test_that("addInObservtaion, Inf windows, completeInterval T", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) expect_no_error( cdm$cohort1 |> PatientProfiles::addInObservation( window = c(0, Inf), completeInterval = T ) ) expect_no_error( cdm$cohort1 |> PatientProfiles::addInObservation( window = c(-Inf, 0), completeInterval = T ) ) mockDisconnect(cdm = cdm) }) test_that("addDemographics, input length, type", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), seed = 11, numberIndividuals = 10 ) expect_error(addDemographics(2)) expect_error(addDemographics(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = "condition_start_date")) expect_error(addDemographics(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = c("cohort_start_date", "cohort_end_date"))) expect_no_error(addDemographics(cdm$cohort1, ageGroup = 10)) expect_identical( cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::collect(), cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics(age = FALSE, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE) |> dplyr::collect() ) }) test_that("addDemographics, cohort and condition_occurrence", { cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), seed = 11, numberIndividuals = 10 ) oldcohort <- cdm$cohort1 cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics(ageImposeMonth = TRUE, ageImposeDay = TRUE) cdm$condition_occurrence <- cdm$condition_occurrence |> addDemographics( indexDate = "condition_start_date", ageImposeMonth = TRUE, ageImposeDay = TRUE ) expect_true(length(attributes(cdm$cohort1)) == length(attributes(oldcohort))) for (i in names(attributes(cdm$cohort1))) { if (i != "names" && i != "tbl_name" && i != "cdm_reference") { x <- attr(cdm$cohort1, i) y <- attr(oldcohort, i) if (i == "class") { x <- x[x != "GeneratedCohortSet"] y <- y[y != "GeneratedCohortSet"] } expect_true(identical(x, y)) } } expect_true(all(c("age", "sex", "prior_observation") %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1))) expect_true(all( c("age", "sex", "prior_observation") %in% colnames(cdm$condition_occurrence) )) mockDisconnect(cdm = cdm) }) test_that("addDemographics, parameters", { cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = dplyr::tibble( person_id = as.integer(c(1, 3)), year_of_birth = as.integer(c(1998, 1998)), month_of_birth = 4L, day_of_birth = 1L, gender_concept_id = 8532L, race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ), cohort1 = dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1L, subject_id = c(1L, 1L, 3L), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-06-01", "2050-01-01")), cohort_end_date = cohort_start_date ), observation_period = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(1:2), person_id = as.integer(c(1, 3)), observation_period_start_date = as.Date(c("2006-05-09", "2010-01-01")), observation_period_end_date = as.Date(c("2028-05-09", "2055-01-01")), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) ) cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", ageGroup = list("age_group" = list(c(0, 40), c(41, Inf))), ageImposeMonth = TRUE, ageImposeDay = TRUE ) expect_true(all( c("age", "sex", "prior_observation", "age_group") %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1) )) s <- cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::filter( .data$subject_id == 1 & .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2020-01-01") ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(s$age == 22) expect_true(s$sex == "Female") expect_true(s$prior_observation == 4985) expect_true(s$age_group == "0 to 40") s <- cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::filter( .data$subject_id == 1 & .data$cohort_start_date == as.Date("2020-06-01") ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(s$age == 22) expect_true(s$sex == "Female") expect_true(s$prior_observation == 5137) expect_true(s$age_group == "0 to 40") s <- cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::filter(.data$subject_id == 3) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(s$age == 52) expect_true(s$sex == "Female") expect_true(s$prior_observation == 14610) expect_true(s$age_group == "41 or above") }) test_that("partial demographics - cohorts", { cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), seed = 11, numberIndividuals = 10 ) # only age cdm$cohort1a <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = TRUE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) # age and age group expect_equal( colnames(cdm$cohort1a), c( "cohort_definition_id", "subject_id", "cohort_start_date", "cohort_end_date", "age" ) ) # only sex cdm$cohort1b <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = TRUE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) expect_equal( colnames(cdm$cohort1b), c( "cohort_definition_id", "subject_id", "cohort_start_date", "cohort_end_date", "sex" ) ) # only prior history cdm$cohort1c <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = TRUE, futureObservation = FALSE ) expect_equal( colnames(cdm$cohort1c), c( "cohort_definition_id", "subject_id", "cohort_start_date", "cohort_end_date", "prior_observation" ) ) # only future observation cdm$cohort1d <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = TRUE ) expect_equal( colnames(cdm$cohort1d), c( "cohort_definition_id", "subject_id", "cohort_start_date", "cohort_end_date", "future_observation" ) ) # all cdm$cohort1e <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = TRUE, ageGroup = list(c(0, 100)), sex = TRUE, priorObservation = TRUE, futureObservation = TRUE ) # age and age group expect_equal( colnames(cdm$cohort1e), c( "cohort_definition_id", "subject_id", "cohort_start_date", "cohort_end_date", "age", "age_group", "sex", "prior_observation", "future_observation" ) ) }) test_that("partial demographics - omop tables", { cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), seed = 11, numberIndividuals = 10 ) # only age cdm$condition_occurrence1a <- cdm$condition_occurrence |> addDemographics( indexDate = "condition_start_date", age = TRUE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE ) # age and age group expect_true(c("age") %in% colnames(cdm$condition_occurrence1a)) expect_true(all(!c("sex", "age_group", "prior_observation") %in% colnames(cdm$condition_occurrence1a))) # only sex cdm$cohort1b <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = TRUE, priorObservation = FALSE ) expect_true(c("sex") %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1b)) expect_true(all(!c("age", "age_group", "prior_observation") %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1b))) # only prior history cdm$cohort1c <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = TRUE ) expect_true(c("prior_observation") %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1c)) expect_true(all(!c("age", "age_group", "sex") %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1c))) # all cdm$condition_occurrence1d <- cdm$condition_occurrence |> addDemographics( indexDate = "condition_start_date", age = TRUE, ageGroup = list(c(0, 100)), sex = TRUE, priorObservation = TRUE ) # age and age group expect_true(all(c("age", "sex", "prior_observation") %in% colnames(cdm$condition_occurrence1d))) }) test_that("priorObservation and future_observation - outside of observation period", { # priorObservation should be NA if index date is outside of an observation period condition_occurrence <- dplyr::tibble( condition_occurrence_id = 1:2, person_id = 1:2, condition_concept_id = 0, condition_start_date = as.Date(c("2000-02-01")), condition_end_date = as.Date(c("2001-02-01")), condition_type_concept_id = 0 ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), condition_occurrence = condition_occurrence, observation_period = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1:2, person_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2005-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2025-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) ) cdm$condition_occurrence <- cdm$condition_occurrence |> addDemographics( indexDate = "condition_start_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = TRUE, futureObservation = TRUE ) # both should be missing expect_true(all(is.na(cdm$condition_occurrence |> dplyr::pull(prior_observation)))) expect_true(all(is.na(cdm$condition_occurrence |> dplyr::pull(future_observation)))) }) test_that("priorObservation - multiple observation periods", { skip_on_cran() # with multiple observation periods, # prior history should relate to the most recent observation start date person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = c(1L, 2L), gender_concept_id = 1L, year_of_birth = 1980L, month_of_birth = 01L, day_of_birth = 01L, race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = c(1L, 2L, 3L), person_id = c(1L, 1L, 2L), observation_period_start_date = c( as.Date("2000-01-01"), as.Date("2010-01-01"), as.Date("2010-01-01") ), observation_period_end_date = c( as.Date("2005-01-01"), as.Date("2015-01-01"), as.Date("2015-01-01") ), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1L, subject_id = c(1L, 2L), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2012-02-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2013-02-01")) ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, observation_period = observation_period, cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort1 ) cdm$cohort1a <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_start_date", age = FALSE, ageGroup = NULL, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = TRUE, futureObservation = TRUE ) expect_true(nrow(cdm$cohort1a |> dplyr::collect()) == 2) expect_true(all(cdm$cohort1a |> dplyr::pull(prior_observation) == as.numeric(difftime(as.Date("2012-02-01"), as.Date("2010-01-01"), units = "days" )))) expect_true(all(cdm$cohort1a |> dplyr::pull(future_observation) == as.numeric(difftime(as.Date("2015-01-01"), as.Date("2012-02-01"), units = "days" )))) }) test_that("check that no extra rows are added", { skip_on_cran() cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = as.integer(c(1, 2, 1, 2, 1)), subject_id = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-01", "2021-07-01", "2021-07-01", "2022-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-01", "2021-07-01", "2021-07-01", "2022-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(c(1, 2, 3)), person_id = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1)), observation_period_start_date = as.Date(c("2015-06-30", "2019-06-30", "2021-06-30")), observation_period_end_date = as.Date(c("2018-06-30", "2020-06-30", "2022-06-30")), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), cohort1 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period, cohort2 = cohort1 ) # using temp cdm$cohort1_new <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_start_date", age = TRUE, ageGroup = list(c(10, 100)), sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) # temp tables created by dbplyr expect_true( cdm$cohort1_new |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() == cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() ) # using temp cdm$cohort1_new <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_start_date", age = FALSE, sex = TRUE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) # temp tables created by dbplyr expect_true( cdm$cohort1_new |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() == cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() ) # using temp cdm$cohort1_new <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_start_date", age = FALSE, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = TRUE, futureObservation = FALSE ) # temp tables created by dbplyr expect_true( cdm$cohort1_new |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() == cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() ) # using temp cdm$cohort1_new <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_start_date", age = FALSE, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = TRUE ) # temp tables created by dbplyr expect_true( cdm$cohort1_new |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() == cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::tally() |> dplyr::pull() ) }) test_that("age at cohort end, no missing, check age computation", { cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1L, subject_id = 1:2, cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2002-11-30", "2002-12-02")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2013-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1:2, person_id = 1:2, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2001-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = 1:2, gender_concept_id = 8507L, year_of_birth = 2001L, month_of_birth = 12L, day_of_birth = 1L, race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, cohort1 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period, cohort2 = cohort1 ) # check if exact age is computed, ie, dob 2000-01-01, target date 2000-12-01 --> age 0 # dob 2000-01-01, target date 2001-01-02 --> age 1 result <- cdm[["cohort1"]] |> addAge(ageImposeMonth = FALSE, ageImposeDay = FALSE) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(result |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull("age") == 0) expect_true(result |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull("age") == 1) result <- addDemographics( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], ageImposeMonth = FALSE, ageImposeDay = FALSE ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(result |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull("age") == 0) expect_true(result |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull("age") == 1) }) test_that("age at cohort entry, missing year/month/day of birth", { cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1L, subject_id = 1:3, cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2010-03-03", "2010-03-01", "2010-02-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2013-01-01", "2013-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1:3, person_id = 1:3, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0 ) person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = 1:3, gender_concept_id = 8507L, year_of_birth = as.integer(c(2000, NA, 2000)), month_of_birth = as.integer(c(03, 07, NA)), day_of_birth = as.integer(c(NA, 02, 01)), race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period ) result <- addAge( x = cdm$cohort1, ageImposeMonth = FALSE, ageImposeDay = FALSE, ageMissingMonth = 4, ageMissingDay = 4 ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(c(colnames(cohort1), "age") %in% colnames(result))) expect_equal(nrow(result), 3) expect_true(all(c(9, NA) %in% result$age)) resultB <- addDemographics( x = cdm$cohort1, ageImposeMonth = FALSE, ageImposeDay = FALSE, ageMissingMonth = 4, ageMissingDay = 4, sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE, ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_equal(result, resultB) }) test_that("multiple cohortIds, check age at cohort end", { cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = as.integer(1:3), subject_id = as.integer(1:3), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2009-12-01", "2010-01-01", "2010-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2013-01-01", "2018-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(1:3), person_id = as.integer(1:3), observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = as.integer(1:3), gender_concept_id = as.integer(c(8507, 8532, 8507)), year_of_birth = as.integer(c(2000, 2000, NA)), month_of_birth = as.integer(c(NA, 01, 01)), day_of_birth = as.integer(c(01, 01, 01)), race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period ) result <- cdm[["cohort1"]] |> addAge(indexDate = "cohort_end_date") |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(c("1", "2", "3") %in% result$subject_id)) expect_true(all(c(15, 13, NA) %in% result$age)) resultB <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( indexDate = "cohort_end_date", sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE, ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_equal(result, resultB) }) test_that("age group checks", { skip_on_cran() cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = as.integer(1:3), subject_id = as.integer(1:3), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2009-12-01", "2010-01-01", "2010-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2013-01-01", "2018-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(1:3), person_id = as.integer(1:3), observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = as.integer(1:3), gender_concept_id = as.integer(c(8507, 8532, 8507)), year_of_birth = as.integer(c(1980, 1970, 2000)), month_of_birth = as.integer(c(3, 7, NA)), day_of_birth = as.integer(c(NA, 02, 01)), race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period ) x <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() result1a <- x |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list("age_group" = list(c(1, 20), c(21, 30), c(31, 40))) ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) result1b <- addDemographics( cdm$cohort1, ageGroup = list("age_group" = list(c(1, 20), c(21, 30), c(31, 40))), sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) expect_true(all(result1a$age_group == c("1 to 20", "21 to 30", "31 to 40"))) expect_equal(result1a, result1b) # change the order of ageGroup provided, result should be the same result2a <- x |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list("age_group" = list(c(21, 30), c(1, 20), c(31, 40))) ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) result3a <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge(ageGroup = list(c(1, 20), c(21, 30), c(31, 40))) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(.data$age) expect_true(identical(result1a, result2a)) expect_true(identical(result1a, result3a)) result2b <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( ageGroup = list("age_group" = list(c(21, 30), c(1, 20), c(31, 40))), sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) result3b <- addDemographics( cdm$cohort1, ageGroup = list("age_group" = list(c(1, 20), c(21, 30), c(31, 40))), sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) expect_true(identical(result1b, result2b)) expect_true(identical(result1b, result3b)) # if age has missing values cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = as.integer(1:3), subject_id = as.integer(1:3), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2009-12-01", "2010-01-01", "2010-01-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2013-01-01", "2018-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(1:3), person_id = as.integer(1:3), observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = as.integer(1:3), gender_concept_id = as.integer(c(8507, 8532, 8507)), year_of_birth = as.integer(c(NA, 1970, 2000)), month_of_birth = as.integer(c(3, 7, NA)), day_of_birth = as.integer(c(NA, 02, 01)), race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period ) result1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() |> addCategories( "age", list("age_group" = list(c(1, 20), c(21, 30), c(31, 40))) ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) expect_true( result1 |> dplyr::filter(is.na(age)) |> dplyr::pull("age_group") |> is.na() ) # not all ages in age group result2 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() |> addCategories( "age", list("age_group" = list(c(35, 45))) ) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(age) expect_true(result2 |> dplyr::filter(age == 10) |> dplyr::pull("age_group") == "None") }) test_that("age variable names", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) result <- addAge( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], ageName = "current_age", indexDate = "cohort_end_date" ) |> addDemographics( ageName = "working_age", sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(c("current_age", "working_age") %in% colnames(result))) }) test_that("expected errors", { skip_on_cran() # check input length and type for each of the arguments cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), seed = 1, numberIndividuals = 5 ) expect_error(addAge("cdm$cohort1")) expect_error(addAge(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = "subject_id")) expect_error(expect_error(addAge(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = "cohort_start_date", ageMissingMonth = "1" ))) expect_error(expect_error(addAge(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = "cohort_start_date", ageMissingDay = "1" ))) expect_error(addAge(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = "cohort_start_date", ageImposeMonth = "TRUE" )) expect_error(addAge(cdm$cohort1, indexDate = "cohort_start_date", ageImposeDay = "TRUE" )) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) expect_error(result <- addAge()) expect_error(result <- addAge( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], ageImposeDay = 1 )) expect_error(result <- addAge( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], ageImposeMonth = 1 )) expect_error(result <- addAge( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], indexDate = "date" )) expect_error(result <- addAge( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], ageMissingMonth = 1.1 )) expect_error(result <- addAge( x = cdm[["cohort1"]], ageMissingDay = 1.1 )) cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1L, subject_id = as.integer(1:3), cohort_start_date = as.Date(c("2010-03-03", "2010-03-01", "2010-02-01")), cohort_end_date = as.Date(c("2015-01-01", "2013-01-01", "2013-01-01")) ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(1:3), person_id = as.integer(1:3), observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2020-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = as.integer(1:3), gender_concept_id = as.integer(c(8507, 8507, 8507)), year_of_birth = as.integer(c(1980, 1970, 2000)), month_of_birth = as.integer(c(03, 07, NA)), day_of_birth = as.integer(c(NA, 02, 01)), race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person, cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort1, observation_period = observation_period ) cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() # error if overlapping ageGroups expect_error(addCategories( cdm$cohort1, "age", list("age_group" = list(c(1, 22), c(19, 30), c(31, 40))) )) # throw error if length of vector in agegroup is not 2 expect_error(addCategories( cdm$cohort1, "age", list("age_group" = list(c(1, 2, 3))) )) # if x does not have "age" column, it has to be in cdm expect_error(addCategories( cdm$cohort2, "age", list("age_group" = list(c(1, 2))) )) }) test_that("addCategories input", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), seed = 1, numberIndividuals = 5 ) # overwrite when categories named same as variable, throw warning expect_error( cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list("age" = list(c(1, 30), c(31, 99))) ) ) expect_error( cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE, ageGroup = list("age" = list(c(1, 30), c(31, 40))) ) ) # default group name when no input expect_true("category_1" %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list(list(c(1, 30), c(31, 40))) ))) # Error when x is not a tibble expect_error(c(1, 2, 3, 4) |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list(list(c(1, 30), c(31, 40))) )) result <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list( list(c(1, 30), c(31, 40)), list(c(0, 50), c(51, 100)) ) ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(c("category_1", "category_2") %in% colnames(result))) # ERROR when repeat group name expect_error(cdm$cohort1 |> addAge() |> addCategories( variable = "age", categories = list( "age_A" = list(c(0, 30), c(31, 120)), "age_A" = list(c(1, 18), c(19, 40)) ) )) expect_error( cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE, ageGroup = list( "age_A" = list(c(0, 30), c(31, 120)), "age_A" = list(c(1, 18), c(19, 40)) ) ) ) # Error when x is not a cdm object }) test_that("test if column exist, overwrite", { skip_on_cran() cohort1 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), subject_id = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2)), cohort_start_date = as.Date( c( "2020-01-01", "2020-01-15", "2020-01-20", "2020-01-01", "2020-02-01" ) ), cohort_end_date = as.Date( c( "2020-01-01", "2020-01-15", "2020-01-20", "2020-01-01", "2020-02-01" ) ), "age" = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), sex = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), prior_observation = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), future_observation = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1) ) cohort2 <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), subject_id = as.integer(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1)), cohort_start_date = as.Date( c( "2020-01-15", "2020-01-25", "2020-01-26", "2020-01-29", "2020-03-15", "2020-01-24", "2020-02-16" ) ), cohort_end_date = as.Date( c( "2020-01-15", "2020-01-25", "2020-01-26", "2020-01-29", "2020-03-15", "2020-01-24", "2020-02-16" ) ), ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = as.integer(1:3), person_id = as.integer(1:3), observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2025-01-01"), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), cohort1 = cohort1, cohort2 = cohort2, observation_period = observation_period ) expect_warning( result <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics() |> dplyr::collect() ) expect_true(sum(colnames(result) == "age") == 1) expect_true(sum(colnames(result) == "sex") == 1) expect_true(sum(colnames(result) == "prior_observation") == 1) expect_true(sum(colnames(result) == "future_observation") == 1) expect_true(all(result |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(age) != cohort1 |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(age), na.rm = TRUE)) expect_true(all(result |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(sex) != cohort1 |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(sex), na.rm = TRUE)) expect_true(all(result |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(prior_observation) != cohort1 |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(prior_observation), na.rm = TRUE)) expect_true(all(result |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(future_observation) != cohort1 |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_start_date, subject_id) |> dplyr::select(future_observation), na.rm = TRUE)) }) test_that("date of birth", { skip_on_cran() person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = as.integer(1:2), gender_concept_id = 8507L, year_of_birth = as.integer(c(2001, 2005)), month_of_birth = as.integer(c(12, 06)), day_of_birth = as.integer(c(01, 15)), race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) cdm <- mockPatientProfiles( con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema(), person = person ) personDOB <- cdm$person |> addDateOfBirth() |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(personDOB |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2001-12-01") expect_true(personDOB |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2005-06-15") drug_exposure_dob <- cdm$drug_exposure |> addDateOfBirth() |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(drug_exposure_dob |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2001-12-01")) expect_true(all(drug_exposure_dob |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2005-06-15")) cohort_dob <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDateOfBirth() |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(cohort_dob |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2001-12-01") expect_true(cohort_dob |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2005-06-15") personDOB2 <- cdm$person |> addDateOfBirth(imposeDay = TRUE, imposeMonth = TRUE) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(personDOB2 |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2001-01-01") expect_true(personDOB2 |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2005-01-01") drug_exposure_dob2 <- cdm$drug_exposure |> addDateOfBirth(imposeDay = TRUE, imposeMonth = TRUE) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(drug_exposure_dob2 |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2001-01-01")) expect_true(all(drug_exposure_dob2 |> dplyr::filter(person_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2005-01-01")) cohortDOB2 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDateOfBirth(imposeDay = TRUE, imposeMonth = TRUE) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(cohortDOB2 |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 1) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2001-01-01") expect_true(cohortDOB2 |> dplyr::filter(subject_id == 2) |> dplyr::pull(date_of_birth) == "2005-01-01") }) test_that("missing levels", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) result <- cdm[["cohort1"]] |> addDemographics( ageGroup = list(c(0, 25)), sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) |> dplyr::collect() expect_true("None" %in% result$age_group) expect_true(all(is.na(result$age_group[is.na(result$age)]))) result <- cdm$cohort1 |> addSex() |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(!is.na(result$sex))) result <- cdm$person |> dplyr::mutate(gender_concept_id = "111") |> addSex() |> dplyr::collect() expect_true(all(!is.na(result$sex))) }) test_that("overwriting obs period variables", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDateOfBirth() |> addDemographics() expect_true(all(c( "date_of_birth", "age", "sex", "prior_observation", "future_observation" ) %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1))) cdm$cohort2 <- cdm$cohort2 |> dplyr::mutate(observation_period_start_date = "a") |> addPriorObservation() |> addFutureObservation() |> addInObservation() expect_true(all(c( "observation_period_start_date", "prior_observation", "future_observation", "in_observation" ) %in% colnames(cdm$cohort2))) expect_identical( cdm$cohort2 |> dplyr::pull("observation_period_start_date") |> unique(), "a" ) }) test_that("addDemographics, date of birth option", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) expect_no_error(x <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics(dateOfBirth = T)) expect_true("date_of_birth" %in% colnames(x)) expect_no_error( x <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics(dateOfBirth = T, dateOfBirthName = "abc") ) expect_true("abc" %in% colnames(x)) expect_false("date_of_birth" %in% colnames(x)) expect_no_error(x <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics(dateOfBirth = F)) expect_false("date_of_birth" %in% colnames(x)) mockDisconnect(cdm = cdm) }) test_that("allow NA as age_group", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) expect_no_error( cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addAge(ageGroup = list(c(1500, 1500)), missingAgeGroupValue = NA_character_) ) expect_true(all(is.na(cdm$cohort1 |> dplyr::pull("age_group")))) mockDisconnect(cdm = cdm) }) test_that("allow age_group only", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) expect_no_error( cdm$cohort1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographics( age = FALSE, ageGroup = list(c(0, 39), c(40, Inf)), sex = FALSE, priorObservation = FALSE, futureObservation = FALSE ) ) expect_true("age_group" %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1)) expect_false("age" %in% colnames(cdm$cohort1)) mockDisconnect(cdm = cdm) }) test_that("query gives same result as main function", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) # we should get the same results if compute was internal or not result_1 <- cdm$cohort1 |> PatientProfiles::addDemographics() |> dplyr::collect()|> dplyr::arrange(cohort_definition_id, subject_id, cohort_start_date) result_2 <- cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographicsQuery() |> dplyr::collect()|> dplyr::arrange(cohort_definition_id, subject_id, cohort_start_date) expect_equal(result_1, result_2) # check no tables are created along the way with query start_tables <- CDMConnector::listSourceTables(cdm) cdm$cohort1 |> addDemographicsQuery() end_tables <- CDMConnector::listSourceTables(cdm) expect_equal(start_tables, end_tables) mockDisconnect(cdm) }) test_that("table names", { skip_on_cran() cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) # we should get the same results if compute was internal or not # by default will create a temp table if no name supplied expect_no_error(cdm$cohort2 <- cdm$cohort1 |> PatientProfiles::addDemographics()) # providing a name will create a table with that name # must be the same on both sides of assinment expect_error(cdm$cohort2 <- cdm$cohort1 |> PatientProfiles::addDemographics(name = "cohort_3")) expect_no_error(cdm$cohort_3 <- cdm$cohort1 |> PatientProfiles::addDemographics(name = "cohort_3")) mockDisconnect(cdm) }) test_that("test query functions", { cdm <- mockPatientProfiles(con = connection(), writeSchema = writeSchema()) fun1 <- list( addAge, addSex, addDemographics, addDateOfBirth, addInObservation, addPriorObservation, addFutureObservation ) fun2 <- list( addAgeQuery, addSexQuery, addDemographicsQuery, addDateOfBirthQuery, addInObservationQuery, addPriorObservationQuery, addFutureObservationQuery ) for (k in seq_along(fun1)) { x <- do.call(fun1[[k]], list(cdm$cohort1)) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_definition_id, subject_id, cohort_start_date) y <- do.call(fun2[[k]], list(cdm$cohort1)) |> dplyr::collect() |> dplyr::arrange(cohort_definition_id, subject_id, cohort_start_date) expect_identical(x, y) } mockDisconnect(cdm) })