check_periodicity(x,y,s) #""""""""estimating parameters using LSE lm_per(x,y,s) #""""""""estimating parameters using AE lm_per_AE(x,y,s)