library(testthat) test_that("initialize_frames correctly initializes frames", { num_frames <- 3 frames <- initialize_frames(num_frames) expect_equal(length(frames), num_frames) expect_true(all(sapply(frames, is.null))) }) test_that("is_page_in_frames correctly checks for page presence", { frames <- c(7, 0, 1) expect_true(is_page_in_frames(0, frames)) expect_true(is_page_in_frames(7, frames)) expect_false(is_page_in_frames(2, frames)) expect_false(is_page_in_frames(3, frames)) }) test_that("find_optimal_index correctly finds the optimal page index", { frames <- c(7, 0, 1) reference_string <- c(7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) current_index <- 3 optimal_index <- find_optimal_index(frames, reference_string, current_index) expect_equal(optimal_index, 1) }) test_that("simulate_optimal correctly handles page replacement", { reference_string <- c(7, 0, 1, 2) num_frames <- 3 frames <- initialize_frames(num_frames) page_faults <- 0 for (i in seq_along(reference_string)) { current_page <- reference_string[i] reason <- "" is_fault <- FALSE if (is_page_in_frames(current_page, frames)) { reason <- "Page already in frames." } else { page_faults <- page_faults + 1 is_fault <- TRUE if (any(sapply(frames, is.null))) { empty_index <- which(sapply(frames, is.null))[1] frames[[empty_index]] <- current_page reason <- paste("Inserted page", current_page, "into an empty frame (frame", empty_index, ").") } else { optimal_index <- find_optimal_index(frames, reference_string, i) optimal_page <- frames[[optimal_index]] frames[[optimal_index]] <- current_page reason <- paste("Replaced page", optimal_page, "(frame", optimal_index, ") with page", current_page, "using Optimal algorithm.") } } } expect_equal(page_faults, 4) s reference_string <- c(7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3) num_frames <- 3 frames <- initialize_frames(num_frames) page_faults <- 0 for (i in seq_along(reference_string)) { current_page <- reference_string[i] reason <- "" is_fault <- FALSE if (is_page_in_frames(current_page, frames)) { reason <- "Page already in frames." } else { page_faults <- page_faults + 1 is_fault <- TRUE if (any(sapply(frames, is.null))) { empty_index <- which(sapply(frames, is.null))[1] frames[[empty_index]] <- current_page reason <- paste("Inserted page", current_page, "into an empty frame (frame", empty_index, ").") } else { optimal_index <- find_optimal_index(frames, reference_string, i) optimal_page <- frames[[optimal_index]] frames[[optimal_index]] <- current_page reason <- paste("Replaced page", optimal_page, "(frame", optimal_index, ") with page", current_page, "using Optimal algorithm.") } } } expect_equal(page_faults, 5) }) test_that("draw_frames correctly formats the frame output", { frames <- c(7, 0, 1) output <- capture.output(draw_frames(frames, step = 1, current_page = 7, is_fault = TRUE, reason = "Inserted page 7")) expect_true(any(grepl("Step:", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("Current Page:", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("Page Fault:", output))) expect_true(any(grepl("| 7 |", output))) })