library(testthat) context("binSum") library(PeakSegJoint) test_that("binSum with negative chromStart", { chromEnd <- 1:10 profile <- data.frame(chromStart=chromEnd-1L, chromEnd, count=1L) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=-1L, bin.size=3L, n.bins=5L) expect_equal(bins$count, c(2, 3, 3, 2)) }) test_that("binSum 1bp with constant 1 profile", { profile <- data.frame(chromStart=0L, chromEnd=10000L, count=1L) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=1L, n.bins=2000L) expect_identical(bins$chromStart, 0:1999) expect_identical(bins$chromEnd, 1:2000) expect_identical(bins$count, rep(1, 2000)) expect_equal(bins$mean, rep(1, 2000)) }) test_that("binSum 2bp with constant 1 profile", { profile <- data.frame(chromStart=0L, chromEnd=10000L, count=1L) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=2L, n.bins=2000L) expect_identical(bins$chromStart, as.integer(seq(0, by=2, l=2000))) expect_identical(bins$chromEnd, as.integer(seq(2, by=2, l=2000))) expect_identical(bins$count, rep(2, 2000)) expect_equal(bins$mean, rep(1, 2000)) }) test_that("binSum 3bp with non-constant profile", { ## bins of size 3bp. ## -1- -3- -5- ## -2- -4- ## 123456789012345 base index. ## --2--- ## --1- ## --0------- ## Coverage profile. profile <- data.frame(chromStart=as.integer(c(0, 6, 10)), chromEnd=as.integer(c(6, 10, 10000)), count=as.integer(c(2, 1, 0))) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=3L, n.bins=2000L) expect_identical(bins$chromStart, as.integer(seq(0, by=3, l=2000))) expect_identical(bins$chromEnd, as.integer(seq(3, by=3, l=2000))) <- rep(0, 2000)[1:4] <- c(6, 6, 3, 1) expect_identical(bins$count, expected.mean <- expect_equal(bins$mean, expected.mean) }) test_that("binSum 3bp with non-constant profile + 1000", { ## bins of size 3bp. ## -1- -3- -5- ## -2- -4- ## 123456789012345 base index + 1000. ## --2--- ## --1- ## --0------- ## Coverage profile. profile <- data.frame(chromStart=as.integer(c(0, 1000, 1006, 1010)), chromEnd=as.integer(c(1000, 1006, 1010, 10000)), count=as.integer(c(0, 2, 1, 0))) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=1000L, bin.size=3L, n.bins=2000L) expect_identical(bins$chromStart, as.integer(seq(1000, by=3, l=2000))) expect_identical(bins$chromEnd, as.integer(seq(1003, by=3, l=2000))) <- rep(0, 2000)[1:4] <- c(6, 6, 3, 1) expect_identical(bins$count, expected.mean <- expect_equal(bins$mean, expected.mean) }) test_that("binSum returns short data.frame if coverage ends", { profile <- data.frame(chromStart=as.integer(c(0, 100)), chromEnd=as.integer(c(100, 200)), count=as.integer(c(10, 5))) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=10L, n.bins=10L) expect_equal(bins$mean, rep(10, 10)) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=10L, n.bins=20L) expect_equal(bins$mean, rep(c(10, 5), each=10)) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=10L, n.bins=30L) expect_equal(bins$mean, rep(c(10, 5), each=10)) bins <- binSum(profile, bin.chromStart=0L, bin.size=30L, n.bins=10L) expect_equal(bins$mean, c(10, 10, 10, 200/30, 5, 5, 100/30)) expect_identical(bins$chromStart, as.integer(c(0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180))) expect_identical(bins$chromEnd, as.integer(c(30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210))) }) test_that("chromEnd <= chromStart is an error", { bad <- data.frame(chromStart=as.integer(c(0, 10)), chromEnd=as.integer(c(10, 5)), count=0L) expect_error({ binSum(bad, 0L, 30L, 10L) }, "chromStart not less than chromEnd") }) test_that("chromStart[i] < chromEnd[i-1] is an error", { bad <- data.frame(chromStart=as.integer(c(0, 10)), chromEnd=as.integer(c(15, 20)), count=1L) expect_error({ binSum(bad, 0L, 5L, 4L) }, "chromStart before previous chromEnd") }) test_that("gaps are treated as counts of 0", { ok <- data.frame(chromStart=as.integer(c(0, 15)), chromEnd=as.integer(c(10, 20)), count=as.integer(c(1, 10))) by2 <- binSum(ok, 0L, 2L, 10L) expect_equal(by2$count, c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 10, 20, 20)) by3 <- binSum(ok, 0L, 3L, 7L) expect_equal(by3$count, c(3, 3, 3, 1, 0, 30, 20)) by5 <- binSum(ok, 0L, 5L, 4L) expect_equal(by5$count, c(5, 5, 0, 50)) by10 <- binSum(ok, 0L, 10L, 2L) expect_equal(by10$count, c(10, 50)) big <- binSum(ok, 0L, 100L, 1L) expect_equal(big$count, 60L) two <- binSum(ok, 0L, 15L, 2L) expect_equal(two$count, c(10, 50)) small <- binSum(ok, 0L, 16L, 2L) expect_equal(small$count, c(20, 40)) }) test_that("no segfault", { data(H3K36me3.TDH.other.chunk1) some.counts <- subset(H3K36me3.TDH.other.chunk1$counts, 43100000 < chromEnd & chromStart < 43205000) param.values <- c(2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600) for(param in param.values){ <- paste(param) <- as.integer(param) fit <- PeakSegJointHeuristic(some.counts, expect_is(fit, "list") } })